Daddy issues s01e01 review gemma

Daddy Issues Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

The episode opens in Gemma’s (Aimee Lou Wood) eighteenth week of pregnancy. Upon returning home, she finds the lights on. Switching them off, she scolds Malcolm (David Morrissey) for turning the lights on during daylight hours. He says lights were Davina’s (Susan Lynch) thing and he never interfered. She demands he utilizes the lights only when it is dark. He stresses the need to have long showers to clear his head. She insists he pick ups more shifts at work when his phone rings. He tells her that it is his girlfriend, Helen (Nina De Mitri) who he met on an app. She says they need to talk about catfishing.

At the prison, Gemma tells Catherine (Sharon Rooney) about Malcolm’s mishaps. Catherine suggests utilizing Post-it notes as little reminders before realizing Gemma is transforming into Davina. She urges Gemma to find herself a wealthy, senile man ASAP. Elsewhere, Derek (David Fynn) is helping himself to a bowl of cereal. Malcolm tells him about Helen, a 50-year-old nurse, who he may be in love with. Looking at Helen’s photo, Derek realizes Malcolm has been utilizing a meet-up app for no-strings sex. He activates a feature that alerts members when they are within a five-meter range of each other. Derek shows him how the Airhorn Automation feature works.

Rita (Sarah Hadland) spikes his coffee with alcohol. Winnie (Chris Kerry) congratulates Gemma on her pregnancy. Rita tells her that Gemma doesn’t know who fathered her baby. Winnie asks if the old man impregnated her. Gemma says Adam proposed before she got pregnant. Rita would do anything to snag a man with his own bungalow like Adam. Gemma declined his proposal because she didn’t love him. Rita claims to have married four men for their assets, not for love. Gemma feels bad for her. Rita’s dreams of being a spy were quashed when she got caught giving Mike Baldwin oral sex on the set of Coronation Street. She boasts of not getting caught with Kevin Webster before urging Gemma to compromise.

Malcolm tv show Daddy Issues s01e01

While tracking down Helen, Malcolm tells Derek what he likes about her. He claims she believes in angels. Surprised, Derek asks if he shares her belief. Malcolm says no but he possibly could when they spot Helen astride a heart attack patient administering CPR. Elsewhere, Gemma tells Cherry (Taj Atwal) what she wants from a man. Cherry recommends Sugar Daddies because it delivers fairytale endings. She claims her broke friend married an oligarch that she met at Sugar Daddies. He was murdered and now, she is living the high life. Gemma says a real-life Cinderella story. A short time later, she arrives home with a new dress. Malcolm asks to borrow her phone to take a selfie of his penis because the camera is smashed on his second-hand phone. She initially refuses to let him her phone but eventually has a change of heart. After snapping the selfie, Malcolm asks Gemma how to send it. Seeing his flaccid penis, she insists he take a selfie of his erect penis. He figures a Kylie video will do it.

Sugar Daddies – Cherry gives Gemma a few pointers when they are approached by an older man. Not liking his odor, they sent him away. Clint “The Clinster” (Jonny Wright) greets them Gemma asks his favorite novel. He says Shakespeare. She sends him away. Cherry insists she stops being picky. Gemma vows to stay until she finds her unborn baby a father. Fergal (Damien Molony) introduces himself and offers them some champagne.

Derek finds Malcolm still alone and suggests she has a jealous husband. Uptight, Malcolm says she claims to be working overtime. Derek demands he grow up because men are better than females. Seeing Helen walk through the door, Malcolm gets hysterical. Derek pretends to have a heart attack. Fed up, Helen leaves. He activates the “Pussy Alert” feature.

Cherry tells Fergal that her husband is a professional rugby player. Seeing Xander (Arian Nik) enter the bar, Gemma asks if they want another round of drinks. Fergal hands her his credit card. She approaches the bar and greets Xander before ordering a bottle of champagne. Cherry announces they all are going to her place. Elsewhere, Derek claims to have told Helen that Malcolm got the squirts after seeing an angel. Malcolm questions if he has what it takes to date. Derek rates Helen a six.

Catherine Daddy Issues BBC Three

Xander tries to reject Cherry’s unwanted advances. Fergal claims his wife didn’t want children and he did, so they separated six months ago. He tells Alexa to play his Midnight Playlist. Xander watches as Gemma escorts Fergal into the bedroom. He pops open a bottle of champagne. Later, Gemma tells Fergal that she is pregnant. They kiss. When he spots a chemtrail in the sky, he explains how the government utilizes the chemicals and the fluoride in water for mind control. He agrees to add her to his WhatsApp group, so they can expose what the government is doing. She returns home to find the lights on and Malcolm moping on the sofa. He says Helen is ignoring his messages. She orders him to get dressed because he is going to meet Helen in person. A short time later, a pessimistic Derek, Malcolm, and Gemma arrive at a church. With a wilted bouquet in hand, Malcolm leads them into the church. Derek says Gemma’s baby glow is lovely. A large photo of Helen is sitting next to the pulpit. Malcolm believes she is dead. Derek suggests it is for the best. Chelsea (Jessica Ransom) tells Malcolm that Helen’s brain popped and urges him to send a text to her phone inside the casket.

The pallbearers enter the church carrying Helen’s casket. The Airhorn Automation features issues a Pussy Alert. The attendees stare at them. Malcolm deactivates the feature. Derek says Helen is with her best friends, the angels. Gemma tries to comfort Malcolm.

Xander visits Gemma at work. She tells him about Fergal’s WhatsApp conspiracy group. He asks about her pregnancy. She admits to being concerned about raising her baby without a father. He invites her out for coffee. She sarcastically promises to explain her 911 conspiracy theory over coffee. The episode ends.


Daddy Issues Review

Cherry convinces Gemma that she will find a father for her unborn child at Sugar Daddies. Gemma meets Fergal who recently separated from his career-driven wife. They have sex. He seems perfectly fine with her pregnancy. She believes he is the one until she learns he is a conspiracy theorist. Xander, who also seems okay with her pregnancy, invites her out for coffee.

Believing he is joining a dating app, Malcolm joins a meet-up app. He immediately falls in with Helen. Derek utilizes a tracking app to see if she is really a nurse. They arrive at the hospital just in time to see her administering CPR in the most provocative manner. When the time comes for Malcolm to meet Helen, he becomes hysterical. Derek does his part to run her off for good. Later, they learn she died.

The story has some good moments but they are few and far between. The gimmicks are mostly corny and cliché. It could have been utilized to show what it is like for a young girl to deal with a pregnancy alone. The episode deserves a 5.2 out of 10.

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