Guilt Episode 2 Recap

jake guilt s01e02

At the start of the episode, we see a man in a bar putting up a help wanted sign. Max McCall (Mark Bonnar) walks through a dark tunnel of sorts. After the intro, Max sits down with Kenny Burns (Emun Elliott). He tells him that he has something bad to tell him before saying he saw his wife kissing another man. Max tries his best to convince Kenny to drink alcohol but he fails. Kenny claims he is a changed man and he isn’t going back to alcohol. Meanwhile, Claire McCall (Sian Brooke) waits for Tina (Moyo Akande) to arrive for the spin class.

Then, we jump over to Walter’s house where Angie (Ruth Bradley) and Jake (Jamie Sives) speak about music. Angie offers to give Walter’s record collection to Jake’s shop but he turns that down. He believes that the record collection should stay together. Jake finds an old picture of Angie but it looks nothing like her so he sticks it in his pocket. Max pays a visit to Walter’s neighbor, Sheila Gemmell (Ellie Haddington). He tries to convince her that she didn’t see anything but she is adamant that Max and the other lad killed Walter with their car. She wants 20 grand for her silence and she isn’t going to budge from that number.

Max leaves and goes to Walter’s house. He finds Kenny there and learns about the testing for the fragments found on Walter’s pants. Max pulls Jake aside. Both are having trouble dealing with their responsibilities. Jake hasn’t managed to get rid of Angie and Max hasn’t dealt with Kenny either. Max returns home and tells Claire that he is going to take 20 grand from their bank account to help Jake’s business. She eventually talks him out of it. Meanwhile, Jake speaks with Angie about not using social media while she goes through Walter’s paperwork. Max can’t sleep that night.

The following day, he decides to play hard ball with Sheila. He visits her and tells her that he is a respected lawyer. He doesn’t think anyone will believe her so he isn’t going to pay her anything. Jake deals with business at the shop before confronted Angie about the picture. She says that she was an ugly kid and went through years of bullying before she changed. Jake accepts that story. Next, Claire invites Tina out for a drink. Tina has something to do but she does text Claire her address so she can visit sometime. That night, Max finds Claire messaging someone. Claire tells him that it is Angie so he wants to know what they chat about.

Claire fires back by saying that they never go out. When they do, they hang out with people she doesn’t like. Max says that they can go for dinner tomorrow. Back at Walter’s house, Angie tells Jake that something weird was going on with Walter’s money before he died. Someone gets rid of the paint fragments before they can be tested. Max belittles Kenny in Walter’s house. He also tells him that he is going to fire him. In private, Angie asks Max what he believes happened. He admits he thinks the cops might have missed some funny business. Jake asks his brother if he is responsible for the fragments going missing.

He also says he took care of the Angie thing. They visit Max’s lawyer’s friend while Jake tells his brother about the picture of Angie. The lawyer friend brings them a picture of Angie’s ID. Meanwhile, Kenny becomes suspicious of the neighbor with the gnome. He finds the camera and goes into the man’s house. Max tells Jake that it is over and that they can get back to a normal life. Jake doesn’t seem interested in going back to a normal life. Kenny searches the man’s house and uses his benefits fraud scheme against him. He finds the camera footage. While Max returns to the office and receives a piece of mail, Claire prepares for their date.

Max opens the mail and finds a CD containing the footage from the night of Walter’s death. While Max watches the footage, Kenny does the same. It shows two men carrying a body into Walter’s house but little else. Angie digs through her father’s paperwork and finds out that he was making a lot of payments to Sheila Gemmell. Max pays a visit to Cameron (Noof McEwan) at a cash loan shop and gets the 20 grand from him. While Claire waits for her husband, he takes the money to Sheila. She tells him that nobody else knows what he has done. She claims that everything will end with her.

Max gives her the money. Sheila tries to call Angie but she doesn’t answer. Angie looks out of the window and stares back at Sheila who is doing the same. Claire visits Tina at her apartment. Kenny visits Max to give him his invoice. He asks Max about speaking with Walter’s neighbors and Max denies it. Kenny says nothing else about it. He leaves with a check and a smile on his face. Claire shares a drink with Tina. Claire nearly breaks down before trying to leave but Tina convinces her to stay. Tina gives her a kiss before returning for more.

Max destroys the CD with the footage on it. He receives the paperwork that Jake signed earlier too. Max manipulates the paperwork for the UK Revenue and Customs Services. Then, we see that Tina and Claire have had intercourse. Max finally realizes that he has forgotten about his wife. Kenny continues his investigation by following the man who gave the paperwork to Max. He follows him back to the loan business. Max returns home and begins apologizing to Claire. He tells her that he has fixed things so they can go back to normal now. Claire says it is too late. She wants to take a shower before suggesting that they stay in for the night.

Jake calls Angie and tells her about his stint with a band when he was younger. He tells her that he wants her to stay. Angie says that she is staying before abruptly hanging up the phone. Then, Jake looks at the matches she gave him. They feature a picture of The Highlander which is a bar and restaurant. Angie goes across the street to speak with Sheila while Jake scours through photographs of The Highlander. He finds a picture of Angie behind the bar. In a flashback, it appears that Sheila is at the bar where Angie is working. Sheila opens the door and Angie tells her that she believes she lied to her about what happened.

Angie says that she isn’t going to go anywhere until she knows what Sheila did. Sheila corrects her by saying what we did. Angie walks back across the street as the episode ends.


Guilt Review

I am loving this show. It has to be one of the best things I’ve watched this year. I am a bit confused at this point though. Am I getting this right that Sheila and Angie have been working together from the beginning? I am curious to know if Walter was dead to begin with. Or, did the neighbors find out and use the story to blackmail the brothers from the start?

Either way, Guilt has a fascinating story. I am thinking that Jake may be more beneficial than his brother. I am worried that Max did something bad with the paperwork for Jake’s store though. I guess there is only one way to find out. This episode was great. It scores an 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Guilt on Reel Mockery!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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