In From The Cold

In From The Cold Season 1 Episode 3 Recap


The Widow – The show begins with Jenny Franklin (Margarita Levieva) being held at gunpoint by Lidia Orsorio (Maria Romero). She fires her gun and threatens to not miss with the next shot. When Jenny offers to help, Lidia angrily puts the tip of the gun under her chin. Jenny assures her that she is not the blame for the church shooting. She says you weren’t in control of your own mind. Lidia breaks down crying as Jenny comforts her. Jenny asks her to tell her what happened. She heard a humming sound while getting ready alongside her bridesmaids. She felt a drowning sensation and could no longer control her body. When she came through, she fled the scene.

In From The Cold

Jenny asks if she feels like herself. She feels like it. Stepping forward, Jenny questions how she knows Yannick Mair (Michael John Treanor). Yannick told them to deliver the security details for the Temple of Debod to Puoco Franco. A man attacks Lidia from behind. She is attacked by another man while Lidia holds off a man with her gun. A woman arrives to help the man take Lidia hostage. They throw her into the back of a vehicle that speeds off just in time for CIA agent Chauncey (Cillian O’Sullivan) and Chris (Charles Brice) to arrive. Chris warns him about the getaway car. He says we need to find Jenny. Chris and Chauncey search through the graveyard for Jenny. They find her lying on the ground, with no clothes on.

In From The Cold

Chauncey stitches up Jenny’s wound while they discuss the men who took Lidia. She questions where he learned how to suture wounds. He tells her in Afghanistan as an Air Force Special Forces officer. She explains it is difficult to see him out of a suit. He assures her this would have never happened if she informed him of where she was going. She corrects him, saying if you don’t know where I am, you can’t monitor me. He asks what went down at the cemetery. She reminds him of getting her ass kicked. He says we found you nude, in the fetal position. The need to protect herself after losing a lot of blood, she went into camo-mode. He isn’t aware of a camo-mode, even after reading the Yaroslav Program. She can utilize her morphing abilities to bend light to camouflage her skin, camo-mode.

In From The Cold

He thinks she is hiding something else from him. She isn’t totally for sure how body morphing works, other than utilizing biomechanics. He jumps back when she touches his skin to demonstrate how DNA is transferred from one person to another. Chris tracks down 77 BMW Alpina B5s, 24 of which are green, in the Madrid metropolitan area.  A green BMW Alpina B5 was caught on a restaurant surveillance camera approximately two blocks from the cemetery. The license plate was not visible in the footage. Jenny assures them she can track Lidia down again. Chauncey refuses to let her go back out because of her condition. He believes Lidia is probably already dead.

In From The Cold

Jenny says I should’ve saved her, as she has a flashback of Lidia at the church. Chauncey comments on how she has changed since they first met. He accuses her of giving a shit. She assures him that he doesn’t know her as she walks outside to place an order for ribeye, veggies, and a lot of ice. She pours the ice into the bathtub before getting in. Her body gradually heals. A flashback of Anya (Stasya Miloslavskaya) talking on the phone, with Faina Orlov (Anastasia Martin) appears on the screen. Faina is surprised Anya found her necklace. She knew how much it meant to her. Faina tells her she has a nice ass. She describes it as being round as an apple. Faina strips down to her panties and bra as a surprise for Anya who says you are beautiful Faina admits to falling in love with her. When she doesn’t say anything, she shuts the curtain.

In From The Cold

Chris and Chauncey view the footage from Jenny’s optic cameras, which she nothing about. The men who took Lidia, belongs to a group of mercenaries known as the Jackals. They sell their services for a lot of money. Chris identifies one of the men as Carmo Valter (Eduardo Rosa) who has a symbol on his hand. Chris is not happy with Chauncey’s decision to ask Davu about the symbol.

Ladonna Davis (Amanda Bright) is having dinner with another team mom (Elena Sanz). They gossip about someone having sexual relationships with the coach. Maddie Davis (Lola Mae Loughran) and Claire Reed (Anna Jobarteh) are sitting at another table nearby. The waiter (Fael Garcia) delivers their food. As Becca (Lydia Fleming) approaches, Claire jumps up after removing the cover of her dish. A man lifts a bird skeleton out of her dish. The man yells for a manager and immediately begins defending the restaurant. Irate, Ladonna says someone did it on purpose. As the man repeatedly yells for management, Maddie stares at Becca.

In From The Cold

Maddie follows Becca to the hotel room, accusing her of putting the bird skeleton in Claire’s food. Eventually, Maddie relents and starts laughing. Maddie compliments the earrings Becca gave her. They say bye in unison when Maddie announces Claire’s cancellation.

Chauncey meets with Davi Sampalo (Junio Valverde) to discuss the Valter. Davi is surprised to see Chauncey after he was disowned by the CIA. He questions what Chauncey is doing now. Chauncey shows him a photo of Davi’s symbol. Valter believes the brand is linked to Puoco Franco peddles meth in Madrid. He claims the symbol is “premium party stuff.” Chauncey is perturbed by a passing jogger. Before he leaves, Valter demands Chauncey to stop stalking his wife on social media.

In From The Cold

Chris tracks down the neighborhoods – Malasana, Lavapies, Arguelles, and La Latina – where Puoco Franco peddles drugs. Puoco Franco pays Yannick to get access to his connections. Yannick’s bank account showed a deposit of 100,000 euros. Chauncey suggests he paid Puoco Franco for security intel. Jenny agrees to visit Malasana, the group’s most profitable meth market.

Jenny gets dressed before heading out to Malasana. She tries to convince herself that she can do it. When she removes her shirt, she morphs into SuYin (Jeremy Ang Jones). She stares in the mirror and asks where you been SuYin.

