Raya Yuusuf Eric Netflix

Eric Season 1 Episode 4 Recap

As the episode opens, Vincent Anderson (Benedict Cumberbatch) tosses and turns on the sofa in an unkempt house. Cassie Anderson (Gaby Hoffman) looks at the phone number from Marlon Rochelle’s missing person flyer. Edgar Anderson (Ivan Morris Howe) is asleep on a bed. Yuusuf (Bamar Kane) or Raya (Alexis Molnar) points a gun at his back.

Vincent Eric Netflix

Lennie Wilson (Dan Fogler) informs Vincent that Jerry (Donald Sage Mackay) has decided to let him go and keep Eric. Vincent argues that it is his show. Lennie tells him that he has no saw in the matter. Eric throws an insult at Vincent. Lennie promises to make sure he gets a good severance package with healthcare benefits, so he can check into rehab. Vincent goes off on Lennie for being a spineless, fake artist. Lennie claims Cassie is sick of him as well. Vincent curses Lennie and Eric on his way out the door.

Cassie gives Cecile Rochelle (Adepero Oduye) the phone number for legal services. She questions if Edgar disappeared to get away from her and Vincent. She is doubtful that she was always a good mother. Cecile refuses to comfort her. Both mothers are angry. At the police station, Detective Michael Ledroit (McKinley Belcher III) sees Misha stuff Edgar’s Good Day Sunshine shirt in his pocket. Misha returns later with a white bag that he puts under the dumpster. Costello (Jeff Hepner) goes on a talk show to talk about his plans for New York City. The host, Mike suggests corruption exists in City Hall, the police department, and public housing. Costello says that may have been the case but no longer.

Tracks (Law X) tells Yuusuf that Raya owes him money. He refuses to leave until Yuusuf threatens him with a gun. Frightened, Edgar says he wants Cassie. Yuusuf assures him that it is okay. He looks at Edgar’s drawings. Elsewhere, Misha Varga (Ioachim Ciobanu) tells Ledroit that he wanted to do right by Edgar’s bloody shirt. Ledroit asks who he wanted to do right by. Misha denies seeing Edgar in the alley. Alexander Lakatos (Levente Torkoly) interrupts their conversation. Ledroit asks about the bag that Misha hid under the dumpster. Alexander claims it was clean clothes for the night shift workers and refuses to let him look around without a warrant. Ledroit orders him to have the broken taillight fixed before leaving.

Ledoit Eric Netflix

Edgar refuses to eat when Yuusuf offers him food. Yuusuf warns him of the dangers lurking in the tunnels. He asks about his drawing of Eric before leaving. Edgar locks the door.

Jerry is having dinner when Vincent unexpectedly joins him. Vincent places an order and helps himself to some wine. Jerry introduces him to Benji K and Artie. Vincent gets belligerent. Robert Anderson (John Doman) intervenes by forcing him to leave the restaurant. A short time later, Robert tells Vincent that Anne Anderson wants him to go to rehab. Vincent denies having an alcohol problem. Robert vows support if he signs himself into rehab. Vincent tells Robert that he is scary. Cassie is watching Good Day Sunshine when he enters the house. She admits to tossing his alcohol in the trash. While frantically searching for vodka, he says she believes he killed Edgar but he didn’t. She asks him to move out. He suggests she is having an affair. She says Sebastian (Jose Pimentao) is a good man and they handed out flyers last night. He asks if Edgar knows Sebastian. She claims they met several times. He questions if Sebastian abducted Edgar. Finding a bottle of alcohol, he guzzles down some pills and says Eric is going to help find Edgar. She asks if he has been talking to Edgar’s puppet. He asks if she has a better idea. She confesses to being pregnant and the baby is Sebastian’s. He says she is a great mom and curses her before leaving.

