Caeneus Kaos Netflix

Kaos Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

As the sixth episode of Kaos begins, Klara (Gabby Wong) walks out of The Cave. Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizwan) walks up to her to ask how Orpheus is doing. Klara curses him and slaps him. Dionysus goes inside where he learns Orpheus has crossed the Styx. Orpheus (Killian Scott) catches up with Charon (Ramon Tikaram) and asks for a drink. There isn’t any left. Orpheus asks if they’re nearly there because he’s going to need something to drink soon. Charon tells him this is his final test and he’ll have to do it by himself. Riddy (Aurora Perrineau) wakes up from a nightmare. She checks with Caeneus (Misia Butler) who can’t sleep either. She can’t stop thinking about that place and what Hades did.

Daedalus Kaos Netflix

Riddy says that place is for bad people who dishonored the gods. Caeneus believes he should’ve felt that too since he dishonored the gods. He says he just changed and became himself. When boys come of age, they have to leave the compound. If they ever return, they’re executed. His best friend had just been sent away and he was the only person who knew how he felt. In a flashback, Caeneus sees Leos who says he wants to come home. Caeneus reminds Leos (John Carter) they’ll kill him if he goes home. Later, Caeneus finds out that Leos has been killed. An Amazon reminds Sofie that no men are allowed. Caeneus tries to hide. In private, his mom tells him that his form really doesn’t fit the content. She tells him he has to leave. She has a friend in Krete who can help him. Caeneus tells Riddy that his mom’s prophecy foretold he’d be a boy.

He used to curse the gods and still does. His mother betrayed him because of them. Caeneus admits he hates the gods. Riddy says the same before kissing Caeneus. It looks like they’re going to have sex. Orpheus begins to struggle. Persephone (Rakie Ayola) tells Hades (David Thewlis) that telling him is the right thing. Hades worries the whole thing could fall apart. The nothing was never meant to take that many so the Frame glitched. She says they’re going to deal with it right now. Persephone reminds Hades he’s the god of death. Prometheus (Stephen Dillane) speaks to Zeus (Jeff Goldblum). Zeus thinks he needs to destroy the fates. He suggests they can get Minos to kill his son. Zeus sends Prometheus away. Riddy asks Caeneus what he misses the most. He says the smell when you water plants in the evening when it’s warm.

Riddy says Orpheus always felt enough for both of them. She never felt like this when she was alive. Riddy asks what his prophecy was. Caeneus says a line appears, the order wanes, the family falls, and kaos reigns. He crossed a line and changed his body. He brought chaos. Riddy says it’s the same as hers. Hera (Janet McTeer) tells Poseidon (Cliff Curtis) that the word prophecy has been banned. He’d like to get away from it all. Zeus approaches Poseidon to talk to him about his guy in Krete. Hades interrupts. Caeneus and Riddy try to figure out what their prophecy means now. Riddy met a woman on her last day who seemed to know she was going to die. She believes her mom knew too and that’s why she wrote down the prophecy. Their prophecy might have something to do with that place. Riddy says Hades’s gift to them was the Frame.

Caeneus Kaos Netflix

People dedicate their lives to the gods to get a better life the next time around. Riddy suggests there isn’t a next time. The family who could fall is the gods. Hades thinks the prophecy is real and Zeus is making it come true. The underworld cannot take the strain Zeus is putting on it. Hades tells Zeus to get a grip. He won’t be blaming him this time. There are too many souls passing through the Frame and it’s making it unstable. Hades says it doesn’t go back to the earth anymore. Zeus doesn’t think they can run out of souls. Persephone thinks they need to allow a baseline level of renewal. Zeus tells Hades to take a dip in the pool. Hades agrees to swim. Once he gets in, he tells Zeus he’s not scared of him. Zeus tells him he should be. Hades says he destroyed dad, but he shouldn’t become like him.

