Ger Rebus BBC

Rebus Series 1 Episode 5 Recap

Episode 5 begins with DS John Rebus (Richard Rankin) waking hungover only to discover from Gill Templer (Caroline Lee Johnson) that Andy Rolland (Terrence Rae) is dead and Michael Rebus (Brian Ferguson) is missing. The line of questioning Gill pursues suggests that she thinks the shooting is tied to Jack Anderson (Seamus McLean Ross). Despite that, she still doesn’t understand why Michael is missing or why the supposed gunmen had Northern Irish accents. Gill does mention Ger Cafferty (Stuart Bowman) having Northern Ireland contact through his drug connections but Rebus doesn’t get much time to consider this thanks to an outraged Chrissie Rebus (Neshla Caplan) showing up and tearing into him verbally and physically.

Malcolm Fox (Thoren Ferguson) attempts to use his relationship with DC Siobhan Clarke (Lucie Shorthouse) to learn more about the shooting but doesn’t learn much because she doesn’t know anything. He does possibly suspect she is holding out because he tells her this isn’t going to look good in the press. The discussion ends when Rebus returns and is called in for questioning.

The interrogation ends with Rebus learning that he’s being removed from the investigation and being formally investigated. This sends him into Gill’s office in a blind rage where he immediately accuses her of ratting on him for meeting with Cafferty. After she tells him that she didn’t say anything, he automatically assumes it was Siobhan. Despite Gill warning him to be careful and go home, practically accuses her of ratting him out to advance her career. The dispute doesn’t get very far thanks to a call from Maggie Blantyre (Michelle Duncan).

Siobhan Rebus BBC

As it turns out, Michael isn’t missing at all but rather hiding in plain sight while looking for Darryl Christie (Noof Ousellam) and Shaun Strang (Aston McAuley). He also just happens to have joined up with Gary ‘Cammy’ Campbell (Cassidy Little) and Neil MacKenzie (Andrew John Tait). After learning that the MMA gym is closed, they decide it’s not worth the risk of breaking in.

Neither Darryl nor Shaun appears to be doing too well as they are still captive in the abandoned apartment. Even worse, they can hear tortured screams emanating from the adjoining room. Shaun does apologize for giving Darryl up and even jokes that he always thought he would be able to withstand more torture. Their little reunion quickly ends when Cafferty arrives with Alan Fowler (Ryan Hayes) and Davey Mathieson (Patrick O’Brien) to whisk Darryl for the room. He is taken into another room where he is questioned about who killed Jamie Cochran.

Darryl doesn’t reveal anything that could lead back to Michael, but it soon becomes clear that Cafferty is not comfortable with Davey and Alan around. He continually encourages them to get back to Belfast because of the incident with Andy. Cafferty later tries to ally with Darryl and convince him to work with him to find out who robbed the shipping yard so they can get rid of the Irish. Cafferty goes on for several minutes trying to stress how having the Irish in their business isn’t good for either of them, but Darryl shows little interest because he thinks Cafferty had something to do with his father’s death. At one point, Cafferty flat-out tells him that the death was between his father and Jimmy McJagger (Gilly Gilchrist).

Michael Rebus BBC

With no luck at tracking down Darryl or Shaun, Michael and his crew assume that they’ve either been arrested or fled the country. Neil gets word from someone that the police have just been to his house which leads to him suggesting Michael reach out to Rebus for Shaun or Darryl’s whereabouts.

Rebus is now with Maggie, staring down at the deceased George Blantyre (Sean Buchanan), slumped over in his recliner. She storms off crying after he asks if she’s still glad that she told him about their affair. After a bit of minor breakdown himself, he apologizes to her for saying that but not what he said the previous night about not wanting her. He also encourages her to notify the police of George’s death.

Chrissie takes Michael Junior (Aiden Connell) and Liam Rebus (Cailean Galloway) to stay with Rhona Moncrieffe (Amy Manson) and Lockie Moncrieffe (Nick Rhys). Chrissie has a bit of a breakdown herself and apologizes for jumping down Rhona’s throat the other day for offering help. Rhona plays it down and also encourages her to reach out to Rebus because he will want to help in any way he can.

