episode 1 kidnapped chloe ayling story

Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Store Series 1 Episode 4 Recap

As the fourth episode of Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Story begins, Chloe (Nadia Parkes) remains at the women’s shelter. Nicoletta (Eleonora Romandini) speaks to someone on the phone. Nicoletta tells Chloe that the prosecutor has given her permission to find alternative accommodation. They won’t pay for it though. At her motel room, Chloe receives a call from Phil (Adrian Edmondson). She thanks him for settling this. When Chloe asks why they won’t let her come home, Phil suggests it’s just formalities. He’s contacted her local MP and the Foreign Office to ask them to put pressure on the Italian authorities. Phil says they’ve arrested someone so she’s safe now. In the middle of the night, Chloe hears Lukasz or MD (Julian Swiezewski) talking to her and telling her he wants her.

Nadia Parkes Kidnapped Chloe Ayling

Chloe speaks to Amber (Olive Gray) on the phone. Chloe says she feels bad about interrupting Nicoletta all the time because she can’t go out and buy a sandwich on her own. She explains she owes Black Death money. Chloe says MD has been arrested so he can’t help her. She promised she wouldn’t get him in trouble if he let her go. Amber learns that he liked her. Chloe confesses she pretended to like him too. Investigators listen as Chloe tells Amber that MD tried to sleep with her and they even shared a bed. The next day, Chloe pleads with Francesco Pesce (Lorenzo Richelmy) to help her get home. He’s spoken at length with the Italian prosecutor to help expedite her return to the United Kingdom. The quickest option is a pre-trial in which Chloe would give her evidence in court now.

She would tell the prosecutor in front of a judge. Chloe learns that MD’s real name is Lukasz. She explains she spent a week thinking Lukasz would kill her at any minute. She isn’t eager about being in the same room with him. Francesco reveals that they want Chloe to return to the farmhouse and give a verbal statement on camera. After the meeting, Chloe leaves. She tries to get something to eat but feels like everyone is staring at her. Chloe begins panicking before rushing back to her motel room. The next day, Nicoletta visits Chloe and talks to her about going back to that house. She reminds Chloe that no one else knows what happened in that house. Chloe doesn’t think they’ll understand. When she lied about the shoes, she was worried they’d think it was her fault or that she should’ve run.

MD kidnapped chloe ayling store s01e01

Nicoletta urges her to stand up in court and make them understand. She says Lukasz is on trial and Chloe should do everything she can to make sure those men go to prison. Chloe admits she doesn’t want that responsibility. Nicoletta says she has it anyway. In the courtroom, Francesco tells Chloe that Prosecutor Storari (Sergio Romano) will ask her questions about her statement. Then, the defense will cross-examine her. Francesco tells her not to worry because Lukasz won’t be able to see her. She can hear Lukasz being brought into the courtroom. Chloe is sworn in. Lukasz claims he can’t hear what she’s saying. The Prosecutor suggests moving Lukasz Herba close enough to hear her.

When Chloe sees him, it brings back some of her memories. She tells the prosecutor about Black Death and how Lukasz supposedly killed for him. Chloe admits Lukasz said he’d be willing to pay the ransom. She talks about getting the shoes. Chloe is asked why she didn’t ask someone for help. She was told she’d be killed if she tried to rebel. Chloe says she’s still afraid of Black Death. The Prosecutor reveals that the photos of Chloe unconscious were taken using one of Lukasz’s phones. Chloe doesn’t believe he was at the studio. She tells the court what Lukasz said about the two guys. Chloe is asked whether the man looked like Lukasz. She admits he did slightly. Storari reveals Lukasz asked his brother, Michal, to buy a large black bag online in June.

He also ordered two black balaclavas online in May. Later, Chloe tells Amber it was all lies and there is no Black Death. Amber thinks it’s good since she doesn’t owe anyone any money. Chloe confirms they’re investigating Lukasz’s brother. Amber mentions throwing her a bash when she gets back. Chloe doesn’t want anyone to know what happened and Phil agrees. Amber thinks Phil only agrees because he was supposed to be protecting her. The next day, Chloe gets sick when she’s traveling to the house where she was kept. Francesco gives her advice for speaking to the camera. Chloe walks everyone through the crime scene. She remembers what Lukasz told her while walking through the house. Chloe remembers his lies including how he said he offered to pay her ransom.

episode 1 kidnapped chloe ayling story

Chloe tells Francesco and the others where she was kept and where she slept during her captivity. Once she walks outside, Francesco tells her it’s over now. Storari holds a press conference to tell the media about Chloe’s kidnapping and Polish national Lukasz Herba being charged. Chloe learns about the press conference. She’s told her name wasn’t released though. It’s confirmed she can definitely leave tomorrow. Chloe returns to her mom, Bea (Christine Tremarco). Before long, members of the press arrive outside to get answers.


Kidnapped: The Chloe Ayling Story Review

The fourth episode of Kidnapped wasn’t as good as the first four, but I think that was easy to predict. After all, the aftermath never had the chance to match the intensity and overall absurdity of the kidnapping or Chloe’s time in captivity. Nevertheless, these moments were obviously an important part of the story and the episode did a good job of exploring them.

Now, the rest of the series will likely cover the media storm and the blame game that followed. While the episode wasn’t as powerful, it was good in its own way. It scores a 6.5 out of 10. Recaps of Kidnapped can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link.

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