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Fallen Series 1 Episode 8 Finale Recap

The finale begins with Ms. Sophia (Sarah Niles) staging Penn Lockwood’s (Esme Kingdom) death to look like an accidental drowning. She even later delivers a heartfelt eulogy at the funeral.

Ms. Miriam (Sarah Niles) fails to console Tasha (Sam Bell) while the residents briefly debate what really happened to Penn. It doesn’t take long before Roland Sparks (Lawrence Walker) points the blame at Cam Jordan (Timothy Innes). Although Daniel Grigori (Gijs Blom) eventually steps in to play mediator, their attention is soon drawn to what appears to be an approaching meteor shower.

Sometime later, Ms. Miriam leads an Elder’s meeting where the Day of Decision is the topic of discussion. According to Miriam, the Day of Decision marks the end of the prophecy. Despite that, they are facing potential Outcast (Adam Zambryzczky) attacks from all sides of the perimeter. According to Doctor Clifford Howson (Alexander Siddig), the veil remains intact and will aid in their defense. If the veil falls, they will have no choice but to fight. Before they fortify themselves in the tunnels, Ms. Sophia (Sarah Niles), mentions forcing someone to make a decision but this doesn’t sit well with Miriam because it goes against the prophecy.

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The residents continue to debate Penn’s death when they receive an announcement, ordering them to remain inside. Although this briefly sidetracks their discussion, it isn’t long before Roland and Cam resume their earlier dispute. Luce/Lucinda Price (Jessica Alexander) plays mediator this time by bringing attention to the reduction in security personnel and suggesting that now is the time for them to seek the truth.

With a plan in place, Luce shares her suspicion about Penn’s death with Sophia. Cam outright accuses an already frustrated Howson of killing Penn. When he denies it, Cam adds to his frustration by teasing him about not being important enough to be kept looped in. This only leads to further arguments while Luce ends up stranded and locked in the library. Daniel, on the other hand, gets Miriam to tell him that her whole life has been dedicated to protecting him and Luce so that they can make a decision between light and dark, a decision that will impact every living thing. Apparently, it is Daniel and Luce’s faltering to choose a side that has led to him reliving her death on repeat. According to prophecy, Luce’s 21st birthday is her last life.

Daniel doesn’t get long to digest what he just learned thanks to a blaring alarm that is revealed to indicate a fire in the library. Before Daniel bursts into the library, Luce sees the rift opening and a dark shadow figure trying to get her to enter. The footage suggests that Daniel also sees the figure and after saving her, he professes his love for her. It’s mere minutes later when a distant rumbling has him going after Cam and Howson while Luce looks to reunite with the others. Luce is further sidelined when she runs into Sophia disguised as Miriam, lured to the medical bay, and given an injection that knocks her unconscious.

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By the time Luce’s body hits the ground, the real Miriam has located Cam and Howson. She’s only there for mere seconds before being ordered to begin evacuation procedures. It is after her departure that Cam and Howson’s discussion becomes confusing. Howson pulls out a gifted dagger that he refers to as the only thing that can kill Cam’s kind. Cam tells him that he has no idea what it is like to wake up every day and want to die. Despite that ache, Cam claims someone/something has changed his outlook by giving him hope. Howson takes responsibility for that hope and says Cam owes him his life. Apparently, Cam doesn’t think so when he deflects Howson’s attack and thrusts the dagger into him. Before Howson’s life drains away he shoots Cam.

Not long after Cam is shot, Daniel shows up to help him outside where they join Miriam. This is when they realize Luce’s absence. According to Tasha’s tracking device, Luce is not only revealed to be in the forest, but she’s reporting a low pulse, likely indicating she is still unconscious. Miriam claims that is a small mercy because Luce isn’t protected by the Veil in the forest and it’s also likely swarmed with Outcasts by now.

Before Daniel races off after Luce, Cassie (Laura Majid) comes up with the plan to shut down the Veil and draw the Outcasts to the mountain. Arriane (Josefine Koenig) decides to join Cassie while Molly (Maura Bird) and Roland follow Daniel. Tasha opts to stay behind to defend the mountain, which is practically suicide. Although Miriam only briefly negates this, she doesn’t ask for Tasha’s assistance with one last task. That task is shortly revealed to lure the Outcasts to Luce’s clone.

Shutting down the Veil won’t be as simple as it should be due to the electrical damage but Cassie apparently already has a plan in mind. While she and Arriane assemble what appears to be bomb materials, Daniel’s group takes the elevator to ground level. Miriam apologizes to Daniel for not being more honest but warns him that once the Veil shuts down, it will literally be hell on earth. Daniel claims he is ready.

Things aren’t going much better for Cassie and Arriane when they learn that one of them will need to stay behind to ignite the bomb. After a brief debate and an even brief goodbye, Cassie stays behind and ignites the bomb. Shortly after reaching the ground floor, Daniel’s group discovers the remnants of a small security team. Their weapons are revealed to be empty before a group of Outcasts show up. Daniel’s group takes cover behind several camouflaged sandbags and the Outcasts run by without thinking twice.

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Not much further away, Sophia tries to force Luce to make a choice between light and dark. She continues this approach even after Daniel and his group arrive. This eventually leads to Luce escaping but it’s only seconds after that they are surrounded by Outcasts. The dark shadow figure from the library reappears as well. Miriam tells Luce that if she saves herself, the others will survive as well. Being that they are surrounded, Luce asks where she can go. Miriam tells her to run toward her fear, which leads to her running through the rift.

As Luce crosses over to what appears to be a park, Daniel and the others find themselves in the forest alone. That is until a similar riff to the one Luce ran through shows up. This one likely represents the light because it is so bright that it causes them to shield their eyes.

The episode ends with the figure asking what they did to Luce.


Fallen Finale Review

Just when I thought I was about to get some answers, things got more confusing than ever. Did Luce go through the wrong rift?  Did going throw the shadow rift mean she chose dark over light? Why did the park on the other side appear so calm and pleasant? For everything that was answered, two or three more questions took their place.

I didn’t understand the ending at all. Why would you take an injured Cam with you on a rescue mission that depends so heavily on time? I never understood the whole Ms. Miriam/Sophia situation from the beginning. What exactly is Cam? The show is certainly interesting enough to keep you guessing. I’d have to give it a 5 based on that alone.

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