Irreverent Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

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Ashes To Ashes – The episode begins with Victor (Martin Sacks) preparing for a fishing trip.

Agnes Jovic (Susie Porter) tells Paulo/Mack (Colin Donnell) that she doesn’t like his idea. He reminds her of the Clump church being in a remote location when Luke Jovic (Broden Kelly) and James Jovic (Sam Parsonson) approach. James asks Luke why he wasn’t wearing his hat. Luke suggests it’s disrespectful to wear a hat inside the church.

Agnes warns Paulo that she’ll land in the Indigo Valley Maximum Security Prison alongside her sister if the cops find the chop-chop. After assuring her that his fate will be much worse than sharing a prison cell with a family member, he says five grand. She tells him three grand weekly. He reminds her that it would mean storing, securing, and dispatching with no upfront payment. She says okay, 5 grand upfront. Daisy (Tegan Stimson) eavesdrops on their conversation. Before leaving, Agnes questions his true identity. He tells her that he’s “The Reverent.”

Victor passes out while fishing.

Piper (Kylie Bracknell) stops at the sugar mill strike. Keith (Sam Conway) asks if she’d like a chair. She informs to inform Amy (Briallen Clarke) of her father’s death.

Lester (Russell Dykstra) and Margie (Roz Hammond) watch as Aidan (Jason Wilder) pulls Peter’s boat to the shore. Amy and Piper are waiting with Peter (Kylie Bracknell) arrive. Amy informs her that her father wanted to be cremated before walking away.

After demanding to know what the jackass is doing outside, Paulo suggests they make some roommate rules. She tells him that she wants to be part of whatever he and Agnes are doing. He asks if she’s trying to blackmail him. She claims to only want to help before asking for 500 bucks a week. He assures her that is blackmail. She says he needs her when Peter and Piper approach. She informs him of Victor’s death. When Peter suggests they start planning the funeral, Paulo says he can’t do it. Peter demands he officiate Victor’s wedding at the church. They watch as he walks away.

Paulo and Daisy negotiate a deal in which he pays her 300 bucks a week and he officiates Victor’s funeral. After an explanation of Palm Sunday, she tells him that she hopes he’s better at riding donkeys than preaching. As they approach the Hardware, he asks if Renee (Bessie Holland) can replace the locks on the parsonage. She warns him that Peter could easily find out he’s a fraud because he truly knows the Bible.

Ron (Francis Greenslade) asks if the bar will open as usual after Victor’s death. Lester tells him that Amy’s the new owner. Amy reminds him of his being Victor’s partner. He says the bar was Victor’s legacy.

Palm Sunday – Peter greets the guests while Amy frees the donkey. When Peter investigates the missing donkey, she locks the church doors. The congregation sleeps while Paulo preaches. Peter busts through the door as Paula says amen.

Piper offers to help Amy with her father’s funeral arrangements but she refuses. Amy informs her of Victor leaving her mum for a man. Piper admits to remembering it. Amy reminds her of when she walked about a short time later before suggesting she get back to work.

After informing Paulo of another blackout, Harry (Calen Tassone) warns Victor’s going to melt. Paulo suggests he inform the undertaker. Harry tells him that he’s the undertaker.

Paulo tells Piper that he needs his hearse to transport Victor’s body to Clump’s crematorium. She suggests he delegate the task to someone else. After asking if she’ll do it, he says maybe Lester can do it even though he’s been drinking all day. They transport Victor’s body to the crematorium with Victor’s body. She says he needs to work on his “miles to kilometers conversion.” He tells her a few more lessons should do it. She proposes a probation license.

Mackenzie “Mack” Boyd (P.J. Byrne) is at an art auction when Paulo calls to ask if he can get out of a funeral. Mack warns him that the town will notice if he’s a no-show. Paulo tells him that he needs a lesson. When Mack says that’s a lot on the phone, Paulo reminds him of what would have if their secret’s exposed. Mack suggests spiking his coffee with Bailey’s. Paulo says he’ll pay if he’s financially supporting his effort to win back his wife. Mack bets 55 grand before ending the call.

