Humility Nautilus AMC

Nautilus Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

The episode opens in East India in 1857, with Humility Lucas (Georgia Flood), Lieutenant Hobbs (Marcus Oborn), and Officer Chirurgien Marsh (Pierce Gordon) playing cards. Marsh folds. Hobbs adds his glasses to the pot. Humility claims the winnings before offering them one last game, all her winnings against their remaining meager cash. Hobbs and Marsh accept her offer. She explains her strategy while dealing the cards. Marsh places his ace of clubs and king of diamonds on the table. She argues that the ace of clubs has already been played. As he reaches to scoop up his winnings, she tries to stop him but Loti (Celine Menville) intervenes to allow Marsh to take his winnings. Smiling, Hobbs puts his glasses back on. Marsh awkwardly says goodbye before leaving. Humility confronts Loti for intervening in the game. Loti assures her that she will have no use for money where she is going. Blaster (Kayden Price) barges in and informs them that Captain Youngblood (Jacob Collins-Levy) says they will arrive in Bombay tomorrow. Humility is expected to meet her fiancé there. Loti gives Blaster a slice of cake when they hear gunfire. Blaster tells them that they are shooting seagulls.

On deck, Youngblood assesses the dead seagulls and describes them as “magnificent.” When an albatross approaches, he cocks his rifle. Blaster warns him against shooting an albatross. As Youngblood prepares to pull the trigger, something appears to bump into the ship. Looking over the side of the ship into the water and into the distance, he sees nothing and orders Blaster to get a better look from the top. Below deck, a frightened Humility starts to go above deck. Loti collects their valuables. On deck, Blaster alerts Youngblood of something in the distance. Hobbs suggests it is a sea monster. Humility and Loti arrive as Youngblood orders his crew to follow it. Blaster yells it is heading toward them. Humility demands Youngblood turn around. He assures her that it will turn before racing to the side of the deck. Their ship takes a direct hit. Fearing the ship will sink, Youngblood orders the lifeboats to be prepared. Hobbs voices concern about the monster devouring the lifeboats. The ship tilts to the side. Humility and Loti flee to the other side and grab a rope. The mast breaks in half. A crewmember goes overboard. Humility and Loti’s rope breaks, sending them to the other side of the deck. Loti pushes her as a cannon sears past them, breaks through, and lands in the water below.

Crawley Nautilus AMC

Youngblood and his crew and passengers watch the ship sink from their lifeboats. He claims it is his first time losing a ship. Loti complains about their delay in reaching in Bombay. What appears to be a submarine surfaces a short distance away. The survivors stare in amazement as an armed Nemo (Shazad Latif) emerges from the hatch. Nemo says only the women and children can board the submarine.

8 Hours Earlier Nemo is a prisoner in a penitentiary in Kalpani, India. The guards line the prisoners up and escort them to a work area. Aadesh (Abhilash Kaimal) says when the Nautilus is finished, they will implement their plan and be free. A guard refuses water to a prisoner. In the Observation Room, Director Crawley (Damien Garvey) puts pressure on Benoit (Thierry Fremont) to get the turbine working. Benoit tells him that Nemo designed the engine. Crawley demands the Nautilus be ready today, so he can take it to Bombay where it will be put into service. Nemo tells Aadesh and Boniface (Pacharo Mzembe) that they are leaving today. Aadesh argues that Jiacomo (Andrew Shaw), Kai (Tyrone Ngati), and Boniface are not trained. Nemo says it will be their only chance before taking on Turan (Arlo Green) as a new crewmember. Within minutes, Nemo and his crew apprehend several guards and take their guns. Crawley calmly warns that they will hang and questions if Benoit is in on it. Utilizing a microphone, Nemo announces the takeover. A guard voluntarily gives up his gun. Jagadish (Chum Ehelepola) hits him with the gun and admits he enjoyed it. Minutes later, he accidentally discharges the gun, sending an alert to the other guards.

Blaster Nautilus AMC

Aadesh goes out to cut the dock lines and comes under fire. A soldier (Alex Neal) shoots at Nemo. A shootout ensues. Down below, Benoit claims the Company promised the Nautilus would not be utilized to kill. Crawley tries to attack him but fails. Soldiers fire a Gatling gun at Nemo and his crew. Benoit works below to get the Nautilus moving. Suyin (Ling Cooper Tang) asks to go with them. He agrees and fires up the engine. Outside, the shootout continues. Aadesh shoots the soldier firing the Gatlin gun. Another soldier takes over and shoots him. Boniface stops Nemo from going after Aadesh but he is killed. Benoit pulls the lever and the Nautilus splashes into the water. Crawley watches as Nemo steers the Nautilus through the opening. It shoots into the air and lands with a big splash in the sea. Boniface takes the helm. Benoit convinces Nemo to not shoot Crawley and doubles over in pain. The crew takes Crawley to the bring.

London – President of East India Mercantile Company (Bruce Spence) learns about the takeover. He dispatches all ships and soldiers to find the Nautilus before the government finds out about it.

