Harlots Season 3 Finale Recap

henry and isabella harlots finale

At the start of the episode, Lydia Quigley (Lesley Manville) is shown putting on her wig. Emily Lacey (Holli Dempsey) wakes up with Hal (Ash Hunter) next to her. He gives her a ring from his mother and says he wants Emily to wear it. She is surprised when Hal locks her in. Elizabeth Harvey wakes up William (Danny Sapani) and tells him that she is going to do everything she can to help Lucy (Eloise Smyth). She explains that she is going to sell her outfits to earn money for Lucy. William asks Elizabeth what her real name is but she refuses to answer. Meanwhile, Henry and Kate Bottomley (Daisy Head) get flirty and romantic.

Nancy (Kate Fleetwood) visits Lucy at the jail. Lucy tells her that killing the man gave her strength. They wonder what they should do with the guilty brother, Hal. Lydia returns home and finds Cherry (Francesca Mills) in her house. She is surprised since she thought Cherry had left. Cherry explains that she did but she wants to be paid. Lydia says that she is reclaiming Golden Square and believes Charles will return. Cherry goes not. She wants her money and her dress. Lydia agrees to give her what she wants. Blayne (Julian Rhind-Tutt) walks in on Henry and Kate while they have sex. He tells Henry to keep going while he sits down and enjoys the action.

Blayne reveals that he is now the governor. Hal confronts Nancy about being there when his brothel died. She responds by saying that he was there when Charlotte died. Their conversation turns to Emily and Nancy says that she’ll see her soon. Hal suggests otherwise. Lydia pays a visit to Lord James Croft (Lex Shrapnel). She blackmails Croft so he will stop attacking Blayne. Harvey takes Lucy some items at the jail. Lucy tells her that she should take her place since it was her debt. Lucy tries to convince her that Lydia is their biggest enemy but she won’t listen. Isabella (Liv Tyler) meets up with Nancy and tells her that her brother has agreed to let her see Sophia.

However, he wants the baby in exchange for Sophia. Isabella wants Nancy to be there with her for the meeting. Emily tries to break out of the room and asks Rosamund to let her out but she refuses. Kate tells Henry about the rumors of Blayne being involved in terrible crimes but he isn’t willing to listen yet. He doesn’t believe that Isabella can be trusted either. Harriet (Pippa Bennett-Warner) and William speak about the kidnapped individuals. Hal speaks with Leadsom about getting rid of Nancy Birch. Leadsom is fine with that as long as they deal with Harriet too. Lady Leadsom listens in on their conversation. Croft goes to Justice Knox (Jack Greenlees) and urges him to shut down the homosexual brother at Golden Square.

Lydia visits Lucy at the jail and tells her all about her plans. Lydia tells Lucy that she needs to stay silent now that Croft cannot help her. Emily finally finds a way to escape. Sophia is taken to her mother but she doesn’t want to see her. Cherry goes to Fanny (Bronwyn James) and offers to be her pimp. Fanny agrees to accept the offer for the time being. Isabella apologizes for offending Nancy and thanks her for coming with her. They meet with Sophia but the conversation does not go well. Sophia gets angry and leaves. Sophia’s husband tells them that they can be found at the White Lion. Blayne is not happy that Isabella hasn’t brought the baby with her. Hal lures Harriet out of her house by telling her he knows where Jack is.

Lydia encourages Anne (Ellie Heydon) to let Blayne see the baby. Emily goes to Fanny who allows her inside so she can warn Nancy. Ned and Fredo get romantic before their brothel is raided. Both men are arrested after being caught in the act. Hal locks Harriet into the cell with Jack. She learns that several others are being held captive there too. Harvey goes to Knox and learns that Croft turned them in because he had too much to lose. Nancy and Isabella return home before they receive a visit from Kate who wants help bringing down Blayne. Ned is worried that Fredo is going to rat on him to avoid hanging.

