episode 2 Mr Birchum

Mr Birchum Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Thank You for Your Meal Service – As this episode of Mr. Birchum begins, Richard Birchum (Adam Carolla) tells Gage (Alonzo Bodden) and others that tomorrow is Veteran’s Day when they get free food and booze. They’re going to binge themselves into a patriotic food coma. Richard says they will never surrender to Gunderson (Rob Riggle) and the army pukes who’ve been invading their territory. He goes through their movements and says they always end up at Tops Irish Tavern. Gage explains the best way to pay tribute to the town’s greatest war hero, Terry Tops Sullivan, is to hoist the last beer of the day in Tops Tavern. Kwan (June Yoon) provides an equipment status update. Gage confirms Janet the bus driver is locked and loaded.

episode 1 mr birchum karponzi

Reyes (Eric Lopez) has worked on the uniforms. Jeanie (Brett Cooper) comes in with a mustache because she’s going to join them. Richard reminds her it’s a school day and she has to go. Eddie (Kyle Dunnigan) interrupts and learns Richard is planning an incursion. He leaves after Richard tells him about an incident on the beach with a girl. Wendi (Megyn Kelly) calls Deena (Sage Steele) to remind her it’s their annual spa date. Deena hopes Don Gage doesn’t overdo it like last year. Later, Deena drops Don off and tells him not to do anything dumber than last year. Karponzi (Tyler Fischer) tries to tell Principal Bortles (Rosanne Barr) about his new school uniform ideas, but she’s not in her office. Deena and Wendi enjoy their visit to the spa. Don tries to get a sugar rush.

Gunderson and his Army friends enter moments later. Gage tells them they’re way ahead of them with the Navy clearing the way so the Army can hit the beach. Gunderson believes they’ll be passed out in an hour. Richard urges his men to drink so they can stay one step ahead of Gunderson’s group. At Wingers, Richard learns they’re behind. Don thinks it’s still better than being at work. They worry they’re in trouble when the principal catches them. Bortles asks who is covering their classes. At the school, Karponzi finds the kids running rampant in Gage’s class. Brad (James Arnold Taylor) is handling things in Richard’s class though. Karponzi interrupts and promises the kids he’s going to find Mr. Birchum and bring him back. The kids throw stuff at him until he leaves.

Richard tells Bortles he isn’t going to grovel. She catches a man pretending to be a vet just to get free drinks and kicks him out of Wingers. Then, Bortles tells Richard she’s here to show him how it’s done. Richard lets her join his crew as a member of the Coast Guard. Meanwhile, Wendi learns that Deena blew off her Obama fundraiser years ago. Deena asks if she thought she supposed Obama just because she’s black. Before long, Wendi is pleading for more booze. Karponzi checks social media and learns the principal is with Richard Birchum. He wonders if she’s been kidnapped. The group moves to the Happy Cow Steakhouse. Wendi and Deena argue about healthcare for everyone and big government. Deena alleges Wendy just voted for Obama because of white guilt.

episode 1 Mr Birchum eddie and richard

At Mama Leoni’s, Richard and the group continue drinking and eating. Richard and Bortles talk about missing service while Kwan sings on the stage nearby. As they leave, Karponzi finds out that they have the principal and Janet. Richard’s group finally makes it to Tops Irish Tavern. Outside, they encounter Gunderson’s group and learn there’s only one table left inside the tavern. They agree to settle it and the loser will be banned from Tops every Veterans Day. Richard wants to have a food fight. Deena stops talking to Wendi who tells her to stop watching a certain news channel and vote in her own interest. The workers end up getting mad and going off on them. Gunderson gets his men ready for the food fight. They find themselves ambushed as they approach The Golden Trough.

Richard’s team wins. He invites Gunderson insight for a tree because they’re all on the same team. Karponzi confronts the principal at the pub and learns why she’s there. He offers to join them, but Bortles says the table is reserved for real warriors and not social justice warriors.

episode 2 Mr Birchum


Mr. Birchum Review

The second episode of Mr. Birchum was actually vastly improved over the first. The success rate of the jokes increased significantly as I found myself laughing a bit more. Some scenes still weren’t that humorous though and it seems to drag a little bit.

Nevertheless, this was an enjoyable episode because it hit just enough correct notes. The cast does a good job with their respective characters including those with limited experience in voice acting. The animations are sleek enough so there’s nothing to complain about there.

The series is probably divisive considering it isn’t subtle in poking fun at progressive ideas. It takes the Last Man Standing stance but isn’t afraid to go one or two steps further. However, it should also be noted that this also pokes fun at conservatives as well.

Regardless, some viewers are going to enjoy the series for what it is. I liked this episode although I thought the Veterans Day stuff went on a little too long. The episode scores a 6 out of 10. Recaps of Mr. Birchum can be found on Reel Mockery here.

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