Glitch Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

glitch recaps s03e03

At the start of the episode, Chris Rennox (John Leary) speaks with Charlie (Sean Keenan) and Kirstie (Hannah Monson). Chris tells Kirstie that he is going to file a police report about her rape but she doesn’t think it’ll matter this late into the game. Kirstie makes it clear that she never intends to return to Yoorana. Chris gives them some money before they jump on the bus and leave. Tam Chi Wai (Harry Tseng) stops in front of the bus before rushing off. Soon, Charlie and Kirstie arrive at their destination. They have a tough time getting a room since they do not have proper identification. They end up being overcharged.

Once there, Kirstie goes into the bathroom and uses the pregnancy test. She has a flashback of being with her boyfriend but it is just Charlie. Mark Clayton-Stone (Dustin Clare) calls Noregard and lets them know that William has decided to fight back. Mark is given the name of James (Patrick Brammall). He is told that James might be able to help him. David Goldman (Max Brown) learns about the death of Nicola Heysen (Pernilla August). The following day, Kirstie and Charlie go out to a clothing store. Charlie has a flashback.

He remembers his buddy from his previous life. Kirstie encourages him to flee the store since she stole a dress. Meanwhile, Phil (Rob Collins) deals with his stitches and covers up with a hat. He runs into a man he knows and tells him that someone is after him. Phil doesn’t harm the man. That night, Charlie and Kirstie go to The Blade. Kirstie has a great time singing, dancing, and drinking. As for Charlie, he has flashbacks of helping lure homosexuals to his friends so they can get beat up. He tells two men to stop kissing because he is afraid they’ll get into trouble.

Kirstie wins a prize before Charlie tells her that he wants to leave. While she doesn’t want to, she agrees to go with him. Kirstie stops along the way and grabs a pamphlet for a family planning organization. They make it back to the hotel room. Kirstie gets ill. While she is in the bathroom, Charlie finds a man named Raf (Jackson Gallagher) trying to open their door. He stops him and helps him to his room. Charlie agrees to help the man take off his stockings. He is trans. When Charlie returns to his room, he finds out that Kirstie is pregnant. She was pregnant before she died.

Kirstie goes outside and has a flashback of being chased through the woods. When he comes back to reality, she realizes that she is all alone. Phil returns to his house and sneaks around back. Beau (Aaron McGrath) tries to fight him off with a shovel but it doesn’t work. Beau calls James too. Phil explains that things have changed but Beau doesn’t want to hear it. Phil follows Beau and gets him alone again. He apologizes for Paddy and explains that his priorities have changed. He wants to spend time with his family now. James gets the voicemail from Beau. He and William (Rodger Corser) know what they need to do.

William is convinced that things are getting worse quickly. James picks up his phone but it explodes and catches fire. Mark shows up at the police station and speaks with Chris. He wants to know more about the missing people. Chris offers to give him information but he wants a full statement from Mark. He isn’t willing to give that statement so he leaves. Mark sticks around in his truck outside and follows Chris. Chris calls Kirstie but the connection is poor. He tries to warn her that someone is looking for them. Chris lets Belle (Jessica Faulkner) and Tam stay at his place with Pete (Robert Menzies).

Belle wants to leave but Chris tells her that she should stay put. When Chris leaves, Tam reluctantly goes with Belle. He believes it would be a bad idea to go to her place. She thinks her parents are just scared. Charlie returns to Kirstie with food and a ring. He offers to marry her and help her raise the baby. Kirstie doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to have a baby at all. She rushes off. Chris calls again but Charlie hangs up on him abruptly. He runs into Raf a few seconds later and realizes he is bleeding again.

Phil tries to make things right with his family. Beau tells his mother about Phil buying him lunch and cleaning up. She finds Phil trying to fix the door. He tells her that he wants her. He knows he doesn’t deserve it but he wants it anyway. Raf deals with Charlie’s wound. Charlie has another flashback. This time, he is told that he needs to do some of the bashing too. When he returns to reality, he tells Raf what he has done. He admits he was a coward and did it because he was afraid not to. They end up making out. Kirstie makes it to the clinic and speaks with the receptionist (Jing Xuan Chan).

Things look bad for Kirstie since she doesn’t have money or a medicare card. Elena Triggs (Shareena Clanton) interrupts and offers to speak with her in private. Kirstie tells Elena all about the rape and her pregnancy. Chris arrives at the motel and finds Charlie with Raf. He tells Charlie that someone is after them and begins searching for Kirstie. Charlie shows him the pamphlet. He decides to go to the clinic and Charlie is sent to The Blade. Mark watches them from his vehicle. Tam and Belle continue towards her house. They spot Anne (Susan Prior) but Tam doesn’t let Belle speak with her.

They hide from her and decide to look for Judith instead. The enter a building on the property and Tam remembers his family. He promised that he would come for them after getting enough money. He tells Belle that he needs to get his wife and son. Luke (Reef Ireland) emerges from the house with a shotgun so they make a run for it. Bugs form the weird symbol outside of Phil’s door. He is asked about the scars on his head. He explains that Heysen performed a test on him because she thought something special happened to him when the oil rig exploded. He admits something happened but not in the way Heysen thought. He says he figured out his purpose.

Phil agrees to take the baby off of Beau’s hands. He changes the baby’s diaper. Phil seems to be winning points with the family. Charlie and Raf speak about Chris. Raf wants to know what is going on. Mark emerges and attacks Raf. He tries to convince Charlie to get into the van. They try to fight back but Mark gets the better of them and throws Charlie inside. Phil goes to the store with his girlfriend. They kiss before he starts heading inside. He spots Kate (Emma Booth) and begins chasing after her. She grabs a broken bottle and he tries to explain himself to her. He tells her that he wants to help her stay alive so he can stay alive.

Kate decides to take him to James. Chris arrives at the clinic and finds Kirstie. She says she has an appointment for the following day. Chris tells her that someone is after her. They return to the motel and collect her belongings. Raf arrives and tells Chris what happened. Raf tells him the license plate number and they go to the spot where it happened. While they walk away, Mark enters the motel with the intention of getting Kirstie. He smashes in the door and gets control of Kirstie very easily. He gives her chloroform to knock her out before carrying her back to his van.


Glitch Review

I am really digging Glitch this season. It has been very fast paced. It feels like anyone could be taken out at any moment. However, I am not sure what Mark and Noregard want to achieve. It is clear that Heysen was trying to bring back her children. Does she want to kill the others or use them to experiment? As for James and William, it seems that they’re out to kill the others and save the world. Unfortunately, Kate and Phil are heading right towards them.

Things could get very intense in the coming episodes. I can’t wait to see what happens. This episode was good. It deserves a 7.5 out of 10. Catch up with past recaps of Glitch before you go.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.


  1. “Glitch” has such a fantastic cast in even the smallest roles, but I am constantly frustrated in not being able to identify who is playing who. So often the smaller characters are unnamed, making it impossible to identify the character/actor in the credits. So … can anyone identify who played the following in this episode:
    – the female counsellor at the family planning clinic
    – the man who (in flashback) urged Charlie to do bashings

    1. I’ve had the same problems. I am not sure if their names were ever mentioned in the actual show. I watch it twice and couldn’t tell you the names. I try to describe what I can but yeah. Agree with you here. Some of the flashbacks are confusing for this reason.

  2. I am definitely confused between Mark and Phil.

    Mark is new and Phil has been the one trying to kill the returned for the last two seasons, (well since he came back) but I am confused as to Mark’s background – who is he?

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