lena episode 2 bbc dead and buried

Dead And Buried Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

As the second episode of Dead and Buried begins, Cathy McDaid (Annabel Scholey) tells Dr. Kennedy (Joanne Crawford) that she didn’t go into Michael’s house because that would be a crime. When Cathy comes out of the house, she’s shocked to see Raymie (Waj Ali) in front of her. Andrew McAllister (Michael Hanna) sees them talking through his window. Cathy tells Kennedy she’s touched that Raymie is showing emotion because he usually doesn’t. In the car, Cathy tells Raymie that she’s only messing with Michael. Raymie read everything on her iPad. He asks if she loves him. Cathy says she hates Michael (Colin Morgan) because he killed her brother. She’s adamant she’s going to get revenge out of this. Michael returns home and goes inside.

actress Niamh Walsh dead and buried s01e01

Later, Cathy speaks to Sally Bowman (Kerri Quinn) about her conversation with the doctor. Lena McAllister (Niamh Walsh) goes through the laundry and finds Cathy’s underwear. After class, Andrew stays behind and asks if he should be in detention. He says he should’ve answered the door. Raymie asks if he can ask his dad to come in for a chat. Cathy messages Michael again as Molly. Cathy explains her husband saw their messages and didn’t approve. She says he’s not the boss of her. When Michael goes home, Lena calls him into the bedroom to ask about the underwear. She demands to see his phone. Lena already knows the password to his phone. Michael suggests Andrew might have a boyfriend. Lena gives his phone back without looking. When Cathy gets a message, Raymie asks if she’s going to check it.

She tells him that Sally wants a chat. Lena stops Michael who is listening to music. She tells him to come to bed. Michael stays up listening to music though. He checks the iPad and messages. In the morning, Andrew wakes him up and tells him he broke the iPad. He also says his teacher wants him to come in for a chat. Raymie tells Cathy he’s going to visit Gary to watch a match. Sally calls her later while Cathy is watching the McAllister family. Cathy tries to follow them and nearly crashes. She tells Sally that she’s following a murderer. Cathy follows Andrew and Michael to Jack’s gathering. Sally pulls up next to her moments later and questions what she’s doing there. Sally complains about her bringing the child. She worries that Raymie will find out. Sally says it’s like a male voice choir or something. Cathy gets closer so she can see Michael singing with the Brothers.

As the singing ends, Cathy rushes to carve something into the side of Michael’s car. The group welcomes Brother Cooper. Cathy tells Sally they’re born-again Christians. Sally admits she’s starting to feel sorry for Michael. She says it’s like Cathy thinks he’s still out there killing people. Cooper tells the group about killing someone in self-defense. Jack tells Cooper that they’re all sinners so they’re all in the same boat. Michael notices Adam sitting nearby. Sally is still upset with Cathy. She just wants to be kept out of it. Adam comes outside and finds “cheater” scratched onto the side of the car. They see Sally and wonder if she’s responsible. Sally drives away before they can speak to her. The next day, Cathy tells Sally she had a long talk with Raymie and it’s done. Sally says she saw Michael yesterday and he looks so normal.

Colin Morgan episode 1 dead and buried

Dr. Kennedy asks Cathy how it ends upstairs. Cathy says his wife throws him out and he loses everything. Kennedy wants to talk about Terry. She asks how Cathy first crossed paths with Michael. Michael and his friends stopped to talk to her one day. It appears she was making out with one of Michael’s friends when Terry attacked him. Terry and Michael argued. Terry told them to stay away from his sister. Michael takes the car to Leo to get it fixed. Cathy rushes into the café and finds Lena the only one there. Lena checks on her and she blames men. Lena sits down with her. Michael joins Raymie to talk about Andrew. Raymie says truancy is becoming excessive for Andrew. He suggests that might mean something is happening at home. Michael jokes they just need to put the fear of God into him. He admits he didn’t know Andrew was missing school to this extent.

Lena tells Cathy she doesn’t know that her husband has done anything wrong. There’s always a sliver of doubt. Cathy keeps putting doubts in Lena’s head. They end up talking about their sex lives. When customers enter, Lena has to get back to work. Cathy tells Lena that her name is Molly before leaving. Michael tells Raymie he just wants his kid to look up to him. He believes he was on the periphery of something when he was a boy. It was something he had no control over and he was punished for it. Andrew doesn’t know. Michael will talk to him about it when Andrew is older. Andrew finally arrives. Jack Sullivan (Owen Roe) calls Detective Cooper (Declan Rodgers) to see if he could do him a favor. Jack asks if he can check the license plate of the woman who vandalized Michael’s car. Cooper seems hesitant to do it but he reluctantly agrees to help.

Michael messages Molly to say things have been difficult at home. She asks if he wants to talk about it. Michael suggests meeting for coffee. Jack visits Lena at home. Cathy tries to muster up the courage to meet Michael face-to-face. Once she does, Michael says they’re not doing anything wrong. He believes she’s after the bus company’s executive expense account. Jack asks Lena if Michael mentioned his car was vandalized. He tells her about Sally Bowman. Jack insists he’s going to find out what’s going on. He argues that Michael has been straying. Lena insists Michael wouldn’t have an affair. Jack isn’t sure about that since he was capable of murder. Michael tells Cathy about the underwear Lena found. He is adamant that he doesn’t mess around. Cathy remembers the past and says she should go.

lena episode 2 bbc dead and buried

Jack shows Michael pictures of Sally. He says Lena thinks Michael is playing away from home. Michael swears he’s not having an affair and doesn’t know who this woman is. Jack says he murdered someone and he gave him a second chance. He warns Michael that all of his things can be taken away. Sally and Cathy party. Men try to flirt with Cathy so Sally attempts to get rid of them. Sally struggles to make it home while Cathy has sex with Raymie. Sally is approached by someone and it leads to a struggle. Her head is bashed against the wall. Michael returns home drunk. He asks Lena why she couldn’t keep her mouth shut about the knickers. Lena notices wounds on his knuckles. Michael insists he fell. He calls Jack a wanker and says he’s not having an affair. He also denies being a murderer.

Andrew overhears them and watches them go upstairs.


Dead And Buried Review

The second episode of Dead and Buried was decent although it’s getting harder to find someone to sympathize with. The series spins a pretty good web making it difficult to know exactly who to believe. We still don’t know exactly what happened to Cathy’s brother either.

Instead, we’ve watched Cathy take one more step in her quest to get vengeance against Michael. It seems to be working, but it has probably come at a cost with Sally being assaulted. The show is trying to pin that on Andrew or Michael to keep us guessing.

At the very least, it is easy to feel bad for Lena and Sally who are caught up in this for no reason. The mystery aspect of the show is compelling although there are glaring believability issues. Nevertheless, this isn’t a bad watch through two episodes.

This one scores a 5.5 out of 10. Recaps of Dead and Buried can be found on Reel Mockery here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link. Learn more about advertising with us here. See what others are saying here.

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