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Billy The Kid Season 2 Episode 7 Recap

The Blood-Soaked Bible – Episode 7 opens with William H. Bonney/Billy The Kid (Tom Blyth) and The Regulators retreating to the McSween House, where they immediately begin fortifying it. It doesn’t take long to realize that some of the Regulators are having doubts when Charlie Bowdre (Horatio James) suggests surrendering and Tom O’Folliard (Pepe Johnson) asks Billy if they are all going to die. Billy tells Charlie they aren’t going to run but at the same time, he isn’t going to let them be cut down in the streets by Colonel Nathan Dudley (Ty Olsson) and his regimen. He assures Tom that he will do everything within his power to keep them alive. Fred Waite (Josh Cruddas) soon draws attention to two approaching riders, who turn out to be Dr. Clay (Andrew David Long) and Alice Clay (Sage Kitchen). They have come to pledge their undying loyalty to Billy and his cause.

John Riley (Shaun Benson) looks to press his advantage by encouraging his men to fortify their position around The Regulator’s base. Major Lawrence G. Murphy (Vincent Walsh) attempts to add incentive to that by showing the new warrants that Sheriff Pat Garrett (Alex Roe) has issued. Once Jess Evans (Daniel Webber) points out that there is no chance of Billy’s surrender, Riley pulls him to the side where he tells him about his invitation for Dudley to stay at the Wortley Hotel. Jesse expresses his doubt about Dudley being on their side, but Riley apparently doesn’t want to hear it.

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Sheriff Garrett learns about Riley’s invitation when he asks Dudley to allow his men to break curfew so they can deliver the warrants to the McSween House. Dudley not only agrees but offers some of his soldiers as backup. When Dudley reminds Garrett that the army is only there to restore the peace, it’s also revealed that George Coe (Brendan Fletcher) was secretly watching the meeting.

Along with Bob Olinger (Sean Owen Roberts) and several others, Jesse rides to the McSween house with a white flag where they carefully deliver the warrants for the murder of former Sheriff, Brady (Bill MacDonald). Billy continues to casually clean his weapons while Alexander McSween (Luke Camilleri) tells Jesse that he will never surrender and also has warrants for several of his men for the murder of John Tunstall (Linus Roache). Although Jesse and his men leave without further incident, morale immediately sinks. Susan McSween (Lisa Chandler) attempts to remedy this with a soft piano rendition.

Riley isn’t happy when Jesse returns with the news and immediately takes it out on Dudley. Dudley’s response remains that he and the army are a neutral party. At nearly the same time, Diego Paton (Josh Zaharia) visits Manuela Bowdre (Veronica Long) and Dulcinea Del Tobosco (Nuria Vega) with an update on what’s transpiring in Lincoln. Although Diego’s report isn’t necessarily bad, Dulcinea immediately makes plans to ride into Lincoln and meet with Juan Patron (Javier Lacroix).

While monitoring Riley’s movements in Lincoln, George becomes concerned and attempts to get word to Billy through John-Boy (Nate Wood Fawcett). This immediately goes by when the instant he’s discovered by (Tenaj Williams). The altercation leaves both of them dead but ultimately leads to Dudley allowing Riley to flush out Billy and The Regulators by burning the McSween property.

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Gomez (Danny Vasquez) is the first of the Regulators to spot Jesse but by then it’s too late and the house is on fire.

By the time Dulcinea and Manuela arrive in Lincoln, the house is nearly an inferno and Lieutenant George Smith (Kurtis Sanheim) has the road to the house barricaded. He is just as adamant about not letting them pass as they are about getting to the house, which essentially leads to a beatdown. Against the advice of her husband and Billy, Sue waves a white flag and requests to speak with Dudley. Although the shooting ceases and she is taken to meet with Dudley, he tells her with a heavy heart that he cannot interfere on her behalf. By the time she is escorted back to the house, it’s dark and there doesn’t appear to be any hope for saving the hope. Despite that, she goes back in at the admiration of the men.

When Garrett and his Deputies (Rob Hay) arrive, there appears to only be one viable exit at the rear of the house. Jesse and his men are ordered to stage around the area but don’t shoot anyone that comes out waving a white flag. Susan and several other civilians are allowed to leave without incident, but John Beckwith (Dakota Daulby) later breaks this agreement when he shoots Alexander, who comes out unarmed. Billy does later manage to avenge the death when he and several of the Regulators make their final escape.

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Shortly after this, Billy and Jesse face off once again in the woods, and again, neither takes a shot. Billy and several of the Regulators end up with Dulcinea at the Bowdre Farm where they learn about the women getting beaten down by the soldiers. Billy doesn’t know how they’ll proceed from there but he and Charlie make plans to leave at first light. He and Dulcinea spend the night in each other’s arms.

Under the advisement of Dudley and Sherriff Garrett, the dead are laid to rest in Lincoln while Sue sets out for Las Vegas, intending to hire a lawyer and bring Riley to justice. Dudley tells Garrett that he and his men will be moving out as well.


Billy The Kid Review

This episode could have easily been the finale and was stacked full of poignant scenes once it got going. Although I enjoyed it from start to finish, I do have some complaints. The first was obviously the length in which the McSween home burnt. I am not a fire expert but I would imagine the home would have been ashes within several hours, yet it seemed that the fire went on for an entire day.

Neither am I an anti-feminist but the role the women played in the fight seemed embellished. I also found Dudley’s continued vacillation a bit embarrassing. Other than this, the episode deserved an easy 5.6 and may have set the bar too high for the finale.

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