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Fallen Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

Episode 3 opens with brief alternating scenes of Luce (Jessica Alexander) and Daniel (Gijs Blom) waking. She removes the photo from under her pillow and hides it in a book while Daniel fails to reach Cassie (Laura Majid) again. There is a brief shot of her RV and the CB radio but that’s it for the moment.

During morning meditation, Luce confronts Nurse Ryan (Courtney Chen) after suspecting her medication has been changed. Ryan doesn’t offer much of a response. Elsewhere, Arriane (Josefine Koenig) attends an early session with Doctor Clifford Howson (Alexander Siddig) where they discuss her relapse and he assigns her a butterfly exercise to help keep her mind occupied.

Roland Daniel Fallen SBS Demand

At breakfast, Luce and Daniel discuss their memories from the night the photo was taken. While each remembers bits and pieces, they both appear to believe she died that night. Once she mentions that her memories from the incident with Cam (Timothy Innes) have changed also, he tells her about Cassie’s suspicions that either Howson or the medication was messing with her memory. Luce appears hopeful that if they can prove he is doing the same with her then they can get the institute shut down. Daniel isn’t as confident.

Luce confides in Ms. Sophia Miriam (Sarah Niles) after she discovers her looking for books on repressed trauma. Much to Luce’s surprise Sophia remembering things differently than they happened is a common problem due to the eyes and ears being so limited, whereas the mind is so vast. As Luce continues to avidly pursue the topic, Sophia suggests she speak with Howson.

Howson attempts a different approach with Luce by asking what it is that she wants to get from therapy. She admits that she wants to be able to trust her mind and rely on her memories. She appears to be coming around even further when news of Cassie’s death at the door interrupts. Howson steps out very briefly to discuss the issue, during which time Luce searches his desk and appears to discover several photos.

Cam Fallen SBS Demand

Before the residents go on their hike to the lake, Luce approaches Cam about getting items from the outside. She doesn’t really say what she wants but he tells her that it really depends on the item and mentions Roland Sparks (Lawrence Walker). At the same time, Howson harshly confronts Gabbe (Indeyarna Donaldson-Holness) to let her know she’s lost her privileges of working in the med bay due to the laptop debacle.

While Tasha (Sam Bell) splits the residents into groups and makes sure they know they are being tracked, Luce approaches Roland about getting her a phone. He agrees under the condition that she agrees to owe him a future favor. Both Penn (Eesme Kingdom) and Gabbe are along for this trip and end up paired with Arriane and Roland. Arriane certainly isn’t happy to be paired with Penn, but Roland is even unhappier when he learns that Gabbe has lost her access to the meds in the med bay. As it turns out, she was also using his talents to sneak in contraband. Luce attempts to take advantage of being paired with Cam to ask if he knows about what medication he is on. He’s practically clueless.

Cassie Fallen SBS on Demand

As soon as Luce finds the opportunity, she shares the photos from Howson’s office with Daniel. Cassie appears to be the subject. This inspires him to share his and Cassie’s arrangement as well as the fact that he hasn’t heard from her since getting out of solitary.

The residents spend several hours at the lake and most genuinely appear to have a good time. Luce and Daniel even have a pleasant conversation about his sketching. Before heading back, Arriane convinces her to overcome the fears of her father’s drowning by jumping off the rope swing. She agrees once Daniel offers to accompany her. The jump goes off without a hitch, but for some reason, she nearly drowns after hitting the water. Luce immediately jumps in and saves her but nearly drowns herself because of some half-human creature pulling her under. Daniel goes in after her and saves her.

Daniel and Luce are immediately sent to the medical center when they return to the institute. At the same time, Gabbe pleads, once again, with Roland to come up with the cash for her delivery. Although his answer remains the same, Gabbe learns that he’s selling the phone to Luce. This later leads to her sharing the news with Howson. Although he appears upset that the news isn’t about the laptop, he agrees to let her resume med training. Before this visit, Sophia shares a disturbing prophecy about thousands of the lake creatures supposedly roaming the grounds.

Doctor Howson Fallen SBS Demand

During their examination, Daniel tells Luce that he thinks the photos she showed him were taken from behind one of the doors. After a visual confirmation, Luce acts without giving him much of a chance to formulate a plan.

The episode ends with them not only discovering Cassie’s body but Luce has a vision of whatever killed Cassie coming for her as well.


Fallen Recap

I really enjoyed the lake theme of the episode but unfortunately, it only managed to confuse things even further. The arrival of the lake creature and Sophia’s later prophecy only added to my confusion. I’m not sure if the creators are keeping things blurred intentionally or if they are simply trying to tackle too much at once. I’m sure it will only take one small piece of knowledge to make everything fit together, but waiting for that to fall into place sometimes feels exhausting at times. I’d give the episode a 5 out of 10.

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