Amanda Dark Matter Apple TV

Dark Matter Season 1 Episode 7 Recap

In The Fires Of Dead Stars – The episode begins with an awkward dinner scene at the Dessen’s house that only gets more awkward when Detective Jamie Mason (Kate Eastman) shows up to question the family about Ryan Holder’s (Jimmi Simpson) recent disappearance. Much to Jamie’s surprise, both Jason (Joel Edgerton) and Daniela Vargas Dessen (Jennifer Connelly) are honest about their last contact with Ryan. It turns out that Jason’s meeting with Ryan at the ‘Village Tap’ was also the last place he was seen. Jason not only claims he immediately returned home after leaving the bar but Ryan’s behavior was erratic that evening.

scenery Dark Matter Apple TV

After Jamie leaves her card, Daniela asks Jason to come upstairs with her where she confronts him about the ampoule. Although he tells her the truth about the substance as well as the ampoule and storage unit, he leaves out key details. He also identifies Ryan as the creator of the substance but says he was under an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement). The confrontation ends with her giving him the ultimatum to stop using it which he agrees to.

When the story returns to the original Jason and Amanda Lucas (Alice Braga), they appear to be in the middle of a heated debate about something that Jason thinks will be a waste of an entire day and two ampoules. It takes Amanda pointing out the addictive properties of the substance as well as the heavy rate at which they’ve been using it to convince him but he relents. She then proceeds to open the door to what appears to be a serene Chicago summer day.

Daniela Blair Dark Matter Apple TV

Jason appears surprised that Amanda’s Chicago is just as inviting and promising as it looked. He’s further surprised when he learns that it was her focus on the people and life experiences that manifested it. The two eventually make their way to a bar where they have a pleasant meeting with Sid (Angie Shriner), who tells them about the Spire restaurant located at the top of the Obama building. Much to Jason’s surprise, Amanda leaves him at the bar to run an errand but suggests they meet in 2 hours at the Spire restaurant. Once alone, Jason has a pleasant exchange with Chad (Greg Foster) and Toby (Vinny Multhaupt) when they ask him to take their picture.

Jason arrives at the Spire to find Amanda and a suit waiting on him. Once he returns from changing, it appears that he also comes bearing gifts in the form of candy, Dares. Amanda is extremely touched by the offer and proceeds to tell him that she spent their time apart looking up this world’s Jason and Amanda. It turns out that Jason is an insurance salesman and Amanda eerily disappeared two years ago. She practically has no living relatives and multiple citizenships. This eventually leads to her not only telling him that she is staying in this world but also asking him to stay. He tells her that she is amazing but refuses to stay. Although she refuses his offer to half the remaining ampoules, he slips them into her bag as they give their final goodbyes.

Jason returns to the box alone where it’s revealed that he only has three ampoules. The first turns out to be a complete failure. Although the second trip isn’t his world, he contemplates staying after a phone call reveals that this world’s Jason and Amanda are still happily married. He even goes as far as breaking into the house later that night but changes his mind after an unexpected run-in with Max Dessen (Oakes Fegley) in the kitchen. The ensuing conversation suggests that Charlie Dessen (Oakes Fegley) doesn’t exist in this world. Despite that, there was still the loss of a child named Holly which has shaped Max. Before the conversation ends, it’s also suggested that Max and Jason don’t have the best relationship.

Charlie Dark Matter Apple TV

The imposter Jason returns for a therapy session with Amanda that becomes so heated she asks him to leave. It starts with her accusing him of trying to run from his problems after he admits that he’s been thinking of packing up and leaving. He takes this personally and begins to harshly comment on her character flaws. Things only get worse for him when he returns home to discover Detective Mason waiting on his front stoop with more questions about Ryan. Jason soon learns that Ryan’s phone pinged at an industrial complex in South Chicago before it went offline. Despite maintaining his composure and claiming he has no idea why Ryan would be there, he appears to be internally strategizing.

While the imposter Jason returns to the box to rescue Ryan, the original Jason shares several beers and a very interesting discussion with his world’s Ryan at the ‘Village Tap.’ The original Jason is surprised to learn that although this world’s Ryan runs a local garage, he is just as intelligent as Ryan from his world. The difference is that this world’s Ryan lost his academic scholar after getting popped for a DUI his senior year.

Before injecting his final ampoule, the original Jason spends several minutes making a journal entry describing his first encounter with Daniela. He also mentions his experience with meeting Max as well as the realization that it is the imperfections that can make a person/place perfect. This appears to work because when he opens the door, he’s staring at the giant hole that the imposter Jason busted in the box to rescue Ryan. A quick visit and conversation with Matt (William Smillie) at the ‘Village Tap’ all but confirms he’s made it back to his world.

Jason Dark Matter Apple TV

Although he returns home to find the remembrance tree, Charlie, and Daniela, he is hit with the reality of the task before him when he sees the imposter Jason join them in the kitchen. The footage then flashes to the kitchen conversation where the imposter Jason is spinning a yarn about rescuing Ryan on a bender. He goes on to mention taking him home and phoning Mindy (Tiff Abreu) before he makes plans to alert Detective Mason.

The original Jason then finds himself in a local gun shop where he attempts to purchase a gun from Annie (Dani Deettee) and Jay (Richard Cotovsky). After learning that he needs a license, he has to settle with a tactical mace and knife. Just seconds after the original Jason exits the store, the imposter shows up looking to purchase a gun. Annie and Jay are completely baffled by the experience and there is a bit of confusion but Annie finally realizes that the other Jason didn’t have a brace on his finger. Jason is just as confused but soon puts two and two together.

The episode ends with the imposter Jason realizing that the original Jason has somehow miraculously made it back to his world.


Dark Matter Review

Despite a bit of confusion here and there, I’d have to say that the episode was extremely intriguing. To be fair most of the episodes are fairly interesting. I did find it a bit cliché that it wasn’t until Jason’s last vial that he made it back to his world. I would have appreciated something a bit wittier there, but I can’t complain. I was surprised by Amanda’s decision to stay and thought it spoke highly of her character to no longer follow Jason around like a little lap puppy. Of course, with the two vials, there is still a slight chance that she didn’t actually stay.

I’m not entirely sure how many more episodes there are or how many seasons are planned, but I don’t know where the story can go beyond Jason’s final confrontation. There are already times when some of the episodes feel drawn out but I would like to see more, as long as it doesn’t become repetitive. I would give this episode a 5.5 out of 10.

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