Jagadish complains about having to eat a biscuit. Kai claims his family were cannibals. Jagadish gladly eats the biscuit when the Nautilus is knocked off course. Looking through the periscope, Nemo spots a Company ship and blames Boniface who reminds him of it being his first time at the helm. He says they will ram the ship. Benoit says they will kill everyone on board. Nemo assures him that the Company men will kill them. Boniface turns the Nautilus and rams into the ship. Nemo calls for artillery before bringing the Nautilus to the surface. Jiacomo hands him a pistol. Nemo emerges from the hatch and announces all women and children can come on board. Kai tosses a rope out to the lifeboat. Youngblood pleads with Humility to go with them. Blaster doesn’t want to go but Youngblood makes him. Humility demands Nemo take all the survivors from the shipwreck but he refuses. Crawley is put into the lifeboat. Benoit confronts Nemo on his refusal to rescue all the Company men. Crawley vows to have Nemo hunted down. Nemo assures him that they will not find him before shutting the hatch. The Nautilus is lowered into the water. The electrical components begin to short out. Nemo has a flashback of Mya (Samara Wheeler) and Renouka (Shabana Azeez). Boniface urges him to rest. Nemo reluctantly goes to his cabin.

Youngblood, Crawley, and the other survivors are floating in the sea. In the Nautilus, Loti finds the door unlocked. Jiacomo finds them wandering around. Loti jumps between him and Humility. When he sits his box on the floor, Humility’s dog licks his face. He delivers the box to the galley. Loti insists they escape. Humility reminds her that they are in the sea. Jiacomo splits the seams of a jacket. Kia finds Blaster hiding under the table. Blaster flees with a bag of biscuits. Grabbing a cleaver, Kia goes after him. Humility is looking at the diving suits when Blaster arrives. Loti grabs him by the ear. He wiggles free. Kia accuses him of stealing biscuits. Humility defends Blaster and asks for a biscuit which is covered with bugs. She picks at the bugs before dropping the biscuit on the floor. He threatens them with the cleaver. Loti grabs him from behind and puts her knife to his throat. He claims to have teaching Blaster a lesson. She releases him and turns to leave with Humility and Blaster. Kia asks her name. She tells him to burn in hell.

Hobbs Nautilus AMC

Crawley compliments Youngblood on how well he handled his crew while under enemy fire. Youngblood tells him that some of his crew sustained injuries during the attack. Crawley says the Nautilus was created to infiltrate the Chinese market. Youngblood agrees to find Nemo, so he can be brought to justice. Crawley informs him that a ship will depart Appolo Bunder within the next few hours.

Nautilus’ electrical components continue to short out. Boniface tells Captain Nemo that the bow is okay as far as he knows. Nemo learns that Benoit is addressing the crew about supplies and destination. Benoit speaks to the crew until Nemo interrupts. He argues that they should take the risk of docking on company territory at the mouth of the Gulf of Kutch. Benoit goes on to say they need supplies and must make some temporary repairs. From there, they can follow the coast until they reach the French trading post of Pondicherry. Then, Nemo and the others would be free to go their own way. Nemo admits he lied to Benoit about the Nautilus going to the French because he would’ve refused otherwise.

In the end, it will be Benoit’s. Nemo says he does not have a choice. After making repairs, Nemo wants to sail to the northern seas, the Pillars of Halvar, and to where the queen was buried. Benoit argues the burial ground was a myth and they’d face some of the most dangerous seas in the world. Nemo reminds them she was buried with all her reassures and they would all be rich. He promises Benoit that he will have the Nautilus once he has achieved his goal. Once Nemo leaves, Ranbir expresses his displeasure. He asks Jagadish who Nemo is. Jagadish says he’s a capitalist who will exploit all of them to get what he wants. Captain Billy Millais (Luke Arnold) speaks to one of the men Nemo trained. He is told Nemo doesn’t have friends except Aadesh and the Frenchman, but Aaedish is dead now. Billy tries to get information from him.

Youngblood Nautilus AMC

Director Crawley tells Youngblood that Billy has agreed to help search for Nemo. Crawley wants to show Youngblood his ship. He tells Billy to execute the men when he’s finished. Then, Crawley joins Youngblood who is looking at the dreadnought. Humility asks Nemo when she will dock. They end up arguing. She wants to know when she’ll be free. They hear something that interrupts their argument. They join Loti and look at the whales. Benoit says it’s language and they’re talking to each other. He believes this is the only treasure that matters. Soon, they realize that something has gone wrong with the power. Benoit begins working on it. He says the central system is down. Without power, they’re going to keep sinking. Humility thinks there’s another way to purge the tanks.

Everything stops and the submarine begins sinking rapidly. Nemo asks Humility what her idea is. Before she can tell him, the episode ends.


Nautilus Synopsis

While imprisoned in Kalpani, Nemo recruits for his escape on the Nautilus. Destined to retain its dominance in the Asian market, the East India Mercantile Company create the Nautilus to infiltrate the Chinese market. Benoit is hired to design and built the Nautilus. Nemo built the engine. Believing the launch is several weeks away, Benoit gets an unexpected visit from Director Crawley who demands the Nautilus be ready to go by the end of the day. Nemo initiates a hostile takeover and loses an important member of his crew, Aadesh. Benoit joins Nemo’s cause after he learns the Nautilus will be utilized to kill.

Boniface collides with Youngblood’s ship. Nemo sinks the ship and rescues only Humility, Loti, and Blaster. Crawley is forced to go with Youngblood and his crew.

Nautilus Review

The AI and CGI take away from the integrity of the 19th-century series. Nemo is only partially true to Jules Verne’s “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” novel. In the book, he was the Nautilus captain, builder, and designer.

The editing leaves gaps in the story. The pace is uneven and inconsistent throughout. The majority of the characters have little depth. The corny one-liners and amateur acting create a barrier between the audience and the characters.

The writing is weak and at times, juvenile and tedious. The flashbacks are confusing and add little depth to Nemo’s past. It doesn’t help, there is no character development. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.

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