Dame Killing It Peacock

Killing It Season 2 Episode 3 Recap

It follows – The episode opens with Maya (Fatimah Taliah) describing Todd as “thoughtful” and “romantic.” She tells Dr. Kristen (Trelsa Gary) that he refuses to talk about himself. After saying he treats children with cancer, she stresses the importance of him knowing he can talk to her. While pretending to be Todd, Isaiah Foster (Rell Battle) assures them that he is an “open book.” Later, Maya voices concern about their relationship. Isaiah denies playing games with her before confessing to having urinated in the bed three times after watching Predator. She demands he get deep. He claims to have been 11 when he learned Santa Clause was not real.

Isaiah arrives home to find Dame (Martin Bats Bradford) riding a hover drone. Dame explains why he acquired the hover drone to overcome his fear of the road. After falling to the ground, he says a few 100 pounds less, he will be able to hover higher. Isaiah asks how much he paid for the hover drone. Dame says $10k but Bugs swore it was a good investment. Isaiah questions Bugs’ ability to give him financial advice. He warns against wasting money before reminding him of their hiding from Rodney Lamonca. Showing him a bag of cash, Isaiah urges him to stop spending. Dame suggests robbing a bank or going to Phoenix. Isaiah demands no scams. Dame suggests he is scamming Maya. Describing their relationship as “real,” Isaiah tells him about their therapy session. Dame says Maya and Dr. Todd went to therapy. Isaiah claims to have been intoxicated when he lied to Maya. Dame admits to paying $15k for the hover drone.

Jasper Killing It Peacock

Dame and Isaiah visit Bugs (Kyle Mooney) to return the hover drone. Bugs tells Dame about his 3D TVs and mini-motorcycle before calling Isaiah by his full name. Shocked, Isaiah scolds Dame who denies sharing any more personal details. Bugs asks about his brother, Craig (Craig Robinson). Isaiah asks him to forget what Dame told him. Suggesting he has trust issues, Bugs says Maya taking him to therapy is good before offering them some coke. After declining the offer, Isaiah tells him that they want to return the hover drone. Bugs claims to not have $20k but agrees to give them “store credit.” Isaiah demands cash. Bugs tells him to go to Phoenix. Isaiah says no crimes, they will get jobs. Pushing a manila envelope to Dame, Bugs explains his death certificate scheme. Isaiah’s new alias is Marty Simkowitz. Bugs seals the deal with a “guarantee.”

Sunpax Energy Systems – Brian (Jon Curry) tells Marty/Isaiah that his interview blew him away. Isaiah claims to live for “brokering energy.” After teasing him about his criminal record, Brian hires him on the spot.

Edward Killing It Peacock

Isaiah tells Maya that his brother, Craig lives in Florida. She asks what he does for a living. He says Craig is a saw palmetto berry farmer. He claims to have needed Craig but he was not there for him. He assures her that Craig is feeling guilty because he constantly calling. She asks why he refuses to answer Craig’s calls. He expresses his fear of what he will say. As she prepares to show him a fourth-grade photo, Isaiah looks up to see Tony Chubner (Jackie Earle Haley) staring at him through a window. Getting his attention, she hands him her phone. Looking at her photo, he looks up at the window to find Tony gone. Outside the restaurant, Maya invites him to her place. He claims to have surgery in the morning. They kiss before she drives away. Walking behind a building, he waits until Tony approaches to grab him and offer more than what Rodney is paying.

Tony asks who is Rodney before identifying himself as an American West receivables debt collector. Tony informs him of Marty’s $73k debt. Isaiah denies he is Marty. Tony congratulates him on his new job. He asks Isaiah if he truly thought RadioShack would let his $73k debt slide. Isaiah reminds him that RadioShack closed. A 9pm alarm urges Tony to leave but not without saying they will see each other again soon.

Isaiah arrives home to find Dame wearing nothing but a light therapy mask that he acquired from Bugs. Removing the mask, Dame asks if he looks younger. Isaiah describes him as looking “naked.” Dame admits to buying a robot that gives blow jobs. Isaiah demands he stop buying from Bugs.

Isaiah wakes up to find 121 new voicemails, demanding he pay his $73k debt. A knock at the door reveals New Horizon Collection Services agent, Edward (Michael J. Sielaff). Edward informs him of his owing $18k to Federal Health Conglomerated. Seconds later, Baseline Recovery Associates’ agent approaches to ask if he can come in. Isaiah demands they get off his porch when Tony arrives. After slamming the door shut, he warns Dame that the death certificate has something wrong with it. As they flee out the back, Duncan (Alan Heitz) informs him of his visitors. A short time later, they arrive at Bugs’ apartment to find it completely empty. Isaiah reads an apology letter when Bugs walks through the door. Bugs claims to have acquired Marty’s identity believing it was clean before suggesting he pawn it off on another “sucker.”

Isaiah Killing It Peacock

Isaiah demands Bugs take Marty’s identity back. A Castle Southwest Financial agent, Carlisle (Nicholas Dubberley)  informs him of his $8k debt to Bally Total Fitness. They turn around to find Bugs gone. At home, Dame asks if he is concerned it will impact his relationship with Maya. Isaiah says yes before leaving to meet her for lunch. On a park bench with Maya, he looks up to see Tony a short distance away. He invites her away on a trip now. Later, she is driving down the road when her phone dies. She asks to use his phone. Reluctantly removing his phone from his pocket, he claims the messages are from the hospital. At the hotel, he receives a call from a debt collector. She asks what he would like to do. He suggests calling it a night. She reminds him of their leaving tomorrow. After a 1-1/2 hour shower, he finds her sulking while watching Mario Lopez on TV.

When Isaiah and Maya step out for a drink, Tony approaches and says, “Hello Marty.” She asks why he addressed him as Marty. Isaiah reminds him that it is after 9pm. Tony tells Maya that her boyfriend is Marty Simkowitz who owes RadioShack $73k when Keystone Associates agent, Emmett (Patrick Wenk-Wolff) approaches to remind Tony of his $12k debt to Home Depot. Tony claims Keystone Associates agent, Rachel is sending him a payment plan. Douglas says Rachel quit. Maya and Isaiah return to their room and Tony flees from Douglas.

Brian Killing It Peacock

Later, Isaiah tries to explain to Maya as she takes her luggage to the car. He claims Tony has been harassing him for days. He reveals his true identity before confessing to not being a doctor. She asks if he ever thought about telling her the truth. He expresses how it made him feel to be Dr. Todd. He boasts of his new job with benefits. He pleads with her to give Isaiah giving him a chance.

At home, Dame curses Maya and Sunpax Energy Systems for terminating Isaiah. Later, Rodney LaMonca (Tim Heidecker) scolds Isaiah for the trouble he got him in with Katrina. Cocking his gun, he threatens to shoot until Isaiah offers him a $20m saw palmetto berry deal.

Craig scolds Isaiah for sharing his deal with Rodney. Isaiah assures him that they will make a lot of money. Craig warns it will not be easy. Rodney boasts of having him on recording confessing to Katrina’s son’s murder. Isaiah threatens to play the recording to the police if he refuses to sign his farm over to Dominine Corporation.  A KB Debt Consolidation Network agent, Jasper (Peter Lucas) approaches to collect an $8k debt for Ashley Furniture as the episode ends.


Killing It Review

The dialogue is a mixture of ha-ha funny and cringeworthy jokes. It is easy to find yourself laughing at loud without realizing it. The cinematography is spot-on. The acting is believable. The episode deserves a 6. Get more Killing It recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Our onsite advertising builds brand awareness, click the link to learn more.

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