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Fallen Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

The episode begins with Luce (Jessica Alexander) in an isolation cell where she continues to be plagued by visions of Cam’s (Timothy Innes) death and what appears to be a fire. When a guard arrives to escort her somewhere, the footage abruptly cuts to Ms. Sophia Miriam’s (Sarah Niles) discussion at the cemetery with a colleague. Although their discussion is as cryptic as it is brief, it suggests that elders are not only beginning to lose faith in Dr. Clifford Howson’s (Alexander Siddig) work, but they fear that Daniel (Gijs Blom) and two other residents are only growing stronger. Also nearby, Howson’s attention appears to be on the grave of Frederick Howson, who could pass for his identical twin.

Things only become even more confusing when Howson accuses Luce of not taking her medication and attacking Cam. It is also suggested that there has been another incident since, which resulted in an additional year to Luce’s original 2-year sentence. After Howson tells her the only way to move forward is to go back to the beginning. This is when the footage seemingly goes back in time where Luce is introduced in a group-like setting to the Sword & Cross Family.

Luce refuses to participate and although Howson tells her that she can’t run forever, he turns his attention to Molly (Maura Bird) and her garden incident. After a bit of back and forth and trading of insults among several of the residents, Howson asks Daniel why he felt the need to escape before serving his time. It is Roland Sparks (Lawrence Walker) who responds by asking Howson, if therapy is so transformational how come he’s never seen anyone leave? Daniel immediately backs his claim by pointing out that he’s only ever seen Cassie (Laura Majid) leave since he’s been there. Gabbe (Indeyarna Donaldson-Holness) asks who the last person to be officially discharged is but Howson doesn’t get a chance to respond due to the resident’s incessant bickering.

When Cassie receives an unexpected visit from Marv (Tulian Aczel) who immediately asks about Daniel, she tells him that she hasn’t heard anything from him in two days. She then asks if he has heard anything from Roland which also turns out to be a negative. The scene ends with Cassie telling Marv that she is going to Redfern just in case Daniel has been there or goes there.

Luce finally gets her opportunity to question Cam about the incident in the woods, but his response that she pushed him off the cliff is not what she wanted to hear. She returns to her back to her room in a panic where she tries to discuss the situation with Arriane (Josefine Koenig). This is quickly sidelined to a quick visit with Nurse Ryan (Courtney Chen) when Luce realizes Arriane has been cutting herself. The incident is played down but does ultimately lead to Luce conspiring to steal Cam’s medical files to uncover what really transpired in the woods.

When Molly gets moved to the kitchen detail, she has a very brief discussion with Daniel about him recognizing Luce. She asks if he knew her on the outside, but that’s as far as their discussion goes for the moment due to Eugene (Nick Wittman) putting them back to work. At the same time, Luce visits Penn (Esme Kingdom) in the laundry to ask for her assistance with getting into the medical files. Much to Luce’s surprise, Penn agrees to help if she steals her father’s file as well. Luce learns that Penn grew up at the institute and was raised by her father, who supposedly drowned, despite being an exceptional swimmer.

Luce learns that Daniel also got a year added to his sentence when she later approaches him with her plan to retrieve the medical files. Much to her surprise, he not only refuses to help her but he claims that he was mistaken about thinking that he knew her. Without Daniel’s help, Luce has no option but to rely on Penn to distract both Gabbe and Nurse Ryan.

Roland Daniel Fallen SBS Demand

It doesn’t take Daniel long to realize Luce is in over her head when he notices Nurse Ryan, Penn, and Gabbe together while working in the yard. He starts a fight with Cam to give her the extra time she needs. Although Luce is nearly caught and doesn’t retrieve the paper files, she does get a laptop. It doesn’t take the staff long to discover the missing laptop and upon doing so, they promise leniency to any resident who takes blame. Luce appears to be about to fess up when Daniel stops her.

With no one taking responsibility, Security Protocol C is initiated, the resident’s rooms are searched, and Howson begins interrogating the lead suspects, including Gabbe. The questioning goes on for several minutes and only shows bits of each interrogation. No matter what Howson throws at the residents, they appear to hold out for the most part. After he is threatened with the loss of certain privileges, Cam admits that it’s not in Daniel’s nature to start a fight without a good reason. Gabbe doesn’t have a problem throwing the blame on Penn and Luce from the very beginning. At one point, Molly also ends up blurting out her and Daniel’s discussion in the kitchen.

Later that evening, Daniel makes sure that Luce knows she can trust him. At nearly the same time, it is revealed that the laptop was discovered in Gabbe’s room, but from the staff’s conversation, it’s clear they believe that someone is setting her up. Luce returns to her room to not only find it destroyed from the intrusive search but she is confronted by a very upset Arriane. She has clearly taken Luce’s not including her in the theft as an insult.

Doctor Howson Fallen SBS Demand

While Daniel attempts to reach Cassie using his homemade Morse code device, she is pulled over by a Highway Patrol Officer (Harry Szovik). Once he asks her to step out of the vehicle she becomes suspicious. Her fears are seemingly confirmed when she notices what appears to be a compass tattoo on his right wrist. Rather than attacking him, she shoots his cruiser with what appears to be a stun gun of sorts and speeds away. In the next scene, it is revealed that the Officer was sent by the institute.

Luce meets with Penn in the library to discuss the laptop. This is where is it revealed that Penn has also shared their heist with Roland. As it turns out, he is the one who put the laptop in Gabbe’s room. However, before doing so, he copied the heavily encrypted hard drive, which he hopes to later send to someone on the outside who can decrypt it. In addition to this, Penn was able to pull a photo from the drive which she gives to Luce. It isn’t until much later that she looks at the photo.

Cassie returns to her RV to not only discover Daniel’s transmission but that her security has been breached. The scene ends by suggesting that she was attacked by some unseen force. Things get even stranger when Cam experiences several visions that corroborate Luce’s story about their incident in the woods. He apologizes to Luce and tells her that she was right. Despite all this, she is most concerned with how he could have possibly recovered so quickly, being that he was so badly injured. After he admits that at one point he wanted to die, they end up embracing. Daniel just happens to come in at the same time and appears to take their encounter for something it isn’t.

Cam Fallen SBS Demand

Luce returns to her room where she finally gets the opportunity to look at Penn’s photo. It appears to be from a vehicle or motorcycle accident when Daniel is holding what appears to be her lifeless body. While she looks at the photo, the rift opens above her.

The episode ends with her remembering what happened the night the photo was taken. It appears that she and Daniel were in a motorcycle accident in which she died. Howson is the first to arrive with a team of paramedics. As Daniel is taken away, Howson promises that they are going to take care of everything.


Fallen Review

The episode was intriguing but nonetheless, only managed to muddle things even further. I understand the need to keep the content fresh and exciting, but their approach is only further confusing things. I am sure it will all make sense in time, but for now, things are extremely blurred. I am also unsure what to make of Miriam and her clone or sister. I initially thought they were the same person, but the two of them had a conversation at the start of this episode. This is also apparently, Howson’s brother Frederick who looks just like him.

On top of all that, there is some type of invisible entity pursuing Cassie? It’s so confusing that the content is nearly going from intriguing to annoying. I’d have to give this episode a 5.3 out of 10.

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