Fay Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Ladies In Black Series 1 Episode 5 Recap

Men In Briefs – The episode opens with Lisa Miles (Clare Hughes) and Angela Mansour (Azizi Donnelly) questioning why Magda Szombathelyi (Debi Mazar) called a meeting on Saturday. They enter Magda’s new office to find Sadie Chalmers’ (Gemma Ward) wearing a negligee. Sadie is undecided about her wedding gown. Magda tells Lisa to draw a sketch. Seeing her struggle, Angela offers to do it. Lisa reluctantly gives her the sketchpad and smugly suggests an exclusive design.

Fay Janosi (Jessica De Gouw) is quiet in thought when Rudi Janosi (Thom Green) assures her that he will not always work weekends. He promises she can quit working once the Hexam contract is sealed. He says Ken Marlow (Hamish Michael) invited him to play golf. Back at Goodes, Sadie vows to do whatever it takes to get roles. She is enamored with Angela’s sketch and insists her wedding gown be red.

Fay tells Ken that their affair is over. He says Rudi is changing her into his ideal wife and swears he will always love her for who she is. She assures him that she is not the same girl that he once knew. Elsewhere, Lisa catches Angela in the toilet stall sketching the dress that she designed for Sadie. She says Dawud Mansour (Hazem Shammas) will improve the design.

Stefan Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Magda returns home to find Stefan Szombathelyi (Russell Dykstra) waiting to talk to her about the sale of his business. He vows to include her in every financial decision from her on out. She asks if he would sell his business to pay the lease on her boutique. He says if it is what she wants. She agrees to let him move back in, even though, she hasn’t forgiven him. Elsewhere, Petra (Gemma Chau-Tran) shows Lisa condoms from Graham’s father’s pharmacy. Richard White (Tom Wilson) tells Lisa that he is not sold on the idea of a shift dress for her article about women’s fashion. She says emancipated women can ask men out or buy them a drink. She gives him the look that Sadie utilizes to get her way.

Mr. Ryder (Huw Higginson) is impressed with Magda designing Sadie’s wedding dress. She claims to have suggested it to Cheri St Clair (Kate Box) for the cover of Lillian magazine. He excitedly says it would be Goodes’ first exclusive Lillian cover. She urges him to let Goodes be bold and sophisticated for all women. He suggests selling Mr. Mackenzie’s (Todd McKenney) stock before replacing them with her own. Fay warns Angela against sleeping with George Szombathelyi (Carlos Sanson Jr.). Angela denies having any interest in him. Magda is impressed with Mackenzie’s choice of Capri brief designs. Elias Khalil (Julian Maroud) admits to ordering 12 boxes of the briefs. She believes they will convince Cheri St Clair that Goodes is committed to change. Lisa agrees to ask some of the university students to model the briefs. Magda tells Angela that Sadie wants her to sketch a wrap. Angela claims to know a dressmaker who will sew the wrap.

Fay tries to tell Angela about George and Christina Wells (Samantha Allsop) but she stops her. Adam Conroy (Ngali Shaw) asks if the employees need to choose if they want to support Magda or Virginia Ambrose (Miranda Otto). Elias accuses him of switching the tags on Magda’s Young Sophisticates. He refuses to let Adam use his first name because they are not friends.

Fay Lisa Elias Jenny Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Rudi informs Fay that Ken cut off all contact with him. She assures him that Ken is a busy man. Elsewhere, Elias paints Dorothy Miles’ (Sacha Horler) nails. Dorothy confronts Lisa about her Bikini Wars photo. Wearing a Young Sophisticate outfit, Lisa tells her that she is going out with a guy. Dorothy holds up her condoms. Lisa grabs them on her way out. A short time later, Richard refuses to publish Lisa’s articles because she is a first-year Honi. Lisa boasts of having the authority to choose a man to meet Sadie at her promotional but he must support her “Seismic Shift Dress” article. Clive Buchanan (Jack Scott) insists Richard publish it. Richard believes the male students will not grasp the concept of the headline. She suggests “Girls Who Dress For Sex-cess” instead.

