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Fallen Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

The episode opens with Tasha (Sam Bell) leading a small security campaign to capture/kill the lake creature that attacked Lucinda/Luce Price (Jessica Alexander).

At the institute, Luce has not only completely changed her story about the lake encounter but is now contributing the incident to a traumatic oceanic experience as a kid. Just as Luce steps away from her examination with Dr. Clifford Howson (Alexander Siddig), Gabbe (Indeyarna Donaldson-Holness) arrives more eager than ever to please.

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A later meeting between Ms. Sophia Miriam (Sarah Niles) and Howson reveals that the institute has managed to capture one of the lake creatures that they are now referring to as Outcasts (Adam Zambryzczky). There is another brief mention of the prophecy as well as where the Outcast came from and whether or not it or others pose a threat.

During morning exercise, Luce and Daniel (Gijs Blom) discuss their stay in medical. Both have apparently been officially discharged and remember their encounter with the Outcast as well as seeing Cassie (Laura Majid), regardless of what they have told the staff. After Daniel mentions feeling like Howson has been playing around inside his memories. Shortly after Luce learns that it was Cassie who was decrypting the laptop, Tasha interrupts to split them into sparring groups.

Another meeting between Sophia and Howson reveals that the Outcast was holding a triangle-shaped shard that was also found in Cassie’s wound. Howson suggests that since an Outcast can’t cross the Veil, it had to be another that killed Cassie. Their discussion further reveals that Sophia wants to cancel some later planned event and execute the creature. Howson is quick to remind her that she will need the unanimous vote of the council and even mentioning cancellation isn’t even a consideration.

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With Daniel busy sparring, Luce turns her attention to Roland Sparks (Lawrence Walker). This is where she learns that Marv (Tulian Aczel) is Roland’s link to Cassie. As good a courier as Marv might be, he certainly can’t decrypt the laptop. Luce tells Roland to tell Marv to send the laptop to the media before asking about the phone. Although Roland’s room has apparently been raided, he had the wherewithal to stash the phone beforehand, which he promises to get to her soon.

Penn Lockwood (Esme Kingdom) receives a surprisingly unexpected visit while she celebrates the two-year death of her father, Edward Lockwood. As awkward as the encounter is, Arriane (Josefine Koenig) not only genuinely apologizes for the lake incident but shares a pleasant memory from her own childhood.

Elsewhere, Edward is not only revealed to be alive but he appears to be held against his will in a similar institute to Sword & Cross. A later meeting and tantrum with Doctor Burrows (Ralph Berkin) suggest that he’s been led to believe that Penn died in a fire at the institute. He isn’t handling the death nearly as well as she is handling his. He eventually ends up escaping.

Sophia continues her research while Howson goes straight to the source, the Outcast. Howson gets much more than he could have ever bargained for when the creature shifts into his brother and teases him into running away. Although there are no records of it, the creature not only possesses the ability to shapeshift, it gets a working knowledge of its subject. Daniel and Luce share an eerily similar experience when they get paired together in the gym and have visions of previously training together.

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After speaking with Roland, Marv returns to Cassie’s RV where he discovers signs of a break-in, a nearly smashed USB drive, and printouts of what she had managed to decrypt. He is eventually scared away by whatever undetectable entity that killed Cassie.

Howson is so jarred by his experience with the Outcast that he shares the theta wave disruption device that he’s been working on with Sophia. Their discussion also reveals that he and his brother knew the creatures had telepathic abilities and part of the creation of the Veil was to block those transmissions.

When Roland learns that Marv has successfully recovered the decrypted data, he and Cam (Timothy Innes) decide to have the files delivered to the institute before sending them to the media. Luce isn’t happy when she later learns of this. She is just as equally upset when she learns that Arriane has lied to Penn about her family. Although Arriane claims the lie was a harmless distraction to ease Penn’s mind, it leads to Penn questioning Sophia about her father’s death before the campfire. Sophia claims to have no knowledge of it. At the same time, it is also revealed that Gabbe has been snooping for Howson, although she doesn’t have much more to report than hearing rumbles about the med bay and Cassie.

Eugene (Nick Wittman) offers Molly (Maura Bird) the opportunity to get dressed in his office so she can make it to the campfire on time. When she agrees, he walks in on her and although she looks stunned, she doesn’t stop his advances. Nothing more is revealed at the moment. At the campfire, Daniel gives Luce a rock carving and she shares the story about how she ended up at the institute. Arriane apologizes to Penn again for lying to her about her family. Penn doesn’t seem to care and even adds her name to Arriane’s butterfly tattoo.

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Howson returns with his disruption device to further interrogate the creature. The device not only appears to cause the creature pain but it affects Luce as well. He is nearly drawn away as soon as he arrives due to a report of an intruder at the south gate. This intruder is later revealed to be Edward, but before he arrives the campfire is cut short by an unexpected storm that causes the Veil to lower. Penn just happened to step away for some alone time and eventually discovers her father just as he too realizes he’s been misled. Penn ends up being dragged back to med bay where it appears as if she is about to be put through some type of medical procedure.

The episode ends with Luce, Daniel, Roland, and Cam getting the encrypted files. All that is revealed at the moment is that Arriane has apparently been at the institute for 20 years.


Fallen Review

I really enjoyed the campfire theme of this episode but just like the others, it only managed to further confuse things. I was shocked but not completely surprised to learn that Penn’s father was alive. I kind of suspected something strange there from the beginning. Howson’s encounter with the creature was pretty intriguing as were its unique abilities. Luce’s connection with the creature was inquiring and I’m certainly interested in learning more about that. I’d give the episode a 5.4 out of 10.

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