In From The Cold

A female voice warns Anya that Faina is falling in love with her. She alerts them of a man following her before taking off after him. When she finally catches the man, he is hanging onto the side of a building. She demands to know why he is following her. The man pleads with her to save him from falling. When she pulls him up, he is shot in the back of the head by Svetlana Petrova (Alyona Khemelnitskaya). Anya’s face is covered in blood. Petrova suggests she should have killed the man first, ask questions later. She tells her that she wanted to find out who sent him before she killed him. She searches the man and finds a gun and SVR identification card.

In From The Cold

In Malasana, Jenny (SuYin) watches drug activity go done. Diego Santos (Pablo Capuz) gets in the car with Tomas Alonso (Mat Cruz) who tells him to go home to get sober. Diego admits to smoking weed. Tomas reminds him of what he said about learning the business as he learned from Uncle Felipe. Their dad didn’t want them selling drugs. When Diego gets out of the car, Jenny approaches to asks if they sell Puoco Franco. Tomas asks how much he wants. She buys a bag for 300 and offers to sling some meth for him. Diego approaches with a bag. Tomas tells him they are currently full.

In From The Cold

Chauncey tests the drugs while Chris tracks their micro-threaded euros to Barrio De Las Letras. Chauncey says the Puoco Franco is about 95%. Their money is tracked to a club owned by Felipe Calero. Jenny does a bit of digging on Felipe who is a philanthropist. After Jenny leaves, Chris warns Chauncey that he is playing with fire. Chauncey assures him everything is under control. Chris reminds him of how they ended up where they are now.

In From The Cold

Jenny arrives at the hotel just in time to catch Becca packing her belongings to move in with Maddie. She is thrilled the girls asked her to join them. Becca doesn’t want to take her medicine to avoid standing out. She promises to drop by to take them every morning. With Becca gone, Jenny conducts research on Felipe. She contacts Chauncey to alert him of her intentions of visiting Felipe. She starts guzzling alcohol. He suggests he not morph into anything. She agrees.

In From The Cold

Jenny meets Chauncey to visit Felipe’s club. Chris guides them to their euros in the Touching Room. The room is filled with people making out. He asks how they are going to get him. After kissing him, she slaps him across the face and pleads for help. She tells the bouncers Chauncey inappropriately touched her. Chauncey screams she wanted it. Felipe Calero (Jose Luis Garcia Perez) approaches, as the bouncers escort Chauncey outside. He asks a sniffling Jenny if she is okay. He introduces himself as the Inferno owner and apologizes for Chauncey’s behavior. She agrees to accompany him to level three.

In From The Cold

She identifies herself as Sara Fonte from Alicante but grew up in NYC. He asks what’s the purpose of her trip to Madrid. She explains it was for her and her husband’s 10th anniversary. She tells him her husband died six months prior. In preparation for the trip, he took a class to learn how to reach palms. She offers to give him a reading. He holds out his left hand. She tells him, he is artistic and spoiled. Felipe’s brother, Andres Calero (Luis Callejo) arrives to alert him of a problem. When the men leave, she morphs her hand into a replica of Felipe’s.

In From The Cold

She utilizes the hand to gain access into the same area. Chris says your signal is weakening. She says I don’t know where I am. She continues through the area until she discovers Lidia tied to a chair. Chauncey warns her about blowing her cover. She starts to untie Lidia when she detects someone approaching. She moves to an area in the room, removes her clothes, and disappears. The men believe Lidia doesn’t know anything. Carmo tells Felipe about Yannick’s phone missing, which he believes may be linked to a woman at the prison. He says the woman at the prison may be the same woman with Lidia when they abducted her.

In From The Cold

Felipe removes Lidia’s mask and gag. She pleads with him to not harm her. He asks her to identify Jenny. She denies knowing her name. Jenny appears to be inside a shelf. Lidia turns to Ramon Santos (Javier Abad) and asks what is happening. Felipe asks how he knows Lidia. He claims her fiancé bought drugs from him. She confirms his claims. Felipe wants Ramon to fight Lidia. He goes on a tirade about bullfighting before ordering them to free her. Lidia is pleading with Ramon who removes his coat to not hurt her while Jenny watches. He punches her until she falls to the ground. Chris says this is difficult to watch. Ramon pleads with Felipe to stop the fight.

In From The Cold

When he refuses, he grabs Lidia by the hair. She punches him and jumps on his back. He falls to the ground. She bangs his head on the ground until he is out cold. Felipe raises her hand, calling her their champion. After calling her a warrior, he shoots her between the eyes. Knowing Jenny is upset, Chauncey demands she not blow her cover. Felipe kills Ramon. Diego utilizes his hand to muffle his cries. Felipe calls Ramon a traitor for revealing their plans to execute the prime minister. He tells the men they must find Jenny. Diego’s job is to dispose of Lidia and Ramon’s bodies.

Chris warns Chauncey that Jenny’s blood pressure is rising. Chauncey encourages her to remain calm as the episode comes to an end.


In From The Cold Review

We now know Faina is in love with Anya, which risks her cover. In the meantime, Svetlana watches over her to ensure she is safe.

Each episode digs a little deeper into Madrid’s underworld. It is becoming more obvious, Chauncey is hiding something from Jenny. Is it something that could put or life in danger, infuriate her, or both.

Jenny displays yet another morphing capability that has proven to be very valuable. Without morphing capability, her fate would’ve probably been like that of Lidia.

The acting is superb, with the fabulous Margarita Levieva leading the way. The cinematography and directing are also great. The episode deserves a 7. Get more In From The Cold recaps here. Support the ReelMockery team by clicking the link.

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