Anne meets with Blayne and agrees to give him the baby for a little money. When Anne leaves, she is attacked. She is cut along the face and her money is stolen. Lydia tells Blayne that she has dealt with Croft and will silence Lucy soon enough. Emily tells Nancy that she told Hal she was there when Isaac was killed. While Kate and Isabella speak, Anne enters asking for help. Lydia sets out to find another girl for Blayne to slaughter. Lady Leadsom goes to William and tells him where to find Jack and Harriet. In return, William agrees not to get Lord Leadsom in trouble. Hal learns that Emily has escaped and he blames Rosamund. He goes to the Wells brother and calls for Emily. He tries to talk her into returning home with him.

Emily doesn’t leave with him. William manages to save Harriet, Jack, and the others. Henry meets with Anne, Kate, and Isabella. He learns about Blayne’s dirty dealings and how he got Isabella pregnant. It appears that Henry is now on their side. Sophia’s husband tries to sell her to Hal but Hal isn’t having it. Sophia learns that her uncle wanted her sold. Elizabeth goes to Croft and learns that Lydia gave him no choice but to turn on them. Blayne finds Henry with Isabella and the others. Henry turns against Blayne and has him taken away. He tells Blayne not to show his face at court again. Lydia visits Golden Square and Harvey confronts her. Lydia agrees to get the boys released if she changes places with Lucy. Sophia goes to her mother now that she knows the truth and apologizes.

Harvey does what was asked of her and Lucy is set free. Kate tells Lydia what she did to Blayne. She believes that Lydia is going to be happy about it but she is not. She believes that Kate just signed her death warrant. Kate offers to protect her. Lydia tells her to go somewhere safe right now. Before Kate leaves, she tells Lydia that it was the right thing to do. William returns to the brothel with Harriet and Jack. They tell Hal what he did and it appears that Emily is willing to listen this time. Nancy meets with Hal at his pub and they draw guns on each other. Emily enters and steps in between them. She tells Hal that she loves him and they can stay other. Kate goes to Knox and tells him that Lydia does not deserve to hang if Blayne is going to be her executioner.

She pleads for his help. Knox sets Fredo and Ned free. Lucy goes to Lydia and tells her she is going to rid the house of vermin. Lydia offers to share a drink with her. Lucy takes a drink and sits down with her. Lucy falls on the ground after realizing she has been poisoned. Blayne meets with Lydia and says that he wants Kate silenced now. Lydia says that she has a gift and that Lucy can take Kate’s place for now. Lucy wakes up just in time to see Blayne standing over her. While Blayne is distracted by Lucy, Lydia grabs a knife and stabs him with it. He pulls it out and tries to kill Lydia. Lucy takes him from behind and Lydia gets him from the front. Blayne dies in front of them and they laugh together.

Hal tells Emily that he sees a red mist sometimes before apologizing. Emily apologizes to before Hal is approached by several men. She tells Hal that the pub is her and he is going to serve in the navy and start a new life elsewhere. Emily tells the others that they’ll answer to her now before having Rosamund thrown out. Lucy and Lydia tell Knox that Blayne tried to rape Lucy. Knox says that he’ll be found in an alley, robbed and the culprit will never be found. Fanny’s brother thrives with Cherry helping out. Elizabeth finally tells William her real name Emma Harrison and they shake hands. Kate thanks Lydia for saving her life and teaching her to survive. Kate tells her that she will never live with her again.

Lydia believes that she scares Kate. Lucy enters and tells her that she doesn’t scare her. Anne gets her baby back and things seem to be going well with Sophia and Isabella. Nancy and Isabella sit together while Lucy shares a drink with Lydia.


Harlots Review

Overall, I thought the finale was okay. It was a bit drug out at points but managed to wrap everything up in the end. Sadly, it was a bit too easy for everyone except Blayne. Nevertheless, I would say that the ending was satisfactory. I am not sure it can make up for the season though because it wasn’t nearly as good as the first two. The ending was rushed too much. I hope the show ends here. The quality has dipped somewhat and I am not sure it can regain the quality it once possessed.

I’d likely watch a 4th season but I would do so leisurely like I did this one. This season didn’t captivate me enough to justify bingeing it. The finale scores a 7 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Harlots before you leave!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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