charles crystal episode 5 dead boy detectives

Dead Boy Detectives Season 1 Episode 5 Recap

The Case of the Two Dead Dragons – As this episode of Dead Boy Detectives begins, David (Davis Iacono) tells Crystal (Kassius Nelson) it’s good to have her back. She wakes up from a nightmare before Charles (Jayden Revri) and Edwin (George Rexstrew) rush in to check on her. She asks for a minute with Charles who immediately suspects David. Crystal admits he’s really messing with her head. She says it was a lot watching Charles fight the night nurse. Charles believes Edwin would be back in hell if he hadn’t. Crystal says she needs to focus on keeping David out so she thinks they should be friends for now. Two guys approach Edwin to say they’re sure they were murdered. The boys explain that they don’t know what happened.

Crystal Palace Dead Boy Detectives Netflix

They had just won the state championships and got into U-Dub. Hunter (Jude Wilson) and Brad (Burkely Duffield) say everything turned black. The cops think it was alcohol poisoning at the party, but they do not believe that. Brad says they can pay. The team discusses it and agrees to accept the case. Niko (Yuyu Kitamura) writes a letter to her mother and drops it off at the mailbox. She spots Jenny’s secret admirer and follows them. At the library, Niko finds out that it’s Maxine (Lindsey Gort) who denies knowing Jenny Green (Briana Cuoco). Edwin hopes there won’t be any undead child hunters trying to drag him back to hell. Charles promises to kick them off a cliff too. Edwin says he had to cancel plans with Monty today, but Crystal has them waiting.

Charles tells him that he and Crystal snogged. She’s not keen on starting anything and he agreed. Edwin thinks it makes sense that Charles for a living girl. Charles insists he wouldn’t want to be dead with anyone else before Crystal joins them. Niko arrives and admits she knows Brad and Hunter. She mentions that the North Port Townsend Dragons are their biggest rivals. Niko can’t join them because she has a case of her own. In her room, she tells Litty (Caitlin Reilly) and Kingham (Max Jenkins) she’s going to change someone’s life today. Esther (Jenn Lyon) tells Monty (Joshua Colley) that the dead boys have to trust him completely. She urges him to try harder. The snake needs another meal. Monty reminds her that Lilith granted her immortal life, but never said she’d stay young and beautiful.

Esther warns him never to mention that blood goddess’s name. She claims Lilith tricked her. She will feed her snake a generation of little girls to maintain her beauty. Brad and Hunter take the detective to the Dragon’s Den and show them their in-case-of-emergencies box. The box contains cash and condoms. The boys only remember the dead tree before everything turned black. The tree was all twisted and covered with eyes. Crystal doesn’t get anything from the area. The Dragon parties were always well-attended. The detectives go to the school to see what they can find out. No one at the school is helpful. Crystal finds it suspicious that no one had anything bad to say since everyone has skeletons. The Dragon mascot lures Crystal to the locker room.

dead boy detectives charles edwin crystal

The mascot (Aman Mann) tells her to speak to Twitchy Richie if she wants to know the truth about Brad and Hunter. Niko tells Jenny that she found her secret admirer. She might’ve set up a date for them. Jenny didn’t mind the anonymous letters because they couldn’t disappoint her. Niko promises to clean her floors for a month if tonight is not amazing. Jenny seems to relent and accept the date. Crystal tells Richie (Harrison Houde) she’s suspicious of the circumstances of the boys’ deaths. He mentions that the phones were never found. Richie reveals they were mean and treated people badly, especially girls. He also heard they died in a secret gay suicide pact. Edwin and Charles scare Richie until he agrees to tell them what he knows. Richie says the boys were terrible to Brad’s ex Shelby Kahn. She left the school after whatever happened.

Shelby started stalking Brad and made threats. After the boys died, Shelby killed herself a month later. Meanwhile, Niko sets up the restaurant for Jenny’s date. Jenny begins worrying this is a bad idea. Maxine arrives moments later and admits she likes murder documentaries. She asks if that makes her weird. Jenny says that would make her weird too. Edwin and the others to go Shelby Kahn’s grave because Edwin believes he can summon a spirit that died by their own hand. Edwin summons her alone and introduces himself to her when she arrives. Shelby doesn’t want to talk about Brad and Hunter whom she calls creeps. Brad and Hunter confront Charles and Crystal to see if they’ve learned anything. When they see Shelby, she gets upset and knocks them to the ground.

