William and Ledroit Eric Netflix

Eric Season 1 Episode 5 Recap

Episode 5 begins at a press conference with Renata Clark (LaTonya Borsay), alongside Cecile Rochelle (Adepero Oduye), demanding Deputy Mayor Richard Costello (Jeff Hephner) to take action in both the Edgar Anderson (Ivan Morris Howe) and Marlon Rochelle (Bence Orere) investigations. Elsewhere, Eric (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Vincent Anderson (Benedict Cumberbatch) continue their bickering while following Edgar’s map.

Vincent Eric Netflix

Edgar is now much more active that he’s back to his chalk drawings. On his way out, Yuusuf (Bamar Kane) tells him to lock the door and be quiet. He not only turns down Raya’s (Alexis Molnar) offers to watch Edgar but he makes her leave with him.

At William Elliott’s (Mark Gillis) funeral, Caroline (Amanda Drew) tells Detective Michael Ledroit (McKinley Belcher III) she doesn’t doubt his love for her brother but at the same time gives him the ultimatum of evacuating the apartment or being ousted to the NYPD.

Cassie Anderson (Gaby Hoffmann) receives a call that she lets go to the answering machine until she hears Yuusuf claim that he has Edgar. The mention of the tear on Edgar’s jacket and the mole on his right shoulder appear to be enough to convince her. Against Raya’s advice, he arranges to trade Edgar for the reward money later that evening. Cassie is thrown for another loop when she shows up on the Good Day Sunshine set to learn about Vincent’s dismissal from Lennie (Dan Fogler).

Ledoit Eric Netflix

Following Edgar’s map leads Vincent to the subway where he learns about a small Good Day Sunshine charity event. Against Eric’s advice, he decides to attend the event and arrives just as Jerry (Donald Sage Mackay) introduces Costello. After Costello’s typical spiel about cleaning up the city by relocating the homeless, Vincent learns about the unveiling of Eric. Vincent watches in complete astonishment as Ellis (Chloe Claude) and Jackson (Simon Manyonda) unveil a life-sized Eric/Murray (Adam Silver) on stage.

Cassie shows up at Anne Anderson’s (Phoebe Nicholls) in a frantic state, pleading for the reward money. Despite Cassie refusing to reveal why she needs the money, Anne agrees to give it to her in cash. The catch is that it will require calling Robert Anderson (John Doman) to unlock the home safe. Anne adds that since it will take at least an hour or longer, Cassie might as well use Vincent’s old room and catch up on her sleep.

Edgar Eric Netflix

Eric season 1 episode 1 recap

Michael manages to track down Ricardo (Orlando Norman) at the basketball courts near Edgar’s apartment. It doesn’t take him long to spot Ricardo because he is wearing the same #12 jersey from the photo Cecilia carries religiously. This is later explained as Marlon asking Ricardo to switch jerseys so he wouldn’t have to go home and shower before an important meeting. It’s also suggested but confirmed that Ricardo works for TJ (Stefan Race). Michael immediately visits Alexander Gator (Wade Allain-Marcus) after speaking with Ricardo and tells him that he needs the Lux’s surveillance footage from June 12th, the night Marlon went missing. Despite Gator claiming that the tapes are wiped weekly and that his business is all legal, he agrees to produce the footage.

It’s not the Lux footage, but Tina (Erika Soto) is waiting with footage from outside Edgar’s school when Michael returns to the station. A quick viewing of the tape leads to Michael learning that Edgar was following Yuusuf the day he disappeared. After immediately recognizing Yuusuf from Edgar’s drawing, he gives Tina the picture and tells her to arrange for a sketch artist. He also adds getting Yuusuf’s description out to all beat cops but the discovery out of the press.

Michael later meets with Cripp (David Denman to share what he’s learned as well as his meeting with Dana Nokes (Amy Louise Pemberton). It does not go as he intended and although Cripp is all for pursuing the Yuusuf lead, he practically tells Michael to back his pursuit of Detective Nokes (Ryan Hunter). Neither Michael nor Cripp are happy but Michael stalks away without saying a word while Cripp visits Nokes and tells him to reign in his wife.

Cassie Eric Netflix

Michael lets Cripp’s admonishment and William’s death fester while Levy (Willem Van Der Vegt works with the sketch artist. His frustration eventually comes out in an outburst when he overhears a fellow NYPD Officer (Joe T. Horn) making a derogatory remark about homosexuals. Tina quickly ends the awkward situation with news of a call from Robert Anderson.

While treating himself to a free meal at the GDS charity, Vincent has a heart-to-heart with Ronnie (Roberta Colindrez) about finding Edgar and his drinking. When Cassie wakes to find Michael at the Andersons, she becomes even more frantic than when she arrived. After some resistance, she realizes Robert will not compromise. He shows her the sketch while he provides details about the meeting and phone call. Although the sketch means little to Cassie, Sebastian (Jose Pimenato) recognizes Yuusuf for his time volunteering. Michael becomes irate when he learns from Levy that Cripp has already sent Yuusuf sketch and information out to the press. Michael confronts him later but Cripp sarcastically tells him he better get going before Yuusuf skips town.

While this takes place, Raya visits TJ to reassure him that she is going to deliver her promised package while Vincent follows Edgar’s map to the tunnels. Much later that evening when Cassie shows up for the meeting, Gator finds evidence that TJ was in contact with Marlon and confronts him. Their meeting doesn’t go so well for TJ and leaves him beaten and bloodied with the threat of more if he doesn’t produce the surveillance tapes from June 12th.

Eric puppet Eric Netflix

Vincent continues to mindlessly wander through the subway system and argue with Eric until finds a small community of crack fiends. While he gives them some money for a hit, Yuusuf talks to Edgar about going home. Although Eric claims he misses his mother, he doesn’t want to return home because Vincent scares him. It’s not long before Yuusuf realizes his face and description are all over TV and Raya is right there to offer her assistance. Yuusuf agrees to let her take Edgar but makes her promise to escort him to the drop.

Raya and Edgar are in the process of leaving the subway system just as NYPD arrives to raid the homeless. Vincent although out of his mind on crack, catches a glimpse of Edgar but can’t get to him. He’s knocked to the ground and trampled in the hysteria of the raid. Raya and Edgar manage to escape but end up in a section of the tunnel that is prone to flooding and to make matters worse, Edgar falters.

The episode ends with Edgar and Raya trying to climb the ladder but his hesitation causes them to fall. Cassie is shown still waiting at the meeting location with the reward money. After failing to find Edgar, Michael seeks comfort in Gator.


Eric Review

I wouldn’t say the episode was horrible, although I certainly wouldn’t say it was groundbreaking or genre-defying. I thought the bit with Vincent smoking crack was lame as well as Cassie’s staunch devotion to Vincent. She is so quick to defend him yet wants nothing to do with him. The way the episode wrapped was horrendous and that’s all I can say about that. The, however, is fairly interesting, what little there is of it. Also, it was entirely too long. I’d have to give the episode a disappointing 4.8 out of 10. There is still hope for the finale.

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