Julian Matlock CBS

Matlock Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Rome In A Day – The episode opens with Madeline “Matty” Matlock/Madeline Kingston (Kathy Bates) arriving at Jacobson & Moore law firm with muffins. She tells Olympia Lawrence (Skye P. Marshall), Julian (Jason Ritter), and Senior (Beau Bridges) that she was too hyped about their win to sleep, so she baked. Senior and Julian help themselves to a muffin. Senior asks her to have a seat. She offers them a butterscotch. After declining her offer, Olympia reminds her that she said Matlock was canceled in 1992 but it only moved to another network where it ran for three more years. Senior demands she identify herself. Wearing Matlock’s suit, Matty stares at them before waking up in a panic. Edwin Kingston (Sam Anderson) asks if it was another anxiety dream. She attributes the mistake to being flustered and stresses the need to stay calm from here on out. Fully dressed, Matty enters her investigation room where Alfie Kingston (Aaron D. Harris) is working on a laptop. He asks if she is excited for her first day of work. She repeats the importance of her remaining calm and stops when she sees his laptop. He confirms his homework is done and is working on questions that she needs to ask Mrs. Belvin/Mrs. B (Patricia Belcher) about the firm’s computer system. She says the first step is to gain Olympia’s trust. He assures her that if Olympia has the Wellbrexa documents, she will not give them to her. He tries to bargain with her for the computer system passcodes but fails.

Olympia and Julian have a disagreement about parenting. Matty catches up with them at the elevator. Olympia repeatedly pushes the close button while Julian pushes the open button. Matty squeezes into the elevator. He takes the opportunity to ask her what she thinks about ice cream and childhood. She says Olympia pays her bills, so she is on her side. He thanks her for being honest. She asks how the firm’s dinner allowance works. He suggests she direct the question to Olympia. Recalling Olympia’s high fees, she decides it best to ask someone more affordable. A short time later, Mrs. B becomes suspicious of Matty’s questions about the firm’s database. Recanting her story about being widowed and raising a grandson, Matty claims to be looking for ways to stay one step ahead and not get fired. Mrs. B informs her that Olympia must approve her access to the firm’s computer system. Olympia and Elijah Walker (Eme Ikwuakor) are having a friendly chat in a nearby room. Matty excitedly plays with her desk, situated between Sarah (Leah Lewis) and Billy (David Del Rio). Seeing Deidre Lewis (Alixandree Claire) pass, Sarah questions why she is there. Billy says Deidre is the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit. Sarah receives a text from Olympia summoning them to her office. Seeing Tera Casey (Zylan Brooks) crying, Matty gives her a tissue. Olympia informs them of Deidre’s nephew, Michael Casey (Brandon Marcel) being accused of murder. Tera assures them that Michael is innocent. Deidre says an eye-witness came forward claiming to have seen Michael standing over the victim. Michael has developmental issues. Tera claims the public defender suggested he plead guilty. When Olympia tells them that murder cases aren’t her specialty, Deidre threatens to pull her class-action lawsuit from Jacobson & Moore. Olympia immediately changes her mind and asks for details.

The 16-year-old victim, Ariana Perez, lives with her mother, Lyly Perez (Elizabeth Del Sol), and stepfather, Ron (Anthony De La Cruz). Michael was covered in Ariana’s blood. Sarah tells Olympia that condoms were found at the crime scene and Michael had a crush on Ariana. Her body was discovered behind Jimmy Lopez’s (Victor Cruz) bodega. Charlie Lopez (Alejandra Akara), Jimmy, and Regina Lopez (Dayana Rincon) burst into the courtroom to support Michael. Olympia urges them to leave if they are scheduled to testify. Disappointed with the presiding judge, Erin Bowser (Susan Moore Harmon), Olympia asks if Michigan won their last game. In the courtroom, Olympia pretends to be disappointed with Michigan’s loss. Bowser describes it as a “travesty.” When Olympia requests a continuance, Prosecutor Pavit Sharma (Vishal Patel) intervenes. She tries to persuade Bowser by talking Michigan football.

Sarah believes there is no point in Olympia representing Michael but Matty disagrees because he may be innocent. Mrs. B interrupts to explain how the firm’s dinner allowance works. Olympia informs them that Bowser approved a two-day continuance. Matty points out that the witness is 84 years old. Sarah asks if they should try to discredit him. Elijah tries to calm Olympia by reminding her of their impending getaway at the cabin. Learning about Deidre leveraging her class-action lawsuit, Julian suggests it was Olympia’s idea. She denies the accusation. Senior defends her decision to represent Michael. He offers to help them settle their differences but Julian insists they are fine.

Autry (Hal Williams) makes Sarah and Matty remove their shoes before entering his home. He warms up to Matty when she mentions Matlock and praises his housecleaning. He describes Billy perfectly throw the window, on the ground below. Sarah tries to rush Matty back to the office but she insists on knowing more about what led up to the man finding Michael with Ariana. He claims to have heard a scream, ignored it at first, and 60 minutes later when his pot pie was ready, he carried it to the window and saw Michael standing over Ariana’s body. Matty clarifies his story and discovers a hole in their timeline. Billy and Sarah are confused. A short time later, she tells Olympia that it was 32 minutes from the time Autry heard the scream and saw Michael. Olympia says there is a four-minute delay between Jimmy and Autry’s 911 call. Matty questions why Jimmy lied. Olympia compliments Matty’s work. Matty insists it was a team effort. Olympia orders Matty to wait while she goes to confront Jimmy about his delay in calling 911. She asks to see his CCTV footage from that day. While talking to Alfie on the phone, she spots Alia  Denovera (Corinne Joy) and her friend (Capri Clark) arguing outside Tres Reyes Market. Olympia finds her recording the girls. Matty tries to explain but is immediately cut off. Billy informs her that Jimmy refused to turn over the CCTV footage. He offers to drop her off at home. She tells him that she takes the bus. Sarah questions why she never takes the subway. Matty claims to have been mugged and prefers the bus before showing her a picture of the girls. Utilizing the Internet, Sarah identifies Alia in seconds.