Cameron (Ed Oxenbould) digs a grave for his dog, Guinness. Paulo asks if it’s necessary to bury the dog in the cemetery. Cameron informs him that the service starts at 2pm before his shovel hits Reverend Sukmar’s casket. He remembers Guinness. Paulo gives a speech.

Daisy suggests Paulo make the funeral about Victor. He reminds her that he didn’t know him. She informs him of lighting sparklers on the beach to honor her mum. When he asks about her father, she says goodnight. In a flashback, young Paulo/Mack (Felix Hooper) attends his father’s funeral. Mary-Anne (Kerith Atkinson) removes her sunglasses to expose a black eye.

Paulo wakes up to see Amy standing over him. She tells him that Victor’s ashes have been delivered. He says the parsonage locks were replaced yesterday. Holding up her key, she says Renee gave everyone a copy. He asks if she would tell him something about Victor. She informs him that Victor announced he was gay one morning before running off with a “fat barman.” He suggests she do right by Victor if he wasn’t a really bad father.

Startled by the jackass, Paulo drops Victor’s urn on the steps. Daisy warns they’re screwed. He asks if burned palm branches would work. She says humans are like animals with bones.

Paulo and Daisy suggest to Cameron that Guinness should have a proper sendoff with all the people of Clump in attendance.

Paulo asks Tess (Ace Whitman) if he could utilize her oven.

Piper informs Paulo that she’s approved him a temporary driving permit before asking where is Victor’s ashes. He says ashes are the “entrance of the deceased” so they arrive last. She asks if he’s all set. He admits to having more questions than answers about Victor. She agrees to fill him in.

Paulo tells the congregation to have a seat before asking if it’s weird they’re honoring a man who hadn’t been to church in years. He orders everyone to follow him outside where he meets Cameron. Everyone gathers on the beach while Paulo speaks. Daisy flips on the radio to a cricket game. Amy tells Victor inside a lunch pail that he gets to be a fish before spreading his ashes. Tess delivers pizzas to the congregation. Amy gives Lester the keys to Victor’s bar.

Daisy gives Paulo a Bible. She tells him that he did all right today while walking to her room.

The donkey joins Amy on the boat ramp.

Lorenzo receives a text informing him that Paulo’s hiding in Australia. Antoinette (Helen Thomson) asks Farah (Robert Rabiah) what’s he waiting on as the episode comes to an end.


Irreverent Review

Victor dies in his fishing boat.

Daisy overhears Paulo agree to store the Jovic chop-chop in the church for 5 grand a month. She convinces him to let her in on the deal for 300 bucks a week.

Victor’s daughter, Amy, and his partner, Lester, are devastated to hear about his death. She’s the heir of Victor’s bar. Piper tries to comfort her but she refuses.

Paulo’s tasked with preaching Palm Sunday service. Since Peter’s knowledgeable of the Bible, they concoct a plan to lock him out of the church. The few church members in the congregation doze during the service. Paulo’s deception lives another day.

Piper approves a temporary driver’s permit for Paulo.

Mack acquires a painting for 55 grand through an auction.

Cameron buries his dog, Guinness, in the cemetery. Paulo accidentally drops Victor’s urn. He and Daisy convince Tess to let them utilize her oven to incinerate Guinness to replace Victor’s ashes. They replace the urn with a lunch pail (the show didn’t go into great detail, only skimmed over it).

Amy gives the keys to Victor’s bar to Lester.

Lorenzo finds out that Paulo’s in Australia. Farah’s sent to find him.

The story leans toward comedy which makes Victor’s death even more surprising. Generally, nothing is taken too seriously, Victor’s funeral had dramatic undertones. It was beautifully done with the important people in Victor’s life playing a part.

The episode deserves a 6.8. Get more Irreverent recaps here. If you find our reviews, recaps, and synopsis helpful, please help us as we attempt to transition to an ad-free platform.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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