Edward Cuff Nautilus AMC

Nautilus Series 1 Episode 8 Recap

The episode opens with Captain Youngblood (Jacob Collins-Levy) swearing Lord Pitt (Cameron Cuffe) would be arrested for assault on an officer if he weren’t a major Company shareholder. Captain Billy Millais (Luke Arnold) pokes fun at Pitt’s coat. Youngblood asks why Billy joined Nemo’s (Shazad Latif) cricket team and later, alerted Director Crawley (Damien Garvey) of his intentions in London. Ignoring the question, Billy sips on a flask of alcohol. Aboard the Nautilus, Nemo stares at a photo of his father at a Company dinner. A map outlining East India Company’s assets is spread out on his desk. The crew is freezing and the oxygen level is quickly depleting. Nemo claims there is enough oxygen to reach the North Sea but the crew and passengers aren’t so sure. They pass a sunken ship and its dead crew. Nemo orders them to close the shield over the porthole. Jiacomo (Andrew Shaw) reluctantly obeys. Later, Kia (Tyrone Ngatai) is obviously glad Loti (Celine Menville) rejoined the Nautilus crew. Suyin (Ling Cooper Tang) and Ranbir (Ashan Kumar) are disturbed by the sunken ship. He questions why Nemo chose to under the ice floe instead of the northeast passage to Halvar. Kai suggests it gave them an advantage over the Dreadnought. Ranbir suggests a revolt like Jagadish (Chum Ehelepola) started in Karajaan which improved conditions for the servants. When Turan (Arlo Green) seems interested, Boniface (Pacharo Mzembe) intervenes to stop them from saying anything further.

Nemo Nautilus AMC

On a nearby cot, Edward Cuff (Benedict Hardie) wakes up. Suyin says they would need a leader. Turan recommends Humility. Loti and Ranbir disagree because of her close relationship to Nemo. A short time later, Suyin urges Boniface to lead the crew after they rebel against Nemo. He agrees to speak with Nemo. She doubts it will help. As he promised, Boniface tells Nemo that the crew has concerns about traveling under the ice floe. Nemo argues that it is the quickest route to Halvar. Boniface urges him to convince the crew that it is in their best interest. Humility Lucas (Georgia Flood) listens from the doorway before entering the room. When Nemo leaves to speak with his crew, she reads his paperwork. He assures the crew that they will safely reach the Northern Seas. Humility claims their oxygen supply will run out in three days. Nemo says she is mistaken. Nemo admits there is no way to determine how long it will last. Ranbir says if they turn around, they can reach the end of the ice in two days. Humility warns against putting more strain on the engine. Nemo insists they speed up and move items in the airlock. Boniface relieves him of his duty. Nemo draws his weapon. Kai charges him. Loti throws her knife, hitting Nemo’s arm to stop him from shooting Kai. A struggle ensues, Nemo’s pistol misfires, and grazes Turan’s leg. Kai and Suyin restrain Nemo. Boniface orders Cuff to turn around and open the shield.

Blaster Nautilus AMC

Locked in his cabin, Nemo is trying to cut off his restraints, Humility and Blaster (Kayden Price) enter. She demands to know why he endangered his crew when she spots the Company photo. She says he will never take down the Company alone and claims to care about what happens to him. She badgers him with questions about his crew. It becomes apparent, he knows nothing about them. Blaster gets upset when Nemo cannot tell him his real name. Suyin tells Blaster that Nemo still cares about him. Boniface informs the crew of his plan to sell the Nautilus in Nagasaki. Suyin is standing guard outside Nemo’s cabin. He urges her to open the door but she refuses. While working to speed up the engine, Loti tells Humility that she spent time in prison for killing a cop in Constantinople but she is innocent. She compliments Humility for standing with the crew against Nemo. The depth gauge and compass begin to fluctuate. Humility says they are at the North Pole. Nemo offers to get the Nautilus out of the magnetic field but Boniface refuses. Cuff loses control of the helm. Boniface orders the ballistic tanks emptied. The Nautilus hits a rock and springs a leak.

Taking over for Suyin, Jiacomo enters Nemo’s cabin. Nemo attacks him. A struggle ensues. Jiacomo nearly kills Nemo but stops himself. Nemo restrains him, races to put on a diving suit, and emerges from the hatch into the ocean. In the Torpedo Room, the crew works to repair the leak. Nemo locates the leak. When he sticks his gloved hand into the hole, an insect lands on his hand. He swats it, loses his balance but manages to stop his fall. Cuff announces the Nautilus is on the edge of a steep rock. Back inside, Nemo crushes the insect to discover its stomach is full of metal bits. Boniface and Humility approach and demand to know what he escaped. He tells them about the insects. The hole enlarges, allowing more water and metal-eating insects, including the queen, to flood the Torpedo Room. Kai and Turan hurriedly seal the door shut. Nemo insists they repair the leak. None of the crew members budge until Boniface intervenes. Kai suggests utilizing steam to kill the queen. The insects are inside the pipes. Suyin closes the valve to prevent the insects from accessing the engine. Blaster works to build a contraption to produce steam. Boniface convinces Turan to carry it.

Humility Nautilus AMC

While killing the insects, Loti tells Kai that they should try dating. When he doesn’t respond, she says it wouldn’t work anyway. He kisses her. Locked inside the Torpedo Room, Boniface, Nemo, and Turan search for the queen. The Nautilus tilts over the ledge. Nemo sprays the queen. The other insects race to her defense. Nemo is covered in them. Utilizing the compass magnet, Boniface draws the queen to him. They put her and the other insects inside a torpedo tube and shoot it into the ocean where it explodes. Nemo suggests tilting the submarine until it falls into the seaweed current. Humility says the magnetic field will carry them away from other threats. The crew is hesitant to trust him. Suyin demands he tell them about his past. Nemo tells them about his wife, father, and daughter before explaining how he planned to steal the treasure. Humility says he is not that person. Nemo claims to care about them and asks about their lives. Kai is a Maori warrior who killed a Company official. Suyin apologizes for what happened to his wife and daughter. He asks her sons’ names. Loti says he is a remarkable man. The Company took Ranbir from his tribe. Turan fell in love with a married woman and doesn’t regret it. The Nautilus tilts downward. Boniface imprisoned him to stop him from searching for his enslaved brother. Nemo names him the second in charge and his friend. Boniface embraces him. Blaster is elated when Nemo says his real name, Nathaniel Tull.

Jiacomo is restrained and locked inside Nemo’s cabin. The Nautilus falls into the red glow of the seaweed and is carried away. Nemo orders everyone to their stations. Boniface tells them to obey their captain. The episode ends.


Nautilus Review

The episode isn’t a complete waste. It’s nice to see Nemo and the crew share their life stories with each other. A nice touch compared to all the normal hoopla.

As expected, the captain and his crew find themselves in a dire situation which they unremarkably escape. Jiamoco’s ridiculously fake beard has escaped my attention until now. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.

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