Sadie tells Nadia (Roxie Mohebbi) and Farouk Mansour (Ubai Dahoud) that she is designing a wrap and wedding gown for Sadie. Nadia suggests the dress in ivory pearl will be perfect for her own wedding. Farouk agrees. Angela grabs for her sketchpad but Farouk refuses to let her have it. Elsewhere, Richard invites Lisa to his dorm room. She disguises herself as a man in his jacket and hat. Inside his room, they put her condoms to use.

Fay confronts Ken for reneging on his contract with Rudi. He admits to believing a contract with Rudi would give him access to her. At Goodes, Magda orders George to put on Capri briefs before Cheri St Claire arrives. Lisa tells Angela that she and Richard had sex and he has agreed to publish her article. Angela suggests he did it for sex. Lisa assures her that it was agreed upon before they had sex. She tells Ambrose that Mr. Ryder and Magda are meeting to discuss the new season launch. Elias apologizes to Adam and agrees to be his friend. While Mr. Ryder and Ambrose are detained, Sadie and the male models present themselves in Goodes’ storefront. A crowd gathers outside. Mr. Ryder insists Magda be present when they discuss the new season launch. Customers applaud Sadie before snatching up the Capri briefs. Cheri St Claire raises her champagne glass to Magda. Mr. Ryder and Ambrose arrive after the presentation. Ambrose doesn’t look pleased.

Lisa Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Magda is altering Sadie’s red dress when Mr. Ryder asks to speak to her. Once alone, he scolds her for ruining Goodes’ good reputation. She reminds him that he asked her to sell Mackenzie’s Capri brief stock and their sales have increased significantly. He informs her that Sadie didn’t have approval for the Goodes promotion and will not appear on the cover of Lilian Australia Magazine in Younger Brothers’ gown, not Goodes. He demotes her. Angela confronts George for avoiding her. He asks if Fay told her everything. Putting it behind them, they kiss when they hear Cheri St Claire and Ambrose approaching. They seek refuge behind a table before they enter. Ambrose blames Magda for Sadie not appearing on the cover of Lilian in a Goodes gown. Cheri St Claire questions why Ambrose isn’t working with Magda, instead of being at the beck and call of a man.  Ambrose says Sydney isn’t ready for change. Cheri St Claire disagrees and tells her that Angela designed Sadie’s gown. Angela rushes to the sales floor to ask Lisa to hide her sketchbook.

Lisa retrieves Angela’s sketchbook from the employee locker room. She is scanning through the design sketches when Ambrose approaches from behind. George thanks Magda for the outfit recommendation. She asks why he is in Australia. He claims to have wanted to meet his father. She says Stefan wanted him to have a chance at a better future. He accuses her of kicking Stefan out when he told her about him. A short time later, Magda and Ambrose watch as Mr. Ryder looks at Angela’s sketches. Angela and Lisa hold pinkies as they confess to everything. Magda is surprised Lisa never told her. Lisa claims Dawud Mansour (Hazem Shammas) and Farouk pressured Angela into doing it. Mr. Ryder gives Lisa a warning and terminates Angela. Lisa tells Angela that they will go work for Younger Brothers. Angela believes Lisa doesn’t believe in her. She calls her a “s**t” for having sex with Richard to get her article posted. Lisa calls her a “thief” as the episode ends.


Ladies In Black Review

Magda stages a storefront promotion with a notable star, Sadie, and male models wearing Mackenzie’s Capri briefs. The promotion is a hit with the customers buy the briefs. Sadie’s manager didn’t approve the promotion and the editor of Lilian Australia refused to put Goodes’ gown on the cover of its magazine. Mr. Ryder demotes Magda for going over his head and ruining Goodes’ reputation.

Angela overhears Cheri St Claire tell Ambrose that she designed Sadie’s red wedding dress. She asks Lisa to get her sketchbook from the employee locker room before Ambrose finds it. Lisa is caught red-handed. Angela and Lisa confess to everything but their friendship is shattered.

Magda allows Stefan to move back in but not George. Stefan offers to sell his business to finance Magda’s boutique.

Fay breaks off her affair with Ken. Upset by her decision, Ken reneges on his contract with Rudi. The episode deserves a 6 out of 10.

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