Riddy Kaos Netflix

Kaos Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

As the second episode of Kaos begins, Caeneus (Misia Butler) is at a pub when Ortrera (Jenny Runacre) and Hippolyta II (Selina Jones) enter. They shoot him with a crossbow. Caeneus says he didn’t come back to the compound. He’s told he dishonored the Gods and his tribe. Caeneus sees his mother. Orpheus (Killian Scott) wakes up and questions what he’s done. Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizwan) asks what he’s done. He tells Orpheus he needs to get his strength back so he can get his wife back. Orpheus asks if Riddy got back without dying. Dionysus says yes but they have to move quickly before she goes through the Frame. In the Underworld, the passengers are told to travel to the bridge deck for an orientation video from Lord Hades.

Cassandra Kaos Netflix

Riddy (Aurora Perrineau) is among them. Hades (David Thewlis) speaks to the ground about life ending. He tells them that their devotion to the gods is about to pay off. Riddy curses and defies them in a flashback. Their ferry is currently crossing the river Styx so they will soon arrive in the underworld. They will go to Asphodel before being guided through the River Lethe. Then, they will pass through the Frame which will allow their atoms to return to the Earth. Zeus (Jeff Goldblum) tries to get in touch with Hades and Persephone (Rakie Ayola). Hades tells him they’re working on the selection process. Persephone says it isn’t that easy to find new divers. Zeus tells them he wants more divers today. When Hades falls asleep, Persephone tells Zeus to consider it done. Pious Agatha (Susan Wooldridge) asks Riddy what she expects in the next life.

Agatha says she was an Olympia sacrifice so she’s hoping for a step-up. She asks how Riddy died. Riddy got hit by a truck after saying she defies the Gods. She suspects she’s coming back as a dog or a stone. Dionysus tries to get Orpheus to trust as they speed down the road and no one behind the steering wheel. Orpheus asks why Dionysus is helping him. Dionysus remembers Hera (Janet McTeer) telling him there’s nothing wrong with being slightly lightweight. He tells Orpheus that he likes his music. Dionysus asks him to tell him about his girl. Riddy and the others arrive at Asphodel. Caeneus happens to be working there. The dogs begin barking at Riddy who is told to step out of line. Prometheus (Stephen Dillane) talks about using three humans to bring down Zeus. Caeneus is the second human in his plan.

He died ten years ago and is unaware of his cosmic significance. At work, Caeneus and Prue (Rosie Cavaliero) are told they’re being promoted. Medusa (Debi Mazar) tells them they’re going to be trained as divers. Caeneus doesn’t want to go because he’s waiting for his mother. He has to say goodbye to his dogs. Meanwhile, Riddy is led onto a subway train. Dionysus takes Orpheus to the place he needs to be. He tells Linus (Jon Chew) and Patricia (Layo-Christina Akunlude) that Orpheus is competing. They go inside where Orpheus is introduced to Polyphemus (Joe McGann). Orpheus is welcomed to The Cave and he’s not happy about it. The Cave is a place where desperate people come to try to gain access to the underworld. It always ends in failure. Dionysus believes Orpheus can be the first person to get someone back.

He tells him his love is greater than death. Orpheus learns it’s a quiz. Zeus curses Dionysus before calling Ares and leaves a message. He tries calling Athena, Apollo, and others. Zeus is constantly disappointed in his children so he’s always making new ones on Earth. Zeus visits his lover and learns Hera has been with her while disguised as him. Hera reminds Zeus they agreed not to have any more kids. She asks why he wants to have another baby. The lover has the baby before Hera turns her into a bee. Zeus pleads with Hera to let him have the baby. Hera wants him to kill it. Zeus snaps its neck. Hera moves the new bee to her bee colony. Zeus wonders why everyone is looking so content on Earth. Zeus speaks to Prometheus about what he saw on Earth. People aren’t scared so they’re not worshipping him. Zeus is worried he’s weakening.

Riddy Kaos Netflix

He’s thinking about taking out half of the world. Prometheus tells him he doesn’t need to destroy everything to maintain control. He finds himself chained to a rock. Riddy arrives at the Centre For The Unresolved. Once they go inside, everyone is told they were buried or cremated without coins. Riddy believes there was a mistake since her husband was her coin bearer. She’s told there are no mistakes. They learn that they’re going to be staying there and working. Riddy tries to flee. Orpheus waits inside The Cave while Dionysus has sex. Orpheus gives his wedding ring to cover the entry fee. Anatole (Robert Emms) sits nearby. Lachy (Eddie Izzard) enters with the other fates, Clotho and Atropos. There are three contestants trying to cheat death.

They’re asked to mark every freckle, blemish, and mole on their loved one. Riddy tries to ride the train to River Lethe. Prue and Caeneus are trained to be divers. They’re told they have to guide, support, and listen. If they mess up, they’ll have to work in Children’s Renewal. Klara (Gabby Wong) and Anatole make it to round two with Orpheus. They’re asked why they should get their boy back, but they’re not allowed to speak. They try to show them without speaking. Orpheus is told he’ll need to sing of his love without his voice. He’s lucky there’s a piano nearby. Riddy rushes toward the divers and the frame. Prometheus says people without coins are not able to pass through the frame. Lachy throws a knife through Orpheus’s hand.

Lachy says he has done something wrong although Orpheus says otherwise. He’s eventually forced to admit that he kept Riddy’s coin. Everyone turns on him. Caeneus approaches Riddy. He explains he was buried without a coin too. Prometheus says Riddy is exactly where she needs to be and has met who she needs to meet. Orpheus apologizes to Dionysus who calls it an act of luck. Dionysus asks Lachy what they can do. Lachy says they could take two into the underworld. Lachy wants his watch though. Zeus tells Prometheus he has a two stage plan and knows what he’s doing. He tells Prometheus about his plan. Zeus admits he can’t find his watch. Hercules said the watch was actually lucky. Zeus wants to find the watch before launching the plan. Orpheus pleads with Dionysus to hand over the watch. Dionysus eventually agrees.

Zeus Kaos Netflix

Prometheus says myth claims no one has made it back from the underworld, but people shouldn’t trust a myth.


Kaos Review

The second episode of Kaos had some good ideas, but nothing really stood out as being executed superbly. Some of the ideas are still intriguing, such as Prometheus trying to get back at Zeus. For the most part, the British actors do a good job with their respective roles. A hodgepodge cast doesn’t always work because it showcases the limitations of certain cast members, especially here.

That really doesn’t matter here though because nothing is really taken seriously. The series seems to be trying too hard to be trendy, hip, and progressive. Throwing in sex scenes just for the sake of it adds nothing to the story although that is the modern way.

The core idea is good, but it seems to be deviating too far from it at this point. The series is also becoming bloated with such a massive cast with few who are actually important. The episode was watchable with very low expectations. After all, it’s got the Netflix name stamped on it so that’s all one can expect.

The episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of Kaos can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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