louis s02e01 interview with the vampire

Interview With The Vampire Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

As this episode of Interview with the Vampire begins, Louis (Jacob Anderson) reads about dreams. Claudia (Delainey Hayles) climbs out of a hole with Louis. He explains that Claudia wasn’t going to let the rift between humans delay her after searching for evidence of their kind for years. Claudia searched for others she could relate to. After reading the pages again, Louis believes it’s clear she didn’t think he qualified any longer. In the present, Louis speaks to Armand (Assad Zaman) about the possibility of never dreaming. Daniel Molloy (Eric Bogosian) points out that Armand remains off the record. Louis says an accident doesn’t need the blood as often as the young do.

German soldiers stop Claudia and Louis to ask for their papers. They eventually pass when the soldiers are killed. Louis explains he endured it all for Claudia whose rage toward him and his refusal to burn Lestat had dulled into a bitter silence. He tells Claudia that the war is affecting the blood so they’re drinking misery and hopelessness. Claudia doesn’t speak to him. They hear an air raid. Louis explains the vampire had been there for centuries, but Claudia was like a deranged geologist. He tells Claudia it might be time to go home. Claudia didn’t like that. Louis thanks Molloy for helping him restore those memories the other night. He eventually tells Molloy that his love ran a theater company for 150 years. Molloy says Claudia believed his love was in a box pondering a premeditated neck wound.

interview with the vampire episode 1 series 2 claudia

Louis finds Lestat (Sam Reid) only to tell him to go away. Lestat reminds him they still haven’t found a vampire. He tells Louis that it was the perfect betrayal and he gave him a death of distinction. Lestat tells him he’s going to kill him. Louis believes he would’ve already done it if he were alive. Lestat is only waiting until he’s happy. Louis says he had taken 7,000 souls by then, but Lestat was the only one that felt like murder. Louis talks about how the Soviets replaced Nazis and war became occupation. Louis and Claudia find soldiers opening coffins and shooting the corpses inside. The village is empty. Claudia wonders who hung garlic around the door and who nailed a crucifix to the wall. She admits those things are just myths. Soldiers approach asking for their papers.

They’re told their papers aren’t good. A woman arrives and scolds the soldiers for making them stay out in the dark. The soldiers leave. The woman, Emilia, finds out that they’re Americans. Emilia takes them to the boiler room so they can stay there for the night. She tells the others that the Americans have brought vodka. Claudia asks how they’re living out there. Emilia tells them about the dangers in the woods. Claudia thinks there might be vampires out there. Morgan Ward is thrilled to hear someone else speak English. Morgan explains he’s a correspondent with the Daily Herald. Claudia asks why they’re shooting up graves outside. Soldiers go outside. Morgan asks Andrei to take Mary or Claudia to see the other children. In the present, Louis thinks that’s wrong. He doesn’t remember Emilia saying the stuff about the woods in front of Claudia.

season 2 claudia interview with the vampire

Louis and Molloy agree they should get every detail right. Armand believes it’s time to take a break. Molloy tells Real Rashid he’s pretty good at his job. Louis tells him that Armand didn’t want him to do the interview. Molloy says he wanted to be close to it. He knows he probably won’t crack what they’re trying to hide. Molloy questions why they’re only telling half the story. In the past, Andre tells Claudia where she needs to go to meet Anna. The farthest one wins. Meanwhile, Louis tells Morgan about his family. Louis asks why they’re firing into coffins. Morgan blames a handful of things including superstitions. Emilia believes there’s something out there with a soul disturbed. Claudia makes it outside where she hears soldiers talking about possible vampires. She sees something attack them. Claudia shows it that she drinks blood too.

The vampire hits her and takes the other soldier. Morgan asks Louis if he’s a red. He believes Louis is either a deserter or a Bolshevik. Emilia tells him this is why he has no friends. Morgan knows the picture of Louis’s wife was taken at least 30 years ago. Louis gets up and tells him he’s cutting him off and taking his woman. Claudia interrupts to tell Louis she fell out of a tree. In private, she tells Louis what she saw in the woods. Louis doesn’t believe it. They argue about it. Louis says he woke up to the sound of chaos because Claudia was dreaming. He says he can feel her next to him and she’s having a nightmare. Louis says it was something she wrote, but it wasn’t true. She could dream. Claudia woke up to the noise. They encountered shouting and red army soldiers. Emilia was attacked when she was out there trying to get food.

The soldiers learn that she’s been bitten. Morgan blames wolves. Claudia asks Louis if he’s coming. The soldiers are told they have to cut Emilia’s head off. Louis leaves the humans to deal with their problems. They go outside and confront the vampire. Louis doesn’t think that thing is a vampire. They end up getting attacked. Claudia rips out its eyes. The woman monster tells her that she took a child’s eyes. She has to kill him because he won’t be able to hunt. The vampire woman leaves. Louis and Claudia decide to follow her. They find the woman feeding blood to someone. They tell her about the blood being bad there. Louis suggests they need better blood from America. The woman mentions Cezare Romulo. She says they killed her last out in the forest. She wants to come over the ocean with them.

louis s02e01 interview with the vampire

She will grow strong and share her story. The woman says they will kill for small comforts and wait for her children to join them. The woman says they own nothing before jumping into the fire. In the present, Armand tells Louis they received an aggressive offer for the Bacon Triptych. Louis asks to see the pages they removed from Claudia’s diaries. Armand says his name is on some of those pages. Louis won’t share with Molloy, but he needs to read them again. Armand says Molloy wants him in pieces so he can put them back together as he sees fit. He recommends ending the interview and putting Molloy back on a plane. After Louis refuses, Armand says he’ll have Rashid assemble the removed pages. Armand thinks the boy they met in San Francisco is still in there somewhere and they can find him.

Armand says they’ll do it together. They confront Molloy the next day to tell him he has their attention. Both agree to go on record. Molloy asks about them going west. Louis says Claudia was broken. He chose the city that called to them on the radio. The war had turned off the lights and stripped the streets of their beauty. Now, the world was ready to return and remake their lives. As they travel, Louis tells Claudia that their life is crap and it’s going to be that way. He urges her to stop feeling sorry for herself. He goes on to say they can’t be running away again. Louis insists they will find others like them. He sees Lestat sitting next to Claudia. They make it to Paris.


Interview With The Vampire Review

The second season of Interview With the Vampire started with a fairly uneventful episode that didn’t inspire much confidence. Jacob Anderson is good in the role of Louis in this modern adaptation of the story, but the episode had little direction. It’s hard to find the purpose among everything going on.

While Jacob Anderson is good, some of the other casting decisions are not so great. The replacement for Claudia doesn’t do such a great job with the southern American accent which wasn’t necessary to begin with. It’s questionable why the team felt the need to stick with these accents when everything else was changed from the source material.

The story feels like it’s going in circles with no passion and no direction. The dialogue is a major issue because it’s trying to be too stylish and sophisticated at times. This is at its worst during the interview scenes which sometimes seem unnecessary and only get in the way of the actual story. As a result, this only serves to drag out the series and make it even more tedious.

If a few episodes were cut off, the writers would be forced to get to the point and this would be significantly better. Otherwise, this was a pretty dull episode that doesn’t leave me yearning for the next. The episode scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of Interview with the Vampire can be found on Reel Mockery here.

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