grantchester s09e08 finale alphy

Grantchester Series 9 Episode 8 Finale Recap

As the finale of Grantchester begins, Alphy Kotteram (Rishi Nair) and Sylvia Chapman (Tessa Peake-Jones) prepare for David’s arrival. Sylvia says she won’t like him because he’s stealing Alphy’s job. David arrives and says hello before the congregation members begin pouring in. Leonard (Al Weaver) reads a letter from Daniel (Oliver Dimsdale) who explains that Sam said it was for the best to leave without a fuss. Daniel believes this was the right decision and the start of something special. He’s close to selling his house. Daniel knows where he’s meant to be and what his purpose is. He says Leonard will give him space if he loves him. A woman leaves a letter at the vicarage before leaving in a hurry. Alphy finds it and reads a message asking, “Why have you given up?”

s09e06 daniel marlowe grantchester

Geordie (Robson Green) meets Larry (Bradley Hall) who says someone jumped to their death around eight this morning. The victim’s name is Fred Eccles who did the accounts for a publisher off Kingston Street. Fred is a 32-year-old single lodger. They speak to the landlady who says Fred was a good tenant. Fred painted army figures because it relaxed him. Geordie finds that the paint is still wet. The landlady asks why Fred would paint them if he was going to kill himself. She also points out that the flag bearer is in the wrong place. The landlady is convinced someone killed Fred. Alphy tries to figure out what the notes mean. A distraught Leonard arrives for a cup of tea and company. The landlady says Fred had a church group. He had thrown it all in last week. He sold half of his troops to help them raise money.

The whole street heard them talking about the other guy owing Mr. Eccles money. It’s confirmed that the church is called the Way Finders and Sam was the guy in question. Geordie and Larry are told to check the streets off King’s Parade to see if they can find the church members. They find Sam White (Elliot Warren). Leonard tells Alphy about Daniel’s letter. He’s worried that Daniel doesn’t want to be found. Geordie calls Alphy to tell him he’s found Sam. At the station, Sam claims he saw Fred a week ago. When he’s asked about the landlady, he admits he was there last night but claims it wasn’t important. Sam claims Fred stole 50 pounds. Fred allegedly told Sam that he considered ending his life. Larry finds nothing in Sam’s stuff so he’s released.

As Sam leaves, Leonard accuses him of taking advantage of Daniel. Sam tells Leonard to come and ask Daniel himself if he thinks he’s wasting his money. Miss Scott (Melissa Johns) enters as Leonard and Sam leave together. Sam shows Leonard their place and explains they want to help people find themselves. He kisses Roxy who says Daniel is in Bible study. Leonard finds Daniel leading a talk. Larry says no one knew Fred or said anything to him except Sam White. They discuss how Sam gets money and how he might’ve owed Fred. Larry kept Sam’s book of accounts. When they check it, it’s a book about war games and there’s blood fingerprints on the front. They suspect it belonged to Fred. Larry returns to Fred’s room where he finds another book, but it’s got the accounts this time.

Robson Green s09e07 Grantchester

He also takes the blue paint. Daniel tells Leonard that he’s started figuring out what’s held him back by working with Sam. Daniel claims Leonard is picking it apart because it’s not all about him. Leonard argues that Daniel is angry. Larry returns with the accounts book and the paint. He explains that the paint is supposed to dry in one hour, yet it was still wet when they arrived. Miss Scott says someone named Sam White studied theology at Corpus Christi. It can’t be him because that Sam White is dead. A fire killed him. Geordie suspects their Sam took the dead man’s name to hide who he is. He mentions the times they’ve talked to Sam who was always there. Alphy mentions the letter he got. Geordie wonders if the woman who delivered it was Rose Shirley.

She knew Sam. Alphy believes she was warning them about Sam. Daniel tells Leonard he’s on the right path now although Leonard thought they were already on it. Instead of leaving, Leonard sneaks around the property. He enters a room and looks through paperwork and drawers. He finds the article written by Innes Clark for The Honest Duck. Geordie visits Rose Shirley while Alphy tries to figure out the message. Leonard puts the article in his pocket and sees Daniel talking to Sam outside the window. Rose tells Geordie that Sam finds a thread and pulls it. When she got pregnant, she realized the truth so she took a letter to the vicarage. Sam saw her and threatened to burn her and her baby if she went back there again. Geordie tells her that his name isn’t Sam. He asks who he is. Larry realizes so many people are giving their savings to Sam.

