Britannia Season 2 Finale Recap

veran britannia s02e10

At the beginning of the episode, Phelan (Julian Rhind-Tutt) digs up his sister’s head. When he turns around, Quane (David Bradley) is there wanting to know what he has done. Phelan says he has atoned before cursing. Aulus (David Morrissey) and the army marches through the lands. Amena (Annabel Scholey) waits inside the city gates. Ania (Liana Cornell) spots the Roman army on her way to meet up with Veran (Mackenzie Crook). Cait (Eleanor Worthington-Cox) gives Millan a proper funeral. Phelan pleads with Quane to kill him. Phelan complains that he has suffered more than anyone else has suffered. He digs up his sister’s head again so Quane can read the worse on her forehead.

Phelan wonders what flame he should be carrying and where he should take it. He says he would like to return home now. They share an apple while discussing the words of the Gods. Quane decides to leave moments later. First, he reminds Phelan that his journey has barely begun. Cait continues her ceremony while Ania rushes to Veran. They speak briefly before Veran gives her a sword. He wants Ania to send a message to her brother. Aulus rushes into the gate and reunites with Amena. Ania presents the sword to Brearn (Caoilfhionn Dunne) and the others. Harka takes the sword and has Ania arrested. He tells Brearn that he’ll deal with her when the challenge is won.

Lucius (Hugo Speer) creates a spear for himself. Aulus speaks with Amena about her family and dealing with it. They chat about Amena’s dead sister and Aulus is a bit insensitive about it. Amena says he does not blame herself. Aulus believes she hates him and she admits she tried. She says Aulus is what she wants and she must serve him before they share a kiss. They have sex while Lucius finds himself surrounded by Roman soldiers. He speaks with Vitus who seems impressed with the spear’s tip which is older than him. They also chat about Aulus and whether or not he found what he was there for. Vitus says he thinks people should stick with what they’re good at.

Vitus says he was really good at chasing down deserters. Their conversation continues until Vitus decides to free Lucius and pretend they never saw him. Amena decides to leave but promises Aulus she’ll be back by nightfall. Cait continues the ceremony for Mallin but Quane shows up soon. He offers to help her give Mallin peace. Cait doesn’t trust him and wants him to leave. Quane asks if she wishes him peace. Quane says a prayer for the boy. Amena cries on the ground until Willa (Jodie McNee) shows up next to her. Amena is mad that Willa didn’t protect them. She says she had no choice before saying Amena gave pleasure to Rome to become a Queen. Willa doesn’t believe Veran knows what he faces.

Aulus meets up with Harka. Aulus is impressed with what Harka has managed to do before their conversation turns to Veran. Aulus tells Harka about one of his odd past experiences. Harka tells him that their story has a much different ending and it is very good. Cait speaks with Quane about Veran and other things. Quane explains that Veran is 10,000 years old but not the man she met. The man she met was called Hella or Halla? She learns how Veran and Harka were created. Later that night, Harka and Veran carry out rituals before the big showdown. After that, Veran waits for Harka in the snow. His brother shows up a short time later. Harka says he will cook the oak. Veran is the river. Harka tells Veran about messing up Veran’s prophecy by sending the maiden love.

Veran says only the gods can speak now and the sword is flung into the sky. It comes down and Harka is the winner. Veran bows and it appears he is going to let his brother kill him. However, Harka is struck in the head with an arrow from Divis (Nikolaj Lie Kaas). He is surprised to find out that he killed Veran’s brother. Veran tells him he has so much to learn before saying he is Veran’s arrow. Veran takes his brother’s head before Phelan runs into Amena. They’re happy to see one another and embrace. Veran returns to the others with Harka’s head. Ania is returned to her baby. Veran takes Harka’s head out onto the water and dumps it down with many others.

Divis is led to the lake of tears by Veran. Cait continues her journey. She says she is coming for Aulus. In return, he says that is good.


Britannia Review

I wanted to like Britannia and some of the episodes this season were good. Others were dreadfully slow and boring. The finale was a waste and it really made the rest of the season seem pointless too. Almost nothing happened. The only big thing that happened during the finale was the lackluster showdown between Veran and Harka. The outcome of that made the season a bit pointless. This season was all about the battle between the brothers. It was Harka creating chaos and disrupting his brother’s plans.

So, it was a bit disappointing to see Harka go out so easily. I think the writers knew that Mackenzie Crook and the Veran character was one of the best things to ever happen to this show. They decided to double it up and create two Verans. That wasn’t a disaster but the way they decided to end it was. The previous episode was far better than this one. The final was dismal. It scores a 6 out of 10. You can find previous recaps of Britannia on Reel Mockery.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.


  1. Don’t know what show you were watching but britannia was awesome. The only real negative I felt was that the shows were around 40 min. However there were 10 episodes instead of 9 in season 1. Also I was so excited they changed the opening theme song this season. Season 1 song is one of the WORST songs ever.

    1. Second season was better in almost every aspect. Had some good moments. Finale wasn’t the best but still the show had real improvement from the 1st to 2nd season. Maybe the 3rd will be even better?

      Time will tell I guess.

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