Joel Edgerton Dark Matter Apple TV

Dark Matter Season 1 Episode 8 Recap

Jupiter – The episode begins with Daniela Vargas Dessen (Jennifer Connelly) racing over to Ryan Holder’s (Jimmi Simpson) house at the behest of Mindy (Tiff Abreu). The imposter Jason Dessen (Joel Edgerton) hears about this later from Charlie Dessen (Oakes Fegley) just as he preparing to take out the trash. After agreeing to a late-night pizza, the imposter Jason continues with his task and is attacked by the real Jason outside. After a very brief struggle, it appears the imposter kills the real Jason.

Charlie Dark Matter Apple TV

Daniela’s night begins just as strangely when she shows up at Ryan’s place to learn that he doesn’t recognize her or Jason. Things only get stranger when he tells her the last thing he remembers is someone buying him shots at the bar. She shows him a picture of Jason and he confirms the identity. When he finally falls asleep it appears that Mindy is going to take him in for a mental health evaluation.

From here, things take an immediately strange turn because we see another Jason checking into a hotel and unboxing his purchases from the gun store. Upon leaving the hotel, he encounters yet another Jason in the hallway. After a very brief chase in the street, they both end up at the Village Tap, where they share a beer. Working together, they theorize that their traveling has created a bit of a ripple effect that could lead to an untold number of Jasons showing up in this world. Amanda Lucas (Alice Braga) and Velocity briefly come up in their discussion as well as the fact that both of them are out of ampoules and have conspired to kill the imposter Jason, who started all this.

Daniela Blair Dark Matter Apple TV

The imposter Jason has a close call when Charlie interrupts his disposal of the body in the garage. Things get tense for a few minutes but thanks to the car blocking Charlie’s view and some quick acting on Jason’s part, he manages to keep the body hidden.

The following day after breakfast at a local diner, the original Jason gets himself arrested when he enjoys a cigar after his meal. At the behest of an older female customer (Jennifer Joan Taylor), both the Waitress (Maeve Mollaghan) and Manager (Paul Tavianini) have to get involved, which eventually leads to a plainclothes officer, Dawn Lawrence (Marquita Brooks), arresting him. Dawn appears stunned when he asks how in the world she became a detective.

Daniela and the imposter Jason’s relationship continues to crumble are they argue over her taking the Civic to the gallery. His excuse is that he forgot to fill the tank and Charlie’s car has more room. Matters only get worse when Charlie points out Jason’s promise to take him to tour the University of Chicago. Things don’t get any better when Jason spots another Jason during the tour. Thanks to a generous Security Guard (Sammy A. Publes), the imposter Jason buys him and Charlie a few minutes. Despite the reprieve, the other Jason does eventually catch up to them and matters aren’t helped by the fact that Charlie is now questioning his father’s erratic behavior. The imposter soon formulizes a plan that involves Charlie returning to the vehicle alone and picking up at the south gate of 57th Street. Being that Charlie only has a learner’s permit, there is some slight hesitation but he ultimately agrees to the request.

Leighton Vance Dark Matter Apple TV

When Charlie and the imposter separate, he lures the other Jason into a bathroom where a struggle ensues. The imposter once again prevails in the fight and puts the other Jason to sleep with a rear naked choke. While the imposter frantically hides the body in one of the bathroom stalls Charlie races to the meet location. When he parks in a no-parking zone, a Campus Police Officer (Peter DeFaria) shows up. The imposter Jason manages to return just as the officer learns that Charlie only has a learner’s permit. After a brief explanation, the officer shows leniency and lets them leave with a verbal warning.

Daniela gets more than she bargained for when she returns and breaks into the storage container. She not only discovers the security cameras Jason installed but she finds Ryan’s mechanic jacket as well as a full box of ampoules. She soon receives a call from an unknown number that is much later revealed to be the original Jason, calling from jail. When he joins her in the lobby, the conversation that ensues suggests his arrest was intentional so he could arrange a meeting with her. Although he does not receive the reception he had hoped for, she not only listens to his wild story but agrees to call the imposter. She appears convinced after hearing his voice but Jason convinces her to make up a story about a previous visit to Florida. The imposter falls for the story but more importantly, reveals that Charlie is with him and requests that she return home.

Daniela and the original Jason make a plan for her to get Charlie and meet him at the Bean. He also suggests using a safe word as an extra precaution. She chooses Jupiter. Before she leaves, she tells him that she cannot guarantee that they’ll be there.

Amanda Dark Matter Apple TV

Daniela returns home to find the imposter Jason frantically packing. He tells her there is a problem with his deal with Leighton Vance (Dayo Okeniyi) and they must leave town immediately. Her attempts to learn more only upset him and she agrees to help with the packing, which allows her to request his help with retrieving a piece of luggage in the basement. This allows her to hit him from behind and push him down the steps. She eventually ends up in the vehicle, fleeing with Charlie. It’s only seconds later when they are cut off by another Jason.

It doesn’t take Daniela long to realize that this Jason is a fake but just as she realizes it, they are t-boned by another Jason. Daniel and Charlie immediately take off on foot.

The episode ends with her and Charlie meeting the original Jason where he provides the keyword, Jupiter.


Dark Matter Review

I can’t think of a better way to set the stage for the finale. I felt that this was probably one of the better episodes of the series once things got going. Yes, it was a bit confusing with all the different Jasons running around but that was kind of what made it great for me. The bit with Dawn as the detective was a bit confusing because I thought she was a Velocity employee in this world or was that another?  I’m sure the creators wouldn’t make sure a blatant mistake, so I am sure I must be wrong. Anyway, very intriguing episode with a lot of compelling theories.

Once again, the cast did an amazing acting job in my eyes, and the scene at the Village Tap where the two Jasons conspire for the first time was classic. Easily 5.7 out of 10. Oh, I almost forgot about this and wouldn’t even mention but I feel it necessary.  I thought it was extremely strange how whiney Charlie got all soured when he realized Jason had forgotten about the promised tour of the campus. Despite his sour, what was one of the first things he said when they arrived? I don’t have the grades to go here.

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