Les Norton Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

justin rosniak les norton

At the start of the episode, Les Norton (Alexander Bertrand) goes for a swim. While he is out in the water, someone steals his boots. After the intro, Billy Dunne (Hunter Page-Lochard) pokes fun at Les for wearing his tennis shoes with his new suit. Les tells him that his tennis shoes are doing just fine. Eddie (Justin Rosniak) enters and gets involved. Before too long, Eddie is ready to leave. Without the keys to Price’s vehicle, he is forced to start the car with a hammer. When Les goes to help him, he discovers a stick of dynamite under the hood. Ray Burrell (Steve Le Marquand) is brought in and the group tries to find out who might be after Price Galese (David Wenham).

Ray believes that Wrongside Rossiter (Aidan Gillett) might be involved. Georgie Burman (Pallavia Sharda) finds surveillance footage that confirms it is Wrongside. Price is confident that his security team will help him. Les Norton just happens to be a new member of that security team. The following day, Lozza (Kate Box) answers the phone. It is Norton’s brother. She lets him know that nothing has changed at home so Les is stuck where he is. Emily Gold (Syd Zygier) lets Ray know that Doreen’s vehicle was discovered and impounded. Ray isn’t interested in hearing it. He is too busy working on the Wrongside case.

Price and the minister (Rhys Muldoon) host the opening of the new handball court. Price’s daughters are there with him. Eddie tells Les all about Wrongside. Ray decides to investigate the Doreen lead a little more. After the handball event ends, Price plays with the guys. Les keeps an eye on the waters nearby. Soon, Wrongside emerges from the water and tries to take a shot at Price. Les manages to knock him out of the way and save him. Billy scares Wrongside who ends up getting away. Emily listens in as Ray makes a call to Price. Meanwhile, Les finds out that his shirt took a bullet. Eddie tells him about the plans to hold a members only event at the club. He begins talking about his return from Vietnam and playing with grenades.

Les is a little paranoid at the club. Billy confesses that he is worried too but he insists that everything will be fine. Ray and Emily arrive. Ray goes inside with Billy while Emily chats with Les about his work and his shoes. Ray tells Price that a woman paid for Wrongside to be released from prison. Price cannot believe that a woman is trying to assassinate him. Ray goes after a heroin addict in hopes of sending a message to the locals. He tries to explain his reasoning to Emily but she doesn’t seem too impressed with his brutality. Price tries to come up with a new plan. Les tells a crazy story about back home and it gives them an idea.

They decide to throw a party and lure Wrongside to the pub. The following day, Eddie and Les begin preparing for the party. Eddie goes to a lake and retrieves the root of a plant. Meanwhile, Les manages to tame a runaway horse. The horse’s owner Chenille (Susan Prior) is very impressed. When Eddie returns, Chenille leaves. Les discovers that she left her whip behind. Les decides to give it back to her and that sends Eddie back on his own. Soon, Les finds out that Chenille is a sexual freak. They get hot and bothered while Billy is left to watch over Price and his family. Price’s daughters do not make that easy for him. We see that Eddie is preparing a poison of sorts.

Billy learns about Les and the horse lady. Tony Levin (Aaron Glenane) comes strolling through the door. Les learns that Tony is a small dealer but pretends to be bigger than he is. Les doesn’t like him at all. The party goes on like nothing is wrong. Tony ends up running out of money. Les is forced to get rid of him. Georgie is worried that Price is making a mistake but he is still confident that they’re making the right decision. They also notice that Emily is in the club gambling. Les has to escort her out too. Les tries to convince her that they did her a favor. After all, she left with a big stake of chips. Emily isn’t interested in that. It is clear that she wants to make a big bust and it seems she is targeting the club.

Emily tells him that she knows what she is doing before she hops into the back of a taxi. Later, Les finds himself in the bathroom with a priest who doesn’t talk. He notices that the man has a fake ear. He eventually puts two and two together and realizes that the priest is Wrongside. The hitman goes after Price. Les manages to stop him from killing Price while Eddie stabs him with the poison. Les and Eddie drive the man away from the pub. Eddie tells him about the poison. He is supposed to paralyze the man from the neck down. However, he might have injected it in the wrong spot and that could be deadly.

Soon, they find out that the man is already dead. They decide to toss him into the fire. Before they do, Les takes his boots. He finds a phone number in one of them. They call the number and arrange to meet with the person who was paying Blindside to kill Price. They go to the train station and wait for the person to arrive. At the end of the episode, Doreen Bognor (Rebel Wilson) shows up on the other side of the tracks.


Les Norton Review

I am not sure why Les Norton has received such low reviews on IMDB. I’ve enjoyed both episodes equally. I like the show a lot so far. It may have something to do with the writers changing the source material. Who knows? Either way, I enjoy it. I like the humor and find the story to be interesting enough. You really can’t lose with the cast either.

I am eager to see where things are going to go from here. I am worried that Emily is going to dig too deep and get herself into trouble. How will Les handle that? It is clear that he is attracted to her. Now that Doreen is back, Price knows who his enemy is. I am interested in seeing how that plays out. The episode was fairly entertaining. I’d give it a 7.5 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Les Norton before you leave!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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