Bupkis Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

Young Pete Bupkis Peacock

Do As I Say, Not As I Do – As the episode opens, Amy Davidson (Eddie Falco) smokes while putting the finishing touches on her ensemble. She orders young Pete (Preston Brodrick) to put his sister, Casey (Loulou Lazarus) in her car seat. Driving to their destination, she warns it will be a tough day but push on to keep the terrorists from winning. Pete understands when he sees smoke from Grand Zero spreading across the ocean. The date is September 28, 2001. He asks if it is fair for him to get his father’s chain while Casey doesn’t get anything. She assures him that Casey is too young to know what is happening. Taking their seats, they realize the event is a wedding.

When “Here Comes The Bride” hits, Joe (Joe Pesci) and Marie (Jane Curtin) escort Amy’s sister, Mary (Danielle Dallacco) down the aisle. She joins Uncle Tommy (Bobby Cannavale) before Father Mac (Steve Buscemi) begins the officiate their wedding. The two become husband and wife.

Amy becomes upset when everyone offers their condolences for the passing of her husband, Scott Davidson (Joshua Bitton). Lori (Marissa Jaret Winokur) tells her that she is willing to listen if she wants to talk. Tommy is all for taking young Pete to the toilet as long as he doesn’t need to “poopie.” In the restroom, Tommy demonstrates his “penis through the zipper” method of urination. Pete mimics his every move even his “boop” sound. After doing cocaine, Tommy gives him a word of advice, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Back To The Present – Pete (Pete Davidson) meets Uncle Tommy at a local diner. Tommy utilizes Pete’s glasses to utilize his phone, his sole link to his Russian banking employer. Pete is eventually sent to retrieve another beer.

Wedding Reception – Pete’s cousin tells him about his father taking him to see the new Jimmy Neutron movie. Pete reminds him of his father dying. His cousin says his father describes Scott as a hero who gave his life while trying to save others. Pete sticks his finger out his zipper as the photographer (Alcides Dias) snaps a photo. Amy pulls him to the side to scold him for his poor behavior when Father Mac intervenes. After his every attempt to explain the passing to Pete fails, Father Mac becomes terribly frustrated. He spouts out kinds of biblical conspiracy theories.

Back To The Present –Uncle Tommy informs Pete of his daughter’s soccer team making it to the semifinals. He says the season will end Saturday before says he loves his daughter who is a great kid. Pete asks what exactly he means. Uncle Tommy admits he and Mary are having some problems in their marriage but divorce is a long way off. Not buying it, Pete tries to pull more information out of him until he sends him for another round.

Wedding Reception – Pete pitches ice cubes at the dance floor when Uncle Tommy approaches. Before he knows it, he takes him on a cigarette run. While taking shots, Donnie (Paul Virzi) asks Tommy how he is doing. Tommy assures him that he married the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He admits to having trouble processing the event. Donnie suggests being cautious to avoid a divorce and sleeping on a futon. Pete asks what is a futon. Uncle Tommy reminds him of his previous suggestion, “Do as I say, not as I do.” He orders him to not repeat anything he hears.

Tommy asks Pete if he was aware of his winning the “sexiest man of the year” award. He claims to have beaten out Paul Montello and Kyle Hennesy. He says the trophy is at home. Leaving the convenience store, he explains Creed to his nephew. Pete appears to be having the time of his life.

Wedding Reception – Pete asks Uncle Tommy if they can play “Cotton Eye Joe.” Tommy says go ask the DJ (Neko White). When Pete approaches the DJ, he goes unnoticed. Amy discusses her and Scott’s complicated relationship with her parents. She claims they were considering another go. Joe and Marie assure her that she has their full support. Amy reminds them of how they were disgusted by Scott. She says his death and Marie’s birthday which coincide with each other are a stark reminder. Pete is hanging on to their every word. Joe and Marie admit to not thinking Scott was right for her but he is a hero. Amy voices her concern about being a single parent. Joe says she is the strongest woman he knows before promising to be there for her as long as he is alive. Tommy confronts the DJ until he puts on “Cotton Eye Joe.” He and Pete hit the dance floor.

Giving Pete a big slice of wedding cake, Marie expresses how much Scott will be missed. Pete admits knowing she wasn’t fond of his father and he died on her birthday. She is left in awe when he warns her to be careful what she wishes for. He says his birthday is just around the corner and he has one wish.

Back To The Present – Pete notices that Uncle Tommy has lost some of his spark. Emerging from the dinner, he offers his uncle an opportunity to drive his tricked-out truck. Taking the wheel, Tommy speeds through stop signs and red lights. He admits to having suicidal thoughts. Pete gives him a piece of knowledge that couldn’t have been said any better.

Wedding Reception – Young Pete finds him in the center of the final song as the episode comes to an end.


Bupkis Review

The episode follows the same pattern, showing what might or might not have taken place in Pete Davidson’s life. Nonetheless, the show is interesting enough to hold my attention. It must have been tragic for Pete to suddenly lose his father at such a young age. A seven-year-old would most likely struggle to concept his father’s passing. The tragic 9/11 attack claimed the lives of thousands of innocent victims.

The episode deserves a 6. Get more Bupkis recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking the link. Our advertising packages are available in several tiers.

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