Grantchester Season 4 Episode 3 Recap

daniel leonard grantchester

As the episode begins, Geordie (Robson Green) is shown around a store by Cathy (Kacey Ainsworth). Geordie wants to know how much the electricity bill is. Geordie is fitted for a suit for his upcoming anniversary dinner. Geordie and his wife chat about the attendant, Anthony Hobbs (Christian McKay), and Sidney being gone. Leonard Finch (Al Weaver) speaks to the congregation. Daniel Marlow (Oliver Dimsdale) is in the audience. Leonard does his best to fill Sidney’s shoes. He even trains Dickens. Geordie checks out his new suit and sees a poster for The Terror From Tomorrow. Next, he visits Mr. Amery about the break-in. Instead he runs into Alex Simms, who claims there was no break-in.

Geordie is invited inside. He asks Tim Amery (Charlie Hamblett) about the break-in. Alex Simms (Tom Turner) continues butting into the conversation. Jean Simms (Zoe Telford) claims that it is common for them to work throughout the night. Geordie continues questioning Amery. Geordie knows that Alex has been drinking. Alex begins yelling at Karla Reed (Marli Siu) about the reader. Jack Chapman (Nick Brimble) writes a letter supporting Leonard. He recommends Finch as vicar as Grantchester. Geordie finds out that Alex was working on Lytham’s teashops last night. Amery explains how the technology could soon take over Geordie’s job. Alex begins coughing. He vomits.

There is mercury on the ground. Alex collapses. A team is brought in to inspect the scene. Outside, Amery tells Geordie that the mercury can be used to store data. Geordie suspects that it was sabotage. He wonders if Alex was alone all night long. Larry Peters (Bradley Hall) lets them know that Alex has passed away. Anthony helps Cathy find something to wear. Geordie is shown the broker containers. He tells Larry that he is looking for evidence. Geordie believes the professor has something to hide. He just doesn’t know what it is yet. He finds wine and two glasses in a drawer. He wonders who the professor was with. Cathy tries on dresses. Sean Donovan (Felix Scott) arrives to help with the investigation. The professor was once arrested but not charged. Larry is told that he was a pansy. Larry doesn’t seem to understand.

Daniel helps Leonard prepare to speak at the church. Mrs. Chapman (Tessa Peake-Jones) enters with Geordie. Geordie wants Leonard help on the case. Daniel points Geordie towards The Ganymede Club, which could be a hot spot for homosexuals. Leonard joins Geordie. Leonard tells him that he’ll be just fine in his new suit. Leonard signs in at Sidney Chambers. Geordie compares the handwriting and links it to Robert Hazelwood. Meanwhile, Cathy shares a drink with Anthony. He tells her why he has remained single. Geordie can’t get information about Hazelwood. Geordie spots Mrs. Simms walk through the door. Leonard and Geordie give chase. Geordie manages to convince her to stop. Leonard finally makes his grand entrance. Anthony gets flirty with Cathy. He tries to force himself on her. She makes an escape.

Leonard listens as Geordie questions Mrs. Simms. Geordie asks her who B is. She doesn’t believe B killed her husband. They were in love and happy. She thought he might have seen something. Leonard prevents Geordie from acting harshly. Simms gives the name of Bobby Guthrie (Simon Bubb). Leonard and Geordie pay Bobby a visit. Bobby has a wife and kids. They learn that Bobby came home ill that morning. It is mercury poisoning again. Geordie tells Mrs. Simms about Bobby being ill. He accuses her of being responsible. Karla claims that Jean left with her last night. Karla and Jean were a couple too. Geordie and Leonard discuss the case at the bar. Leonard agrees to butt into Geordie’s work tomorrow too. He speaks about the possibility of getting the Grantchester job. Geordie believes that he is a shoe in.

Will Davenport (Tom Brittney) flies down the road on his motorcycle. He introduces himself to Mrs. Chapman as the possible new vicar of Grantchester. He isn’t happy to hear that. Geordie and Cathy share lunch. Cathy leaves in a hurry. Chapman tells Leonard about her encounter. Leonard tags along with Geordie. They visit Bobby again. Bobby denies being at the lab. He isn’t sure how it happened. He claims he doesn’t know a Professor Alex Simms. Geordie finds evidence that contradicts him. Geordie wants to know what is on the tape. Geordie tells Bobby’s wife about his affair. Leonard is not happy. Leonard tells Daniel all about it later. Chapman catches them kissing.

She says that the archdeacon rang and stops in midsentence. Chapman runs off. Leonard tells Daniel to just go. Geordie goes to Amery and asks him what is on the paper. They speak about Jean and whether or not she could have done it. Amery confesses that they argued. The Archdeacon (Gary Beadle) sits down with everyone. Chapman refuses to speak on Leonard’s behalf. However, Will does. He suggests that Leonard should get the job. The Archdeacon doesn’t agree. Leonard admits he is not ready. Will is made the new vicar of Grantchester. Geordie joins them at the bar. Leonard promises that he is happy with the decision. He admits he would rather be in the background. Geordie lets him look at the print out. It says two bodies on soul. Leonard gives Geordie support. Will suggests going back to the basics and listening for a chance.

Geordie goes to hunt for the murder weapon. He finds Jean’s ring. Geordie places the blame on Amery. He accuses of Amery of setting everything up. Amery breaks down and smashes the computer system. Geordie takes him down. His suit is ruined though. Will makes drinks. Chapman is not impressed. Leonard tells him not to take it personally. Amery works in jail. Geordie leaves his wife a note and hits the pub. Leonard speaks to the congregation.


Grantchester Review

I will agree that Grantchester is getting a little politically correct. However, it has always ben so to some degree and I didn’t mind it in this episode. Leonard’s sexuality has always been a focal point of the series. The episode had some laughs here and there. The investigation wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t horrible either. The episode did a good job setting up the rest of the season and it was probably the best episode of season four.

I am still not sold on Will Davenport though. Something irks me about the character. I’ll wait and see how that plays out. This episode scores an 8 out of 10. Catch up with previous recaps of Grantchester now!

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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