The show begins in 1937 Russia, where young girls, Dottie (Veronika Bonell), Anya (Caitlin Carmichael) and Eva (Chiara Aurelia), are uncured from their beds, before attending school and learning how to fight. Dottie is forced to break a spar opponents neck, before we see her working out furiously in the present. She shares breakfast with Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) and steals her keys, before heading out to explore New York. Peggy encounters Edwin Jarvis (James D’Arcy) on the streets. Jarvis attempts to apologize to no avail. When she finally arrives at work, Peggy learns from Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) that the typewriter has been spitting out encoded messages.
Roger Dooley (Shea Whigham) and Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) harass the cryptographer (Jared Gertner), before Peggy steps in and solves the code, which turns out to be map coordinates. The message suggests Leviathan is attempting to obtain the Havoc Reactor. The message insists payment to be made to Howard Stark. With that, Peggy is on her way to Russia with Agent Martinez (Greg Serano), Thompson and Li (Eddie Shin). After a little urging from Thompson, Dooley reconsiders his decision to send Peggy. She brings together the 107th Regiment, which will get her to Russia, with the team.
When the team arrives in Russia, they rendezvous with Junior Juniper (James Austin Kerr), Pinky Pinkertone (Richard Short), Happy Sam Sawyer (Leonard Roberts) and Dum-Dum Dugan (Neal McDonough). As a thanks for their support, Peggy delivers US Bourbon to Dugan, before filling him in about the potential weapons trade between Stark and Leviathan. Back at the station, Dooley speaks with Daniel, who digs into Peggy’s case file. He discovers her birthmark, which is visible in the pictures from the original crime scene.
Peggy and the crew share supper around a camp fire, before Thompson tells them about falling asleep, while on a previous watch and being ambushed by the Japanese, before killing them all. Dooley meets with an old pal, who insists Stark and the US military covered up the Finow massacre. He insists someone out there has the whole story and seems to be keeping it to themselves. Meanwhile, Carter and crew prepare their assault. Peggy’s squad makes it to a school, where kids are being brainwashed, by messages hidden in films. Afterwards, they discover the beds, where girls are being restrained to the beds.
The group finds a young girl. Dugan attempts to befriend her, but is stabbed in the chest, as the girl makes her escape. The girl grabs a gun and makes her escape, after killing one of Peggy’s team members. Dooley pays a visit to Jarvis and questions him about McGinnis. Dooley insists he is only interested in getting to the truth, before giving Jarvis his number. Peggy and Thompson discover some prisoners, while Dottie breaks into Peggy’s apartment, where she finds pictures of Stark’s inventions. She pretends to be Peggy in front of a mirror, before leaving.
Peggy speaks with the Prisoners and discover they’re actually engineers, who have been asked to build a weapon for Leviathan. One of the scientists shows them the blueprint for the weapon, which was designed by Stark. The prisoners make their escape, before soldiers enters and begin shooting. One of the prisoners, Nikolai (Alex Veadov), takes the Americans hostage and attempt to use them to escape the facility. The other prisoner, Dr. Ivchenko (Ralph Brown) attempts to talk him out of it. Thompson begins to panic and freezes. Finally, Dugan blows a hole in the wall and everyone begins to escape. Peggy is forced to motivate Thompson. Eventually, Peggy and Thompson escape.
Before the pair leave Russia, Peggy is given the nickname, Miss Union Jack. The Doctor decides to head to New York with Peggy. On the plane, Thompson speaks about freezing up and admits the soldiers he killed in the past were coming to surrender, but he didn’t realize it at the time. He admits to burying the flag, before anyone could notice. Thompson seems relieved to finally get the story off of his chest. That night, Dottie handcuffs herself to her bed.
Back at the station, Thompson fills in Dooley and credits Agent Carter, who says Doctor Ivchenko is willing to work with the SSR. Next, Peggy speaks with Daniel, before the pair is invited out for a drink, by Thompson. Daniel stays behind and looks at the picture of Carter’s birthmark.
This episode of Agent Carter was filled with action and intrigue. The fact that the episode didn’t feel 40 minutes long speaks to its quality. It seems we’re being set up for a showdown between Dottie and Carter in a future episode. Meanwhile, Carter finally obtained respect from Thompson, which will surely translate to the others. This was certainly uplifting and paid off well. However, will Daniel Sousa put a end to her journey? All in all, the episode was excellent and set up a lot of future plots and potential outcomes. It deserves an 8 out of 10.
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Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.
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