Hades thinks the prophecy is a warning and Zeus needs to reset the frame. If Zeus doesn’t do that to protect the family, Hades will. Zeus claims Hades wants to rule in his place. He ends up attacking Hades. Caeneus and Riddy talk about proving there is no renewal. Riddy says they need to go back to that place. Prue (Rosie Cavaliero) arrives to check on Caeneus. She knows she shouldn’t have gone on about his prophecy. She comes inside and sees Riddy. Prue asks if she’s been there all night. She thought Riddy was married. Riddy reminds her that she’s dead. Once Prue leaves, Caeneus says they should go to the River Lethe and stop people from going through the Frame. Orpheus thinks he sees water but it turns out to be sand. He remembers Anatole being killed. Persephone urges Hades to wake up. Zeus warns her that he can’t pull stuff like that again because he could kill him next time.

He is adamant that everything will stay the same. Once he leaves, Persephone tells Hera that she’ll destroy Zeus. In private, Zeus asks Poseidon to tell Minos to kill his son. He says they’ll watch it live. Poseidon can’t help him. He has to do it alone. Poseidon goes to Lachy (Eddie Izzard) to ask if he can help kill his firstborn son, the Minotaur. Lachy reminds him Zeus said he couldn’t help. Lachy agrees Minos can kill his son. People can occasionally defy their prophecies. Hera tells Zeus that Hades is right about him behaving like Kronos. Prometheus thinks it’s time to explain how the gods were created. After years of torment, Zeus finally killed his father. At the point of Kronos’s death, Zeus absorbed his father’s soul. It gave him power that became intoxicating. It took Zeus years to work out how he had done it. Then, he did it over and over.

Zeus Kaos Netflix

He eventually got tired of the killing so the Frame was invented to harvest human souls and liquid them. The gods drink it to remain immortal. Zeus relies on distraction. Hera calls Poseidon to say she’s coming with him to see Minos because he needs to succeed. They visit President Minos (Stanley Townsend). Hera tells him that his son, Glaucus, must be killed. Minos doesn’t want to kill his son. If he refuses, Hera will take his other child and make her suffer. He has their protection to kill his son even though it’s against his prophecy. Hera gives him a blade. In private, Poseidon worries this won’t work. Hera is confident that it will. Orpheus believes he sees someone. The man shows him that the water is real. Clotho warns him that he won’t be able to get his wife back if he drinks it. Orpheus doesn’t think the water.

Clotho tries to change his mind. Orpheus says he’d rather die trying to save her. Clotho tells him he did it. Orpheus enters a door and arrives at the Centre for the Unresolved. Dionysus and the others find out that he made it. Pru approaches Orpheus who explains he’s not dead. He says he’s looking for his wife, Eurydice or Riddy. Adrian (Kurt Egyiawan) agrees to take him to her. Riddy tells Caeneus they should get to the Lethe and do whatever they must together. She’s shocked when Orpheus arrives at her door. Medusa (Debi Mazar) gets upset when her computer won’t cooperate. Prue interrupts to tell her there is a live mortal in the underworld. Dionysus begins worrying that this isn’t good. He wonders if he should speak to his uncle. Dionysus gives the car to the worker and flees with Patricia. He boards a boat and finds Poseidon having sex with Hera.

Medusa calls Charon to tell him the man with the mark is there. He knows Prometheus was telling the truth and someone might be going back.


Kaos review

The sixth episode of Kaos was okay and at least pushed the story forward some. Through six episodes though, it feels like very little has actually been achieved. The only character that is remotely likable here is Caeneus. Everyone else is just there for whatever reason, going through the motions, or just being unlikable.

Truthfully, very little happens until there’s a shock sex scene to try to maintain our interest. These scenes add nothing to the story though and just attempt to pander to certain viewers for whatever reason. More often than not, the attempts at humor fall well short of their marks.

The characters barely feel like gods because of their behavior and what little they actually do. The series really leaves a lot to be desired although it’s watchable with the right expectations. Just don’t expect too many laughs, memorable moments, or emotional scenes. Those things won’t be found here.

The episode scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of Kaos can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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