Matty Matlock CBS

Intentionally breaking her glasses, Matty bumps into Alia. A girl scolds Alia for hitting an old lady. Matty broaches the subject of Ariana’s death. Alia says Michael is innocent. A girl insists it was Jimmy who they call CJ (Creepy Jimmy). Alia claims Jimmy was obsessed with Ariana. Later, they inform Olympia of what Alia and her friends said. Kathryn Lawrence-Markston (Jordyn Weitz), who got sick at school, asks why they call him Creepy Jimmy. Taking their conversation outside, Olympia says Jimmy is Michael’s boss. Matty confronts Olympia about not trusting her. Olympia reminds her that they just met last week. Later, Olympia serves the subpoena. Charlie turns over a laptop with the CCTV footage from the day Ariana died. Jimmy admits to selling alcohol to minors. Charlie regrets inviting his friends over that night. Later, the CCTV footage confirms Charlie’s story. Julian and Olympia have a disagreement with Julian about Kathryn. The CCTV footage inside the market shows Michael stealing condoms, the same brand found at the crime scene. Olympia later shows the footage to Tera and Deidre. Tera insists Michael is innocent. Olympia informs her that the plea has been taken off the table. Matty tries to console Tera by saying Ellie kept things from her. Tera accuses her of not paying attention. Matty is taken aback.

Alfie and Matty made a pact to say MWBSP – Mom Would Be So Proud – when it gets tough. Edwin comforts her while she cries. She claims to have known something was going on with Ellie before she died. The next morning, Alfie shows Matty a news article about an elderly woman getting mugged. He added her name to validate her story if anyone goes looking Jimmy tells the court that he allowed teens to drink at his market to keep them safe. He claims to have been in the freezer when Michael stole the condoms. On Olympia’s orders, Matty goes to Jimmy’s market. She tells Lily that utilizes condoms to protect her from contracting STDs at her nursing home. She asks Lily to film her to show her friend, Cindy Shapiro. At court, Charlie oversees the CCTV system which is why it is on his laptop. Olympia compares footage of Michael taking the condoms to a photo of Matty unable to reach the condoms. She points out that Matty and Michael are 5’2”. She accuses Charlie of altering the footage. He claims Ariana liked him and they were going to have sex but she got scared. When he grabbed her, she slipped and hit her head. He tells the court that Jimmy told him to deny everything. Michael embraces Olympia.

Olympia and Julian talk things out. She admits to suggesting Deidre leverage the class-action lawsuit, so she could take the pro bono. They agree to put their family first. Matty catches Elijah watching them. Sarah apologizes to Matty for thinking she was out to get her. Pretending to weep, Matty accuses Olympia of manipulation and not trusting her. In the elevator, Senior tells Matty that she got the date wrong. She says when Matlock moved to ABC, the ratings went down and it didn’t matter as much. As a limo arrives home at the Kingston estate, Olympia visits her apartment in Queens. Edwin meets the limo. While waiting outside the door, Olympia utilizes her phone. Matty answers her door. Olympia admits to having a hard time trusting people before leaving. Matty tells Alfie that she is in. Scanning the CCTV footage outside the door, they collect Olympia’s passcodes. The episode ends.


Matlock Review

Episode two is clunky and tedious to watch. The out-of-the-blue murder case throws the plot for a loop. Too many side characters and side plots to keep up with or care to keep up with. Under different circumstances, the murder may have been appealing but not in this case.

Sarah is unlikeable and her dialogue is corny. Character development is nonexistent. Only tidbits are known about the protagonist and even less about the primary characters.

The story doesn’t flow well mainly due to bad editing and a fast pace. In all honesty, the series has nothing to do with Matlock. It’s just thrown in to draw viewers from that era. In my opinion, it’s misleading.

The episode deserves a 5 out of 10. Get more Matlock recaps here. Join our newly established forum to see what others are saying. Support our site by donating. Learn about our advertising packages here.

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  1. Some Guy says:

    Did you watch the same show I did? There isn’t much known cause that is part of the mystery of the series. We are learning about Matlock and the Three Senior partners of the firm. Also, the murder plot while uninteresting, is not nearly as important as showing how the three junior lawyers work together to find information.

    I admit the dialogue for some of the young ones are a bit corny or cringe, so is the dialogue of the day anyways. There is a fun mystery to be solved, superb storytelling, and fantastic acting. Kathy Bates does an excellent job at showing someone who is tortured by her past and trying to put on a face/mask. I think this show is fantastic.

    • ReelMockery says:

      Is it really about all that though? The core story is Matty trying to get revenge for her daughter’s overdose death. The problem with that is that the series is just giving us slop upon slop before we finally get to the point. That’s why network shows have like 13 episodes in a series. It drags the core story out until we genuinely stop caring about it period.

      Episode 3 is the same. Just dragging on with dull side stories that add nothing to the core story of Matty getting revenge on whoever hid information that could’ve punished opioid producers. That plot in and of itself is already silly because opioids aren’t going anywhere, are they?

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