Edgar draws on the wall of Yuusuf’s place. TJ (Stefan Race) threatens Raya if she doesn’t pay him by the end of the week. She says they say he likes them young. Yuusuf sees them talking. Vincent is drinking alcohol by a dumpster. Elsewhere, Alexander receives a load of drugs.

Edgar Eric Netflix

Eric season 1 episode 1 recap

Tina (Erika Sota) informs Ledroit that Dana Nokes (Amy Louise Pemberton) agrees to talk to him tonight. He grabs her hand. She claims her cousin is a “queer.” Looking at Lennie’s file, Ledroit sees a dismissed prostitution of a minor charge. Lennie was arrested in the 1979 Sierra raid.

Costello tells Robert of his plans to fight back against negative publicity by donating to the Good Day Sunshine charity and implementing a cleanup campaign. Bruno Di Bari (Gerard Monaco) and Robert claim Commissioner Nelson wants the homeless bused out of the city tonight. Alexander calls Bruno complaining about the police sniffing around after the drug shipment arrived. Bruno orders him to shut it down.

George Lovett (Clarke Peters) claims to have been falsely convicted of a crime and spent 16 years behind bars. He compares Vincent to his father who always had to win. Looking at Edgar’s drawing, Vincent sees it is a map.

Ledroit asks Lennie about the 1979 Sierra raid. Lennie claims his colleagues know nothing about it. Ledroit asks if he ever spent time alone with Edgar. Lennie says he loves Edgar. When Ledroit shows him a photo of Marlon, Lennie denies knowing him. Ledroit convinces him to give him a name. Lennie reluctantly says Ricardo. At The Lux, Alexander Gator (Wade Allain-Marcus) asks TJ if he has seen Ricardo. Elsewhere, Alexander insists Misha join them for a drink. On the subway,

Cassie Eric Netflix

Dana claims Nokes was relieved when Kennedy died. She says the new car has a dent in the bumper. She asks if it is enough to take him down. A short time later, Ledroit finds Vincent outside the police station. Vincent says Edgar’s drawing is a map. Ledroit invites him in for some coffee but he declines. Misha is beaten in an alley. Back at the police station, Tina admits to taking Ledroit’s tapes to keep Cripp from getting them. She returns them and suggests he keep them at his house. He opens an envelope to find a photo of him and William Elliot (Mark Gillis) desecrated with a homosexual slur. A short time later, he arrives at the hospital to learn William died. He holds Caroline (Amanda Drew) while she weeps.

A beaten Misha wakes up on a floating barge. Alexander threatens to kill his dog if he talks to the police again. Vincent follows Edgar’s drawing into the subway. Elsewhere, Raya wants Yuusuf to sell Edgar and split the money with her. She warns that the police will arrest him if he tries to ransom Edgar. Edgar says Vincent doesn’t hit him. Yuusuf assures him that words are just as bad. Edgar says his mom is nice. Yuusuf doesn’t understand why Edgar followed him into the tunnels because it is dangerous. Elsewhere, Raya tells TJ that she has a child for him as the episode ends.


Eric Review

Yuusuf is trying to understand why Edgar followed him into the tunnels. Raya tries to convince him to sell Edgar to TJ but he refuses. She tells TJ that she has a kid for him. Vincent identifies Edgar’s drawing as a map. He follows it to the subway. He makes a spectacle of himself when he learns Jerry has fired him. Robert urges him to go to rehab. Vincent is in denial about his drinking problem. Cassie tells him that she is pregnant by Sebastian and asks him to move out.

Lennie was arrested in the 1979 Sierra raid. His prostitution of a minor charge was eventually dropped. Ledroit shows him a photo of Marlon. Lennie suggests talking to Ricardo.

William dies while Ledroit is at work. Misha is beaten for talking to Ledroit. Bruno is affiliated with Lakatos’ drug scheme.

The episode deserves a 5 out of 10. Get more Eric recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating. Learn how advertising with us can help build brand awareness. Join our newly established forum to discuss the latest TV shows and movies.

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