She apologizes to Edwin, Charles, and Crystal when the boys are gone. Shelby says she ran track and was training for the Olympics. She was dating Brad. At some point, Brad and Hunter started teasing her about her strict schedule. They told her she needed to loosen up so they gave her GHB. As a result, Shelby failed her drug test and lost her sponsorship and scholarship. Brad dumped her because he said she wasn’t any fun anymore. She didn’t kill them, but she was glad when they died. Shelby says the only life she took was her own. Crystal and Charles argue about the boys and whether they’re bad. Crystal gets upset and tells Charles they’ve been walking on eggshells around him. Brad’s girlfriend Maren calls moments later. She admits she saw something and might know who killed Brad and Hunter. Maxine and Jenny talk during their date.

episode 1 netflix dead boy detectives

Jenny is glad she wasn’t too shy to come today. Crystal approaches Maren who says there’s a creek who works in the yearbook room. She believes Richie hated Brad because he got him hooked on Adderall. Brad also sold him molly cut with something weird. Edwin wonders if they should follow up with the Molly character. Maren says Richie was at the party that night. It was weird because he never came to the Dragon Den and it’s like he was waiting to do something. Crystal and Maren go inside. Edwin and Charles decide to look around while Maren is distracted. They check her room and notice there are no photos of Brad. When they notice the tree outside, Charles suspects they were at Maren’s house when they died. Edwin believes someone has been messing with the cabinet. They move it and find a small locked box.

Once they get it open, they find pictures and phones. They remember that Richie said the phones were missing. Charles and Edwin rush to check on Crystal. They manage to stop her from drinking whatever Maren has given her. Crystal uses her power to find out what Maren did. In a flashback, it appears Maren and Brad are fighting over a phone. Brad admits he sent her pictures to Hunter. Maren gets upset and poisons their drinks using eye drops. Once they died, they got help from Richie to dispose of the body. Maren tells Crystal about the pictures and calling Richie when the boys wouldn’t wake up. She knew Richie would help because they humiliated him at every turn. Maren started to spiral when Richie told her about Crystal. She apologizes while sobbing. Later, Crystal tells the police the police sent a car to get Richie. Maren turned himself in.

They realize they have to tell the boys what happened. Charles apologizes to Crystal for the stuff about David. Edwin wants to continue with their work. Crystal leaves them so she can shower. Jenny tells Maxine how she ended up with the shop. Eventually, Maxine asks if she can get a kiss. Once they kiss, Maxine says she can barely contain herself around Jenny. Maxine mentions her oversized night shirt. That concerns Jenny. Maxine says she can see through her window if she’s in the alley at night. She keeps freaking out Jenny who thinks Maxine should leave. Maxine gets upset and yells that she is supposed to be flattered. She grabs a knife and talks about getting things back on track. Maxine swings it multiple times.

charles crystal episode 5 dead boy detectives

She finds out where Jenny’s hiding. She tries to kill her but ends up slipping and killing herself. Crystal and Niko enter the room and find out what’s happened. Brad can’t believe what happened over some stupid nude pictures. Charles tells them they were mean to people. Hunter claims he’s victim blaming. Brad and Hunter show their true colors. Charles and Edwin have to hide because death is coming from the boys. Later, Charles admits he wanted them to be good guys. He’s worried that he might be like Brad and Hunter. Edwin tries to assure him that he’s not a bad guy. Charles asks what he’s worried about, but Edwin won’t tell him. Niko blames herself for what happened with Maxine. Jenny and Niko are interviewed by police. Crystal is visited by Adam.

She claims she’ll get her memories back and crush him although David says he always gets what he wants. Charles brings Crystal back to reality. She confesses she can’t keep David out of her head. Monty takes Edwin to a playground so they can swing. Edwin tells him it’d be best if they stop seeing one another. There are feelings he’s not used to. Once you have them, it’s hard to hold them back. That terrifies Edwin. Monty kisses him and says he has feelings for him too, but Edwin wasn’t talking about him.


Dead Boy Detectives Review

This episode of Dead Boy Detectives had some decent ideas that were possibly meaningful to some viewers. On the other hand, some scenes were unbelievably stupid and really offset anything commendable about the episode. The investigation into Brad and Hunter’s deaths was somewhat stronger than some of the other cases.

The topics covered weren’t explored as much as they could’ve been, but some of them were important nevertheless. The personal dramas are taking up too much of the show leaving this feeling like everything else on television. Edwin and Charles’s relationship is obviously going to be a big factor and that was the case from the beginning. However, the whole situation with Jenny was a bit of a mess.

In particular, Maxine’s death was really cringey. That’s not mentioning the entire date that started well and just got silly. There is potential for the series, but it’s got to figure out what it wants to be. It needs to lean heavier into one thing or another instead of being half in. Dead Boy Detectives is watchable although it may not be memorable once all is said and done.

This episode scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of Dead Boy Detectives can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. Discuss this show and others at the Reel Mockery Forum.

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