Fay Lisa Elias Jenny Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Ladies In Black Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

Beautiful Dream – The episode opens with Magda Szombathelyi (Debi Mazar) stopping to look at a display in the window of the Goodes department store. Fay Janosi (Jessica De Gouw) and Rudi Janosi (Thom Green) share the bathroom mirror while getting dressed. Later, Fay tells Magda that she will miss her when she leaves. Magda assures her that they will continue to produce the best-dressed women in Sydney. Fay warns Jenny Giles (Eloise Mignon) against wearing lipstick in front of Mr. Albert Ryder (Huw Higginson). Jenny sarcastically questions if it would entice Mr. Ryder to leave his wife for her. Magda gives her an alternative lip color. The women clock in. Jenny measures up her male co-workers are not being suitable husbands for her. Fay reminds her that she is there to work before complimenting Elias Khalil (Julian Maroun) on his display in front of the Model Gown domain. Fay, Jenny, and Elias rush to see Magna’s replacement, Virginia Ambrose (Miranda Otto). After rearranging a vase, Ambrose looks up to see Jenny, Elias, and Fay watching her and quickly scatter.

Lisa Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Mr. Ryder escorts Ambrose to the Model Gown domain. Ambrose insists Elias’s mannequin display will not do. Magna says the outfit was presented in Lilian Australia magazine. Ambrose frowns on the magazine and orders Elias to move the display. After Mr. Ryder leaves, Magna shows Ambrose their Model Gowns. Ambrose makes an impression on Mrs. Poulton (Martha Lott).

Petra (Gemma Chua-Tran) complains about Lisa Miles’s (Clare Hughes) father not wanting her to join the student paper, Honi Soit. Lisa says he worries about her. Petra describes Lisa’s article as “sexy” and “edgy” but warns it probably won’t get published because she is a girl. She suggests letting one of the boys publish it. Lisa says if she wants to be a famous writer, she will need the freedom to write about sex. She argues that Madeleine’s (Georgia Williams) pieces are published. Petra claims Madeleine puts out to Clive Buchanan (Jack Scott). Lisa promises to not get intimate with Richard White (Tom Wilson) before leaving her piece on his desk. Later, Lisa watches as her deceased father is carried out on a stretcher. Dorothy Miles’ (Sacha Horler) widow pension is all that is left of her husband. Lisa offers to increase her hours at Goodes. The bank manager (Rub MacPhearson) insists a university student will be a more suitable husband than anyone she meets at Goodes. He suggests Dorothy find a husband through the tennis club.

Ambros Ladies In Black ABC Australia

Lisa informs Magda about her and Dorothy’s dire finances. Magda offers to let Lisa work with her during the holidays but insists she stays in school. Mr. Ryder insults Elias’s choice of gowns to promote the impending debutant ball. The store fills with customers shopping for gowns. Jenny assists Gwen (Kate Cheel) pick out a dress. When Gwen goes to pay for it, her £10 note is missing. Ambrose asks Lisa to help Gwen look for her money. Fay writes up a report for Mr. Ryder. Later, Ambrose claims to have found the £10 note in Jenny’s locker. Jenny defends her innocence and accuses Ambrose of setting her up. Mr. Ryder terminates Jenny.

Fay reluctantly allows Rudi to give her a driving lesson. He insists she can drive, so she and their babies can travel leisurely. Fed up, she tells him that she doesn’t want a car and starts walking. He pleads with her to get back in the car when two cadets approach. Fay says he is her husband. Cadet Johnson (Nick Launchbury) questions how someone like her married a “wog.” She defends Rudi before threatening to mow Johnson down in her car. She hops in the driver’s seat, roughly engages the clutch, and drives away. They later have sex in the car.

Adam Conroy (Ngali Shaw) carries a half-dressed mannequin through the store. Elias warns that Mr. Ryder is watching him. Adam smiles and heads toward the storeroom. Cheri St Clair (Kate Box) tells Magna that Lilian Australia has all faith she will become the most influential woman in Sydney fashion once her boutique, Belle Reve, opens. Ambrose insults Lilian Australia. St Clair says Younger Brothers’ prices are better than Goodes and Belle Reve will soon beat its quality. During a staff meeting, Mr. Ryder warns that Younger Brothers’ new Pitt Street location is making headway and if Goodes doesn’t do better, it will be bought out by a retail chain. He thanks Magda for her many years of service and wishes her luck.

Angela Ladies in Black ABC Australia

Rudi compares Fay’s crepes to his mother’s. She suggests they are awful. Their sexual interlude is cut short when Magda and Stefan Szombathelyi (Russell Dykstra) arrive. Over dinner, Rudi says Stefan gave him a bridge loan to acquire Smith’s transport. Magda appears to be disappointed by the revelation. Rudi claims the bank is processing his loan and the money plus interest will be repaid by the end of the week. Magda reminds him that the lease for her new boutique is due in two days. Rudi vows to be there with the bank check. Later, Magda admonishes Stefan for giving Rudi a loan without discussing it with her first. Stefan assures her that Rudi will repay the loan. She voices concern about losing the lease if Rudi’s bank loan falls through. Stefan is forced to sleep on the sofa.

Ambrose points out Angela Mansour (Azizi Donnelly) who she believes is a shoplifter. Lisa approaches Angela to offer her assistance. Angela continues to shop on her own. While waiting for Frances (Zara Hogarth) to try on a gown, Richard asks Lisa if she quit Honi Soit. He tells her about “The Beat,” a place where the intellectuals meet. She asks if he had time to read her articles but Fay pulls her away before he can respond. A short time later, Fay alerts Lisa that the carmine satin gloves are missing. Lisa asks Angela about the gloves. Angela denies any knowledge of the gloves and demands to be searched on the spot. Lisa asks her to leave when Mr. Ryder approaches and demands she apologize. Fay says the gloves were in the dressing room. Angela assures Lisa that she would be terminated if she worked at her family’s department store. Angela sneaks into Mr. Ryder’s office and snoops through the fashion designs on his desk. She is leaving with a Goodes’ shopping bag when Mr. Ryder invites her into his office. A short time later, Angela is approached by Richard who insists she had a drink with him.

Stefan informs Magda that the realtor is asking for the lease. She voices concern about losing everything when Rudi pulls into the driveway. Rudi boasts of investing their money into his business because the bank denied his loan. He claims Mr. Smith had outstanding debt and it will take months or years to turn the business around. Later, Magda informs Ryder that her boutique fell through. He offers her a part-time position in Ladies Cocktail with the promise of Fay’s position when she leaves to start her own family.

Jenny Ladies in Black ABC Australia

At The Beat, Richard tells Lisa that her Commonwealth scholarship can be converted to a teacher’s scholarship to give her a living allowance. Upon graduation, she would be a working teacher. He says her articles show potential and suggests she target the male audience. Upset, Lisa gulps down a glass of beer. Elsewhere, Stefan is picked up by immigration. At The Beat, Angela offers to get Lisa a cab. Lisa says mind your own business. A short time later, Richard takes an intoxicated Lisa to his place.

Magda learns Stefan has a son, George Szombathelyi (Carlos Sanson Jr.). The episode ends.


Ladies In Black Review

The pilot episode reveals an uninspiring story with lifeless characters. A strong cast for what good it will do, I don’t know. The show lacks a backstory. It jumps right into Magda’s departure from Goodes to fulfill her lifelong dream of her own boutique, Belle Reve. It has its moments but falls short every time. Side stories with potential are shot down before they have a chance to develop.

The plot had so much potential. Unfortunately, the script failed to produce a story with intrigue, emotion, and character. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.


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