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Curfew Series 1 Finale Episode 6 Recap

Curfew Time – As the finale of Curfew begins, Pamela (Sarah Parish) goes to a crime scene three years ago. She learns that a boy allegedly killed his mother. Pamela calls her daughter to make sure she’s locked up. Her daughter lies about where she is. Later, she finds out that her daughter has been killed. In the present, Pamela tells Eddie (Mitchell Robertson) it’s time to get him. They speak to Aisha (Alisha Bailey) and Sue Ferguson (Lucy Benjamin) about Cass, Sarah, and the woman in the video. Eddie notices something else in the video. They wonder why the woman walked to the passenger door. Pamela suggests she’s used to the steering wheel being on that side. She mentions that Ben Williams (Adam Korson) was worried about Sian (Amy Louise Pemberton) finding out about the affair this morning although she already knew.

eddie episode 4 recap curfew

Pamela is convinced Ben Williams has Cass. In private, she asks Aisha to try to get access to the files on the murder cases. Eight hours before curfew, Ben is questioned by Eddie and Pamela. After Ben leaves, he reminds Sian he told her to put the body in the car. Ben worries they’re on the radar now. He wants the coder. Max (James Craven) tries to get Cass (Imogen Sandhu) to eat something. He pleads with her to give them the coder. Ben sends Max upstairs and reminds him things have to appear normal around there until they get the tags off. Cass insists she doesn’t know where the coder is. She believes someone took it from her bag. Ben tells her that Sarah was arrested for Helen’s murder. He told Sarah he’d slit Cass’s throat if he hears sirens. Ben tries to force Cass to tell him who has the coder. Max suggests getting the tags off using tools. Sian says her dad needs a doctor, but Max argues he isn’t going to get one.

When the police arrive at the door, Ben tells Max to go downstairs and gag Cass. Ben opens the door to speak to Pamela and Eddie with five hours left until curfew. Max puts tape over Cass’s mouth. Pamela speaks to Sian. Before long, Pamela and Eddie leave. Ben confronts Cass and says he’s done asking. Max hears her screaming. Ben returns and says the dad has it. He leaves to retrieve it. Three hours to curfew, Ben keeps an eye on Sarah (Mandip Gill). He demands the coder. Sian speaks to Cass who suggests they could go to the police. She says Ben promised he’d change if they came there. Ben has been in her head for many years. Her youngest son comes downstairs to say the police want Sian to come in. Sarah calls Ben to say the coder Greg has no longer works. Ben threatens to kill her unless she gets another one. Sarah gives it to him later. She tells Ben to worry because they’ll deactivate it. Ben quickly removes his tag.

He tells Sarah that they’re partners in crime. Ben rushes home. Sian’s father tells her she deserves better. The coder is deactivated before Ben can remove the tags from his children. There are 15 minutes left until curfew. He decides to try to shock the tag even though it could hurt their son. They try to come up with different ways to remove the tag. Cass claims she cares about Helen (Alexandra Burke). Max isn’t sure about that after what she did to her. He tells her not to pretend to care now. At the start of the curfew, Ben hears sirens. He says to get into the basement before grabbing a knife. Pamela and Eddie see Ben on the roof with his father-in-law. Ben says they’re dealing with a few issues. He asks about getting a working coder. Pamela says that’s not going to be possible. Ben throws his father-in-law off the roof. Pamela believes he’s in the basement with Cass. Inside, Ben and Sian argue. Ben insists they’re going to get out of there.

ben episode 1 recap curfew

He tries to remove one of the tags. Greg and Sarah arrive outside and find out what’s going on. Pamela tells Sue she can’t pin this on a murder. She tells her that the prior convictions were unsafe and she sealed the files again. Sue says Westminster didn’t want anything coming out this close to the vote so they asked her to close the files. She insists those women were guilty though. Ben gets in touch with Pamela. He claims he’s trying to do what’s right for his family. Ben says they lock up men and still call themselves victims. Ben gives the phone to Sian and tells her to keep Pamela talking. Pamela tries to get information from Sian while looking through the windows. In a flashback, Sian goes to Total Harmony where she speaks to Helen. Pamela believes Sian was going there to ask for help. In the present, Sian says Helen figured out what Ben was.

Ben curses her. He wants Pamela to let them go, but Pamela insists they cannot do that. Noah Williams (Raphael D’Alterio) stabs Ben in the back. Sian attacks him and tells the boys to go. Sian tries to free Cass, but she can’t before she has to flee. Max’s tag begins beeping as he flees. Ben comes out while holding Cass at knifepoint. Pamela suggests it was Max all along. She knows that Max’s tag hasn’t been coded and that’s why it’s yellow. Max says he thought someone would notice but they never did. Pamela knows Helen had the same flower in her house as Max. In a flashback, Max gives it to her. Max says he didn’t mean to hurt her. Pamela suggests Max loved her but she didn’t feel the same way. Helen knew about Max’s tag. At one point, he came onto her. She reminded him that he was just a boy. Max confesses he felt so angry.

greg tv show curfew episode 1

He attacked Pamela and killed her. Max asked Sian for help, but it was just too much for her. Sian tells Pamela that they’re never safe. Ben begins cursing her. He says he’s been trying to save them. He’s leaving. Pamela tries to prevent him from hurting Cass. They eventually attack him and stop him from fleeing. Max is arrested. Eddie takes Noah to the side to say everything is going to be okay. Steve messages Pamela to see if she’s okay. Eddie says they got into the files and the cases had the same administrator. They speak to Becki Sutton (Phoebe Sparrow) who tells them to go home. Pamela claims she wants to pin this on Sian Williams. She says Becki has been sent here to protect the curfew by any means necessary. Pam accuses her of breaking into her house. Becki asks what would’ve happened to her daughter if the curfew had been brought in sooner.

Pamela approaches the journalists nearby. She’s asked if several men managed to break curfew and whether this is the end of the curfew.


Curfew Review

Curfew was never spectacular and the finale wasn’t really able to make up for its issues either. In the finale, it felt like the story took way too many turns before it finally uncovered the mystery. In the end, there probably wasn’t a single decent character in the whole series.

The finale should’ve ended much sooner with Ben going to prison or being killed. Making Max the culprit just made everything seem even more unbelievable. The writers also left a hook at the end in hopes of securing another series. If it gets renewed, it surely won’t be based on the quality of the series.

The finale wanted to play both sides by making Pamela right about men being the murderers in every case. However, it also wanted Becki to be covering for them to keep the curfew in place. The show’s agenda and message were clear from the beginning although they weren’t delivered as well as they could’ve been.

Overall, the series wasn’t great because the main detective was so easy to dislike and none of the other characters are sympathetic. The idea of a curfew for men is interesting, but it really didn’t need the addition of a murder either. The finale scores a 4.5 out of 10. Recaps of Curfew can be found here. Find out how to support our independent site at this link.

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