Bay Of Fires Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

Road Kill – The episode opens in 2010, in Fitzroy, Melbourne. Tina (Jane Johnson) urges young Brony (Elsie White) to say she loves school but cannot afford the textbooks. She says luckily Uncle Robert will help ease their money problem. Unable to find her cigarettes, Tina asks if she took them. Brony claims to not smoke. Tina walks away to speak with Gary who is shot from behind by an assassin (Benjamin Vigners). Back to the present, Brony (Emily Milledge) is holding an infant.

Stella Heikkinen (Marta Dusseldorp) enters town as the locals watch a Clydesdale (Bonnie) pulling a cart with Francis Pike’s casket down the street. Tarquin (Ben Knight) tells Stella that the Community is giving him a sendoff. Stella asks what is a Community. He says it is a religious organization. Magda (Pamela Rabe) says it was Francis’ dream for the town to be prosperous. Frankie McLeish (Kerry Fox) describes the mood as “sad.” Heather (Roz Hammond) assures them that she will miss Francis’ “cheery smile.” Someone questions if his death is connected to his earning a profit at the town’s expense. Frankie desires to know more about Stella who asks why the police did not investigate his murder. Tarquin says it is “death by misadventure.” Suggesting Francis “slipped on a rock,” Drago (Peter Sammak) tells her that the plastic bag on his head was sexual. Jeremiah (Toby Leonard Moore) assures her that it is was a mere accident.

Thaddeus Bay of Fires ABC

Robin Ricketts (Yael Stone) urges Rowan (Ben Winspear) to investigate a case passed over last year even with her persistence. Describing the circumstance as a “mystery,” she says $18.6 million in payouts were distributed to Tasmanians between 1994 and 2011. He tells her that the case is “ancient history.” He promises to look into it. Shoving her chair under the table, she goes off on a tirade about his poor office etiquette. He suggests she go to Tasmania to investigate further. She confesses to disliking Tasmania.

Iris Heikkinen (Ava Caryofyllis) reads her unicorn story to her grandmother over the phone. She informs her of Francis’ death before hurriedly hanging up as Stella approaches the house. After she stuffs the phone in a bag and replaces it back on the shelf, Stella retrieves it before heading back outside.

Francis’s body is tossed over a ravine. Thaddeus (Matt Nable) reads a scripture from the Bible as Francis’ body burns. A bulldozer drops dirt on top of his burning corpse. Stella dials a number that has been disconnected. Bong Cha (Kim Ko) tells Robin there no vacancies at her hotel. Robin says she has accommodations in a nearby nice town before asking for Graham Gordon Ellery (Nicolas Bell). Bong Cha claims he is deceased when Graham asks who is looking for him. Identifying herself as a Department of Finance agent, Robin smirks at the thought of him living there since 1996. When she mentions the large payout, he claims to be blind and unable to remember. He says the payout was a “gift” which is why he did not pay taxes on it. She assures him that the government does not grant monetary gifts. As she names off the recipients’ names, he calls Bong Cha to complain about his sandwich. He moans louder as she rushes to her vehicle.

Graham Bay of Fires ABC

Bong Cha, “Growling Panther,” calls Frankie, “Lioness,” to inform her of Robin’s visit. Behrouz (George Kanaan) acts as a mediator between Frankie and a foreigner regarding a drug deal.

Otis Heikkinen (Imi Mbedla) voices concern about how Stella riding on the school bus will impact his reputation. Iris assures her that it is okay with her because she lacks a reputation. The bus driver, Manfred (Anthony J. Sharpe) informs her of the children only rule. Refusing the heed the rule, she takes a seat next to Iris. As he speeds down a winding mountain, she convinces him to slow down.

Melbourne – Airini (Rachel House) stakes out Stella and Johann’s (Nikolai Nikolaeff) house where Yakov (Vanya Essin) is barbecuing and Rusian (Paul Roukchan) is hitting tennis balls.

Back in Tasmania, Otis, Iris, and Stella arrive at school. He convinces her to let him talk to the headmistress.

Joseph Gurvan (Tony Barry) and Jeremiah are at the bank to discuss their mortgage in arrears. Frustrated, Joseph assures the bank manager (Jane Hamilton-Foster) that they are not going to take his farm. Jeremiah asks for two weeks to make the payment. She reminds him of the mortgage being in default for nine months. Joseph calls them “cocksuckers” before threatening to empty his Foley catheter in the floor. She gives them the directions to the public restrooms two blocks away. Jeremiah demands to utilize the bank’s restroom until she relents.

Robin Bay of Fires ABC

Melbourne – Stella calls Airini from a payphone after the SIM failed to work. Airini assures her that someone used the SIM which is single use. Stella asks when she can take her family home. Airini asks what Kumar told her. Stella confesses to having his USB stick with a curry recipe. Airini asks if she plans to negotiate with him. Stella voices concern about her being involved with Johann. Airini questions her involvement in the scheme. She tells her to mail the USB stick to “Airini” before ending the call.

