Catherine Daddy Issues BBC Three

Daddy Issues Series 1 Episode 2 Recap

Normal Men – The episode opens at the 13-week mark of Gemma Musgrave’s (Aimee Lou Wood) pregnancy. Seeing the trashcan full, she yells for Malcolm Musgrave (David Morrissey). Without hesitance, he whips around the corner, sees the full waste bin, and suggests flushing it down the toilet. She warns him against it and complains about him failing to do his job. He tells her to slip it into the neighbor’s waste bin. When he lifts the bag out of the bin, garbage goes everywhere. She races to the bathroom to vomit. She flushes the toilet but it is clogged which she blames on him. Malcolm is cleaning up the mess with his coat. Gemma scolds him for not acting like an adult. He blames his ineptness on Davina (Susan Lynch) and removes his pants to finish cleaning up the mess.

Catherine Musgrave (Sharon Rooney) tells Gemma that she wants Malcolm to smuggle a phone into the prison up his anal cavity. Gemma reminds her that Malcolm is yet to visit her in prison. Catherine suggests he may enjoy the phone up his bum. Gemma says Davina sent her a meme of someone blowing their brains out when she learned about her pregnancy. She denies knowing who fathered her baby. Catherine insists she shouldn’t be charged with attempted murder because she didn’t succeed. She boasts of joining the D-Block girl’s squad. Gemma recalls how Catherine always made friends easily. Catherine accuses her of pushing women away. A female guard restrains an inmate for shoving a vape pen up his anal cavity.

Malcolm tv show Daddy Issues s01e01

Derek (David Fynn) explains how he picks up women with “peacocking.” She sarcastically says women with low self-esteem. He offers to teach Malcolm how to manipulate women with magic. Once alone, Gemma urges Malcolm to drop Derek as a friend because they need “Normal Friends” for support purposes. Later, Gemma is given a prescription to treat her UTI. She tells Rochelle (Rhiannon Clements) that she isn’t happy about her pregnancy. Rochelle invites her to attend a social event for pregnant women to find friends. Gemma claims to have lots of friends and calls her their names but takes the brochure.

The warehouse supervisor (Chris Cantrill) sends Malcolm to greet the customers. Malcolm suggests Jamie do it. The supervisor says Jamie is no longer working there. At a pharmacy, Gemma greets Cherry (Taj Atwal) with a friendly how has she been. Upset, Cherry tells her about Lance leaving her for a 16-year-old girl. Gemma invites her out like the old days. Cherry says they have never gone out together. Cherry reluctantly agrees but only if she helps her get laid at Tamika’s upcoming party. Gemma recalls Tamika bullying Cherry in school. Cherry tells her that she will take some coke before they go to the party. Gemma goes to the counter where Xander (Arian Nik) is working. He urges her to take all of the antibiotics and hands her a sucker.

Malcolm works on what he will say to customers when he sees Stuart (Cyril Nri) approaching. Angry, Stuart complains about his delayed tile delivery and looks over the counter to see Malcolm on all fours. Malcolm comes up holding a coin. After getting reacquainted, Malcolm tells him that Davina left him. Stuart says his wife left him as well. He invites Malcolm to come to his boxing class on Saturday. Over supper, Malcolm claims his boss wanted him to take the warehouse keys but he refused. They tell each other about their new friends. He plays a trick on her with a fake ketchup bottle. She assures him that women will not like it.

Daddy issues s01e01 review gemma

Malcolm gasses out during a sparring session. Stuart tells him to think about how Davina made him feel. With a new burst of energy, Malcolm repeatedly slaps at Stuart’s punching mitts. When the bell rings, an exhausted Malcolm drops to the floor and says Derek suggests making someone cry is the best way to get over someone. Stuart describes Derek’s theory as “toxic” before inviting him to Tamika’s party. At Alfredo’s, Cherry warns Gemma that Tamika is still upset over Ross Beakfield. Tamika pulls up in a fancy sports car. She tosses her keys to Cherry and threatens to pull her hair out if her car is merely damaged. Cherry chugs down a glass of wine. Gemma parks Tamika’s car. A short time later, Cherry warns Gemma against having children when Malcolm, Derek, and Stuart arrive. Derek fails to pick up Cherry with his raunchy one-liners before insulting Stuart who is a millionaire. Derek claims his ghosting is working on women. Gemma tries to be nice to Liv (Grace Long) and Tamika to only get insulted. She turns to see Malcolm trying to impress a woman with an egg in his mouth. She offers him a ginger beer if he stops. Tamika hits her in the back and accuses her of sleeping with Ross who is now deceased. Gemma claims Ross fled to Basingstoke because she wouldn’t stop stalking him. Stuart assumed Ross was Tamika’s boyfriend.

Tamika tells them about her tattoo of Ross on her private parts and vows to glue Gemma before emptying her glass of wine on Cherry’s dress. Laughs can be heard throughout the room as Liv and Tamika go upstairs. Gemma informs Cherry of her pregnancy. Cherry promises to be there for her. Holding up Tamika’s hot glue gun, Gemma pretends to squirt glue on her car. Stuart asks Malcolm if he believes Tamika is spoiled. Malcolm says maybe a bit. They go outside to find Gemma and Cherry writing “TWAT” on his car with glue. Gemma claims Tamika said it was a birthday gift. Distraught, Stuart insists on going to the carwash. Malcolm asks if he wants him to return the boxing gloves. Stuart says yes before driving away. Gemma apologizes to Malcolm.

Gemma is waiting for a sonogram when Malcolm shows up with a cup of hot chocolate. Rochelle calls her name. Gemma invites Malcolm to go with her as the episode ends.


Daddy Issues Review

Aimee Lou Wood and David Morrissey have good chemistry together. It is just unfortunate that Gemma and Malcolm are hardly likable. There are moments when you hope that will change but they immediately bounce back to their old selves. The constant bickering is annoying. There are no ha-ha moments. If anything, the jokes are corny and flat, especially the anal cavity bits.

The cinematography, acting, editing, and directing are good. It would have been nice to have something to watch other than the dozens of crime drama series. White men are portrayed as imbecilic losers. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.

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