Chloe Juliet

Juliet Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

Lost Girl – Episode 2 begins with Chloe Dumon (Amber Naert) meeting her new potential adoptive mother, Marianne (Ilse De Koe). Marianne appears nice enough and greets her jovially before encouraging her to meet Xander and Lise in the garden. It’s clear that she wants to speak with Juliet Dumon (Charlotte De Bruyne), but as is usual, Juliet is in a rush to get to work.

Juliet’s focus will soon shift to De Haan’s Bus 31 headed for Wenduine after reports about a man boarding with what could be Amber Colpaert’s (Jule Bauwens) rucksack. Although Jamal Haout (Nabil Mallat) provides her with a thorough description of the man, she’s three stops too late. Despite this, luck is on Juliet’s side when she just happens to spot the man walking on the side of the highway while making plans to meet with Jamal. She’ll have to chase the suspect down but he’ll be in cuffs by the time Jamal pulls up.

A search of the rucksack and a report from Nico (Mil Sinaeve) of pervious cannabis and shoplifting charges explain the man’s running. As for the bag, he claims to have found it in the trash and eventually leads Juliet and Jamal to the exact after failing to produce a verifiable alibi. While going through the trash, Juliet receives a frantic call from Marianne about Chloe running away. Juliet spends what appears to be several hours trying to locate Chloe. Along with speaking to her friends, she’ll also reach out to Klaus Fiedler (Nicki Von Tempelhoff). He is nowhere near as concerned and encourages Juliet to simply go home and wait.

By this time, Jamal has a full report on the rucksack, which turns out to be nothing. The lab hasn’t even been able to pull any prints to confirm that the bag was actually Ambers. Nothing new has been learned about Amber’s other phone either. The reports on Danny Dumon (Maarten Ketels) are only slightly more revealing. According to Nico, Danny was arrested several times between 2015 and 2016 on minor drug possession charges. He stayed out of trouble until 2019 when he was picked up for resistance in Hamburg.

Before Superintendent Conny Lefever (Fania Sorel) confronts Juliet for using police resources to search for Danny, she receives a nonsensical text from Chloe, indicating that she is fine. Despite Conny’s reprimands, she will remind Juliet that her door is always open should she need to discuss anything. Conny will also tell her that Danny became a regular at the station when she initially left Da Haan.

Chloe has returned home by the time Juliet gets there later that evening, but their ensuing conversation is nothing more than a brief argument. Juliet claims that she is doing the best she can but Chloe says she only wants to wash her hands of her as quickly as possible. The following day, Alex Van Dooren (Aaron Roggeman) and Chloe spend the day at an amusement park. During their time together it will be suggested that he is her boyfriend or at least wants to be. Despite being around the same age, he’ll not only offer to take her anywhere to meet her father but he says that she can live with him.

Jamal and Juliet arrive at Amber’s funeral just as Hannah starts telling a story about their dance team’s trip to London. Juliet’s attention is soon drawn to Vader (Wennie De Ruyck) and Tania Colpaert (Dolores Bouckaert) who appear to be arguing. Juliet will later learn in the parking that they were arguing over who paid for Amber to go on the trip. In addition to this, it’s revealed that Hannah was also a classmate of Danny’s and claims to be happy to hear that he is doing much better.

After learning about the trip, Juliet and Jamal will bring in Koen Delrue (Piet De Praitere) for questioning. He openly admits to paying for the trip but claims he did so as the dance teacher and father of Amber’s best, Fleur Delrue (Fleur Vanderjeugt). He clearly sees nothing wrong with what he did, but it doesn’t take him long to realize Juliet and Jamal are reading things differently. After a bit more back-and-forth, Koen also identifies the kitchen from the blackmail video as being part of the Coquillage Estate near the canal. This building was apparently one of the first major projects that his company was involved in.

Nico is tasked with compiling a list of all the residents of the Coquillage Building and Juliet is at home going over that list when Jonas (Arend Pinoy) randomly shows up with leftover lasagna. The brief encounter will reveal that Chloe had canceled on his earlier. Despite claiming to have a migraine, Laura (Melissa Mabesoone) would later see her at the beach.

It isn’t long after Jonas leaves that Juliet gets the opportunity to confront Chloe. Although she does it in a non-confrontational way and jokes about her secretly meeting with a boy/girlfriend, Chloe takes it as a total invasion of space and blows up. Juliet doesn’t help matters when she asks Chloe about one of their grandmother’s missing necklaces. Chloe claims that Herman Dumon (Pieter Genard) put the necklace in the safe at the antique shop.

Charlotte de Bruyne Juliet

After learning about regular noise complaints, Juliet and Jamal will focus their attention on the tenant in apartment 307, Lara Mertens (Livia Perneel), at the Coquillage Building. Despite all the complaints, the owner will confirm that Lara is hardly ever there. A later visit to the apartment will uncover a hidden camera as well as Amber’s DNA. Once they find Lara’s profile on the escort site, she will tell them a story about dating a guy who convinced her to sleep with one of his supposed friends to cover a debt. The man would secretly record their encounter and use it as blackmail to rent the apartment. Once the guy is revealed as Alex and Juliet sees his picture, she realizes it’s Chloe’s boyfriend.

As Juliet frantically tries to reach Chloe, she’ll be shown with Alex at his apartment. Juliet will eventually get through to Chloe and attempt to warn her about Alex but she hangs up on her. Despite having Alex’s name and speaking with his mother, tracking him down proves far more difficult than imagined. The only option they have of locating them is tracking Chloe’s phone signal which ends up only getting them so far. By this time, Chloe is only semi-conscious from the laced drinks Alex has been plying her with.

Chloe will somehow manage to stay lucid enough to not only thwart Alex’s attempts but also to call Juliet and leave her phone active so she can hear their conversation. It doesn’t take Alex long to pick up on Chloe’s strange behavior. It’s very close but Juliet and Jamal arrive just in time to deter their departure. Alex will be arrested and Chloe will turn out to be fine, at least physically.

As time passes, Chloe and Juliet will attempt to repair their relationship. Chloe tells her that Herman used to refer to her as the girl of the sea and claimed he knew she would always come home. Juliet asks Chloe to come with her to the antique shop to get their grandmother’s necklace and several other pieces. Juliet will have several fond memories while there while Chloe wants to know more about their grandmother’s death. Juliet will claim she doesn’t remember, but her memory suggests that their grandmother drowned in the canal, perhaps murdered. The episode ends with Juliet and Chloe discovering that the jewelry pieces aren’t in the safe.


Juliet Review

This episode could have easily been a finale. As I’ve said, the series isn’t bad but it goes way over the top with the detail. I can kind of understand why this is the case because it does move along. So much so that this episode could have easily been a finale.

It’ll be interesting to see where the story goes from here and where Juliet and Chloe’s relationship leads. I’m guessing everything will be tied to the syndicate or whoever it is behind the escort ring. Alex couldn’t have pulled all that off by himself. I’d give this episode a 5.3 out of 10.

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