Robin tells Connor (Bob Franklin) that Ryan Raymond Green is listed at the address. He claims Ryan married a Mexican woman, Carlita and they sailed to Fiji. She asks if he knows anything about Madeleine Kokoris. He suggests she left town with a pro water skier. He continues to provide bazaar stories until she flees.

Stella is left on the sidewalk as Manfred pulls away in the school bus. She is hitchhiking on the side of the highway when Jeremiah and Joseph drive past. They eventually stop to pick her up. Joseph asks why the town is called Mystery Bay. She suggests it is a “mystery” without a bay. He admits to liking her before groping her leg. Jeremiah orders him to behave himself.

Rowan Bay of Fires ABC

The teacher (Gabrielle Adkins) asks a question about Dalton’s three laws. Otis explains the meaning correctly. She asks Elysha (Mackenzie Grant) to reach from page 65. Elysha struggles to read.

Robin approaches Joseph with a list of recipient names utilizing his address. Jeremiah suggests she return to her office. Robin tells him that she does not have an office established there yet.

Frankie Bay of Fires ABC

Cutting his toenails, Deputy Jason (Andre De Vanny) scans Robin’s government recipient list. He denies ever seeing any of the names before. She assures him that they did not disappear. He promises to look into it later. Magda and Heather (Roz Hammond) claim Madeleine Kokoris suffered a heart attack before getting married and relocating to Broome. Robin says someone claimed she married a pro water skier. Heather tells her that dentists do waterski. Tasked at making a family tree, Iris questions if anyone in her family is a Royal.

Stretch (Jalen Johnson) and Arthur (Oscar Redding) are tagging sheep when Robin approaches. Frankie denies any knowledge of Vickie Stiles. Holding up Vickie’s photo, Frankie points out that their face shape is the same. Robin asks for her ID before 4pm tomorrow.

Brony Bay of Fires ABC

Connor pulls up in Stella’s vehicle. She demands to know why he was driving her vehicle around with their dead goat (Gary) tied to the roof. He claims to have took it for a test drive before giving her Francis’ car keys. He says Frankie invites them to dinner tonight. Upon arrival, Brony opens the door with her baby. Stella asks the baby’s name. Brony calls him “bastard from Hell.” At the table, Frankie’s people help themselves to the food utilizing their hands. Iris asks what she is knitting. Frankie claims the CWA knit blankets for homeless people in cities. Iris asks if some of the blankets go to her city when Stella says Sydney. Frankie questions why they left their home is fancy Dover Heights to live in Mystery Bay. Seeing Otis eating meat, she asks if he is a vegetarian. Stella describes him as a “flexetarian.”

Frankie warns Stella to be cautious about making friends with dangerous people. Stella asks how long she has lived in Mystery Bay. Remembering Robin, Frankie asks why she is suddenly interested in her. Joining the others, she suggests story-telling with everyone adding their take. Iris starts with her unicorn story. Brony adds a vile extension. When Stella prepares to leave, Frankie asks to hear the ending. Stretch adds another vile extension. Frankie finishes the story, adding Dover Heights as the location. Walking to Francis’ vehicle, Iris admits to not liking Frankie. Stella agrees.

Robin gets frustrated with Kerry (Elle Mandalis) when she claims to have poor memory. Charlie (Scott Wells) tells her that Brian just started his “long service.” Bong Cha eavesdrops from a short distance away. Stella purchases a priority envelope for an address in Canberra. Charlie hands her a package which she claims contains wedding photos. Jason is playing solo laser tag when Bong Cha arrives to utilize the radio to alert of Robin being at the post office.

Drago Bay of Fires ABC

Robin asks Tarquin if he is familiar with Benjamin Rooney. He tells her that Benjamin died. He cons her out of $25 for a damaged dolphin. After she exits the shop, he radios someone about her heading west. Stella is filling her tank when she sees a man abducting Robin. Connor denies seeing anything. She follows the vehicle to a farm where a frantic Robin is locked in a cage. Robin warns that the government will notice she is missing. Frankie demands to know about Stella. Robin denies knowing her before pleading to not be harmed. They leave her locked in the catch with a vicious dog acting as a guard. The episode ends.


Bay Of Fires Review

A Department of Finance agent, Robin discovers an discrepancy in a file. The government funded dozens of people, all residing in Tasmania, between 1994 and 2011. Rowan sends her to Tasmania to investigate the findings. No one in the town is willing to cooperate. Frankie becomes suspicious when Robin and Stella ask how long she has lived in Tasmania. She has Robin abducted to learn more about Stella. Not knowing Stella, Robin is forced to spend the night in a cage with a vicious guard dog on watch. Witnessing the abduction, Stella follows the suspect’s vehicle to a farm.

Iris uses a SIM to call her grandmother without Stella’s knowledge. She tries to utilize the SIM but it fails to work. She calls Airini from a payphone to get more SIM cards Airini tells her that someone utilized the SIM but promises to send more. Stella informs her of Kumar’s USB stick. Charlie, Bong Cha, and Kerry are in the post office when she purchase a priority envelope to send the USB to Airini.

The episode deserves a 6.2. Get more Bay of Fires recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by donating to our site. Our onsite advertising builds brand awareness, click here to reach our customer support.

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