Andy Rebus BBC

Rebus Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

The episode begins with John Rebus (Richard Rankin) sharing what he describes as a recent breakthrough with his therapist, Andrea Thomson (Melissa Collier). It’s soon revealed that Rebus is referring to not feeling any resentment towards Lockie Moncrieffe (Nick Rhys) the day he went to pick up Sammy Rebus (Mia McKenzie). Andrea appears to become troubled when he goes on to admit that Sammy and Rhona Moncrieffe (Amy Manson) are better off with Lockie because he feels as if things are about to come apart at the seams.

Siobhan Rebus BBC

Michael (Brian Ferguson) and Chrissie Rebus (Neshla Caplan) spend the morning lying in bed together where he apologizes for feeling sorry for himself recently. He claims that he now has things figured out.

Michael doesn’t realize that Shaun Strang (Aston McAuley) is just right upstairs questioning Jack (Seamus McLean Ross) and Kai (Craig McLean) about the robbery. The more Shaun learns, the angrier he gets. He hits his breaking point when he learns that Kai mentioned Darryl Christie’s (Noof Ousellam) name and ends up cutting off one of his fingers. Later that day, Michael sees Shaun and his gang leaving the apartment but they don’t give him a second glance.

Elsewhere, Rebus tells Gill Templer (Caroline Lee Johnson) that he and DC Siobhan Clarke (Lucie Shorthouse) have managed to identify the vigilante as ex-Royal Regiment, Andy Rolland (Terence Rae) of Scotland. Before Rebus meets with Siobhan to track down Andy, he receives a call from Rhona, apologizing for not telling him about the baby. He plays it down by claiming to be busy and rushing off the phone. Rebus gets another surprise when he learns that Andy served with Michael. Andy claims he can’t identify the attackers and says he was merely acting on instinct. He does mention a tattoo on one of the attacker’s neck. Once the meeting ends, it becomes clear that Siobhan doesn’t like that Rebus didn’t push Andy harder. She also claims that Andy is homeless because he’s too prideful to seek help.

Sammy Rebus BBC

Rebus eventually reaches out to Michael for help with Andy. After a bit of heckling, Michael calls his former squad leader, Neil MacKenzie (Andrew John Tait). As he does this, Lockie and Rhona discuss setting up a trust fund for Sammy. Rhona opposes the ideal, claiming that Rebus wouldn’t like it and she also wants Sammy to learn to earn her keep.

Rebus and Siobhan arrive at the hospital just a few seconds before Jack slices Jimmy McJagger’s (Gilly Gilchrist) throat. They do manage to arrest him after a hectic struggle in which Siobhan saves Rebus’ life.

Rebus later meets with Gill where he learns about her taking heat from her superiors about the incident at the hospital. He also learns that Jack’s address, Keir Hardie Gardens, is in the same area where Michael has been staying. Much to her surprise, Rebus tells her about Cafferty contacting him and dropping Darryl’s name. Although she isn’t happy with how he came about the information, she tells him that Darryl’s dad used to work for Cafferty before committing suicide. She reluctantly agrees to Rebus visiting Darryl but warns him to not let Cafferty think he is doing so because he ordered him to. Before their meeting ends, Gill also hints about going out on a limb for him the night of the accident and warns him not to mess with her pension.

Rebus later awkwardly thanks Siobhan for intervening at the hospital. After an equally awkward acceptance, he tells her about Cafferty’s phone call. While they leave to question Darryl, Michael and Neil MacKenzie visit Andy. Shaun is sharing the news about Jack killing McJagger with Darryl when Siobhan and Rebus show up at his MMA gym to question him. The meeting is more of an intimidation tactic than anything because Rebus flat-out accuses Darryl of being involved with McJagger’s death and warns him that he’ll be returning if anything further happens. Darryl appears much more interested in Siobhan.

Liam Michael Rebus BBC

Chrissie is in the middle of lecturing Michael Junior (Aiden Connell) and Liam Rebus (Cailean Galloway) about shoplifting when Michael arrives home with Neil and Andy. Neil, she knows and greets openly. Andy is left inside while Michael takes Neil to his shed and gives him some money from his robbery. He doesn’t explain where it came from but simply says he’s not going to be a victim. Neil takes the money and basically tells him, he’s free anytime Michael needs him.

Rebus is surprised to find Rhona waiting on him with groceries when he returns home. It’s not long before they are inside making coffee when she tells him that she wanted to be the one to share the news about the pregnancy but everything happened so fast. He claims he’s fine and even jokes about Sammy’s birth and giving the child a proper name if it’s a boy. The conversation eventually segues into the trust fund and her wanting to see Michael and the family. Much to her surprise, Rebus is all for the fund and even jokes about Lockie setting one up for him. As for visiting Michael, he advises against it. He claims that he’s embarrassed by their living conditions and her visit would only further push the issue.

Siobhan returns home to discuss her day with Kristen (Ami Okumura Jones) but is soon interrupted by a call from Malcolm Fox (Thoren Ferguson). He immediately mentions the incident at the hospital and nearly insists on checking on her in person. She claims to be fine and a good night’s rest is all that is needed but after disconnecting the call, she asks Kristen if she’s in a ‘going out’ mood.

John Rebus BBC

Although Chrissie isn’t happy to learn about Andy’s staying with them, she doesn’t put up too much resistance. She also isn’t happy with Michael’s downplaying of the shoplifting incident but doesn’t give him too much of a hassle over that either. She appears even further disturbed when he gives her some money and only vaguely explains how he came by it. Later that evening Rebus shows up with a very brief apology for hitting Michael the other day. Michael says it was a lucky punch and he took him by surprise. Much to his surprise, Rebus agrees and then asks about the drug dealing in the neighborhood that Michael mentioned during their last visit. Michael reluctantly points out Jack and Kai’s flat. Rebus surprises him once again when he tells him about Jack’s arrest. After seeing Michael’s reaction to Rebus’ announcement, Chrissie later questions him about the money again. He gives her the same story.

The episode ends with Rebus breaking into Jack’s apartment and discovering Kai. Michael watches from his apartment as Rebus loads him into his car and drives off.


Rebus Review

I can’t say the episode was horrible, although I was not completely blown away by it. I can, however, say that I am intrigued. There seems to be a bit of suspense but I cannot honestly say where it comes from. Despite all the incredible acting, the plot and subplots honestly aren’t complex, twisty, or anything new. Rebus follows a story that is nearly as old a time itself, but something is stirring and dark about this series that continues to pull me back in. For that and the tour de force of acting, I’d have to give the episode a 5.4 out of 10.

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