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English Teacher Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Powderpuff – Episode 2 begins with a brief scene of Evan Marquez (Brian Jordan Alvarez) racing against the school’s morning bell. Within just inches of his classroom he will be sidelined by a group of footballers led by Jason (Dave Z. Martin). Although Evan appears stunned by their strange request, he agrees to speak with Coach Mark/Markie Hillridge (Sean Patton) on their behalf.

A brief scene shows Markie telling the girls participating in this year’s Powderpuff game that their request for a female coach has been granted. Despite that, Gwen/Gwendolyn Sanders (Stephanie Koenig) knows nothing about football, so he will be there to train her, train them. Evan will soon learn that Principal Grant Moretti (Enrico Colantoni) is also virtually powerless when it comes to the footballer’s request. It turns out that he needs to speak with the LGBTQ Student Community, which is his next intention.

After learning that the Community’s beef is with the footballers’ lack of seriousness in their approach to dressing as cheerleaders, he comes up with a suitable solution. Several scenes later, Evan introduces the footballers to professional drag queen, Keith/Shazam (Trixie Mattel). The players not only agree to Shazam’s help but they appear intrigued with the whole ordeal.

Gwen and the put forth equal efforts in their portrayal of football players, but the whole agenda soon shifts when Gwen learns that the Powerderpuff game won’t involve any actual hitting or tackling. It doesn’t take long to get the girls just as fired up about being treated overcautiously. While this segues into Markie’s discovery of ‘The Highway Killer’ podcast, Grant calls Evan into his office for a meeting. It turns out neither the parents nor the school board is happy about him bringing in a stranger to teach their kids about drag. Apparently, they’ve already comprised a whole list of things they will and will not accept for the Powderpuff.

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Evan will attempt to adhere to the guidelines, but everything changes the minute he sees the disappointment on the students’ faces. While Evan and Shazam prepare the footballers for their part in the Powderpuff game, the dynamic has completely shifted on the gridiron. After literally devouring the podcast, Markie is no longer concerned with teaching the girls how to play football. He’s now focused all his efforts on teaching them self-defense.

Although the kids are becoming surprisingly attached to Shazam, Evan will later learn that he/she has been stealing from the school. Grant will also hear about this and bring it to Evan’s attention, although he is already well aware. Grant will also go on to point out that Shazam had a record and should have never been allowed in the school. After accusing Evan of becoming too consumed with his ‘drag message,’ he cancels the footballer’s halftime performance.

Despite the halftime performance being canceled, Gwen will convince Evan to attend the Powerdulpuff game anyway. This leads to a very brief encounter with Harry (Langston Kerman), who teases him about the stolen printers. Superintendent Boone (Darryl W.Handy) and Principal Grant will also have an unexpected encounter with College Counselor, Rick (Carmen Christopher). Grant appears absolutely horrified when Rick brings up the topic of a raise, but it is nothing compared to the look on his face when the footballers later show up at the end of the game and do their performance anyway as an act of defiance. Evan is equally horrified, knowing that he will be to blame, but he gets over it much faster and not only enjoys himself but also takes part in the performance.

Much to Grant’s surprise, Boone loves the performance. The episode ends with the player drenching Evan with the water cooler.


English Teacher Review

This was a great episode for the series and probably should have been the premiere. Releasing both of these together was definitely the right move, but it added so much more depth to the series. I’m surprised but I enjoyed everything from the Powderpuff fiasco to the Highway Killer podcast. That bit was gold. Compared to the first episode, I’d have to give this one a 5 out of 10.

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