He and Miss Scott wonder if Fred found out all that money was going to Sam instead of good causes. Alphy interrupts to say Sam’s name is John Amos and his date of birth is the fifth of the seventh of 1930. Geordie calls to say the same. He also figured out that Sam is controlling and violent. Sam was breaking into the vicarage to steal the letters Rose left. Miss Scott says the real Sam White had a surviving housemate named John Amos. Larry has an address at the Alexander House west of Milton. Miss Scott tells Alphy that Leonard left with John Amos. Leonard looks in a closet and finds a rifle just before John Amos catches him. Leonard tells him he was lost. Leonard tries to convince Sam to let Daniel come home with him. Alphy arrives outside.

sylvia chapman s07e05 grantchester

Sam tells Leonard to stay put if he wants to see Daniel again. Sam invites Alphy inside to join Daniel and the others. Alphy calls him John. Sam gets rid of the others so they can talk in private. Alphy tells Daniel that his name is John Amos and it’s all a sham. John says John Amos was a thief and a sinner. He had gone down a bad path until he met an incredible man named Sam White. Alphy accuses John of killing Sam. They argue about redemption and power. Alphy says it’s all a con. John reminds him that his church swindles. Daniel admits the church calls him an abomination. John says the church doesn’t even want Alphy. Daniel steps out and the conversation continues. Alphy believes John got Caroline to sleep with him. John says he’s not responsible for Alphy’s mistakes.

Alphy asks if Caroline killed for him too. John claims to know everything there is to know about Alphy. He knows Alphy never felt wanted. He goes on to say he has no home and no family. John says he has everything Alphy doesn’t and he can’t handle it. When another car arrives, Alphy tells John he’s finished. John goes outside and begins shooting at Larry and Geordie. He shoots towards Leonard too. John goes back inside and tells everyone that the police are shooting at them. Geordie checks on Larry who has been shot in the shoulder. His vehicle won’t start. Alphy tries to convince John not to do this. Geordie tells Larry he’s going to be fine. Daniel finds out that Leonard has also been shot. Geordie tries to find a way to get into the residence.

Larry walks to a phone booth. He calls Miss Scott to tell her they need help. She tries to keep him talking. Geordie hears John saying this place is his life. Alphy keeps John talking so Geordie can sneak up behind him. Geordie attacks him and handcuffs him. John tells Roxy he’s being persecuted as a man of God. Geordie hits him again for Larry before Daniel yells for help for Leonard. Alphy rushes upstairs to check on Leonard. He finds out that Leonard only has a splinter in his shoulder. Miss Scott tries to keep Larry talking. Geordie comes out to check on him. David arrives at the vicarage. He’s told Dickens comes with the position. David says that’s not going to happen. He suggests Alphy might be going somewhere that feels more like home. Alphy threatens to punch him if he throws away Mrs. C’s apron.

grantchester s09e08 finale alphy

Aubrey (Stuart Bowman) finds Alphy at the church a bit later. Alphy tells him that David is not a good man and the people of the parish deserve better. Aubrey asks if Alphy put his housekeeper up to writing all those letters. The archbishop agrees that he should stay. Larry receives an applause when he returns to the police station. Miss Scott tells Larry to go away. She’s scared she’ll want to kiss him if she looks at him. They end up kissing anyway. Alphy returns home and hugs Sylvia. They all get together to eat later. Esme tells her parents she believes she might be in love. Daniel and Leonard approach the house from the outside. Daniel worries he won’t be welcome. The others come out and urge him to come and help with the gravy.

Later Daniel dances with Sylvia. In the other room, Geordie tells Alphy that you can’t beat that sound. They go outside and talk about life flashing before their eyes in moments of peril. Alphy claims he saw Dickens since he worried who would feed him. Geordie thinks they need to find him a wife although Alphy says he’s fine being single.


Grantchester Review

The finale of Grantchester’s 9th series had some strong moments with Larry although some of the writing was very questionable. There isn’t much in the finale that will surprise viewers. By this point, it’s clear that Sam White is the villain, Alphy isn’t going anywhere, Daniel is coming home, and Larry will have some type of win.

Larry’s eventual win was easily the highlight of the finale although the writing up until that point was pretty shaky. While it’s easy to overlook a few hiccups here and there, it’s getting to the point where we have to bend reality to enjoy Grantchester. The writing is no longer logical and that’s been a major issue since Will left the series.

The finale just had too many eye-rolling moments that really halted the momentum. Everything was going fairly well until everyone discovered Sam’s real identity. From that point forward, it was one odd thing after another. For instance, everyone knew how dangerous Sam or John could be. Miss Scott told Alphy about Leonard being with John instead of a police officer. After all, she was in a police station with police officers who actually have training and guns.

Instead, Alphy confronted John Amos alone despite the risk involved. Larry was right next to him and the police station was full of officers, but he decided to speak to John alone. Geordie was away at the time since he spoke to Rose. He went all the way to the station to pick up Larry, yet didn’t bother getting any backup to apprehend a potential murderer.

After that, Geordie told the woman outside that the police were on the way. Then, Larry drug himself all the way to the phone booth to call Miss Scott for help. Overall, it’s unbelievable that a vicar would be the first person to confront a violent criminal instead of an actual team of officers. Finally, the scenes with David were very odd as well. While no one really liked David, I don’t recall him being an a-hole prior to this episode.

In this episode, it seemed like they pushed that hard when it really didn’t matter and wasn’t necessary. What was the point in that when Aubrey knew Alphy was going to be staying anyway? It’s like they’re trying to make everyone else look really bad just so Alphy will look decent when it’s not needed. There were some great scenes here among the core characters, but the quality of writing is concerning.

The finale scores a 5 out of 10. Recaps of Grantchester can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. Discuss this show and others at the Reel Mockery Forum.

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