Now at Darryl’s bar, Cafferty jokes about the poor attendance and even teases him a bit by offering to take the establishment off his hands as a favor for what McJagger did to his father. He eventually gets serious and tells Darryl that their current predicament is his fault because he thought he could rob him and get away with it. Darryl doesn’t get much of an opportunity to respond thanks to Cafferty’s ringing phone. Although the conversation isn’t really revealed, Cafferty says the name Michael Rebus, hangs up and calls Maggie. After they schedule a meeting at the Oxford Bar, Rebus flips out on Maggie, accusing her of shady dealings with Cafferty. She denies being involved with him and Rebus appears to believe her or at least he apologizes before returning home. Cafferty leaves Darryl under the watch of one of his men when he later leaves for the meet.

Andy Rebus BBC

Not long after Rebus returns to his flat, Michael shows up. If Rebus wasn’t surprised, he is when Michael asks him for help locating Cafferty so he can kill him. Michael doesn’t know that Rebus knows Cafferty or Darryl so he spends several minutes telling Rebus about everything leading up to Andy’s death and his current predicament. Rebus flips out a bit after hearing the shipping yard belongs to Billy Cochran, former UDA paramilitary. When the conversation gets back on track, Michael promises to give Rebus anything he wants if he tells him where Cafferty is. Rebus first sarcastically says he wants his family back then surprises Michael by telling him that he doesn’t have to give him anything because he wants Cafferty as well.

Darryl cleverly manages to get by Cafferty’s man at the nightclub and when he does his first call goes to Siobhan. Although he requests a meeting with Rebus, he ends up later meeting with her at the National Library of Scotland. Their meeting is fairly brief and after a bit of banter, he gives her the address where Shaun is being held, 55 Gilmerton Gardens, and alludes to others being there that she might want to question in connection with the shooting. He tells her not to go alone and also says to make sure Rebus knows he provided the assist. Siobhan immediately calls Gill with the discovery.

Sometime later that day, Rebus surprises Rhona and Sammy Rebus (Mia Mckenzie) at the end of the school day. As he watches them from afar, it appears that at one point he considers leaving without saying anything but changes his mind. Although Rhona tells Sammy to go wait in the car, she stays. The brief meeting almost comes off as a final goodbye and that is the way Rhona takes it as well, although she does encourage Rebus to help Michael. Rebus says he’s going to help him but alludes to knowing very little about what is going on. It’s ended with him apologizing and telling them that he loves them.

Sammy Rebus BBC

Cafferty is just outside the Oxford Bar when he’s headed off by Michael and his crew. After a quick search, tying him up, and disposing of his phone, Michael and his crew take Cafferty to what appears to be a rural barn of sorts.

Siobhan and Gill discuss Rebus suspecting her of ratting him out to Malcolm while they watch the police raid the address provided by Darryl. Siobhan doesn’t deny telling but her reaction makes it seem as if she didn’t share it to be used as leverage. It’s not long before the police raid the address and arrest Alan and Davey. Shaun is still alive but not in great shape.

Rhona returns home with Sammy where she tries to pry more information out of Chrissie. The episode ends with Rebus joining Michael and his crew. Michael, Neil, and Cammy are all shocked to learn that Rebus and Cafferty are well acquainted but shocked further when Rebus claims he wants to be the one to put a bullet in Cafferty’s head.


Rebus Review

A decent episode, although some of the content felt ‘off.’ For instance, I have a hard time imagining that Cafferty would show up at the pub alone or without at least suspecting or staking the place out first. I also found it strange when Siobhan appears to never have considered the fact that Rebus suspected her of ratting him out to Malcolm. He practically accused her of it during their last meeting at the station. George’s death was a bit unexpected but not a total shocker.

I certainly didn’t expect Chrissie to turn to Rhona for help. I did appreciate the practical way Darryl handled Shaun ratting him out. That alone added a lot of authenticity to the series that you don’t get with most police procedurals. I’d give the episode a 5.8 and can’t wait for the finale. Oh, Alan’s nose guard and his constant adjustment were comedy gold.

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