A Town Called Malice Series 1 Episode 6 Recap

I’m Still Standing – The episode begins with Gene Lord (Jack Rowan), Mint Ma Lord (Martha Plimpton), Kelly Lord (Daniel Sharman), Cindy Carter/Mercy Winters (Tahirah Sharif), and Eddie Carter/Eddie Winters (Josh Tedeku) watching Leonard “Len” Lord (Lex Shrapnel) and Albert Lord (Jason Flemyng) push Anthony Lord’s (George Jaques) ashes on a boat into the sea. The boat explodes while “Eyes Without A Face” by Billy Idol plays in the background.

Gene tells Cindy that Eddie is struggling to cope with Anthony’s death. He suggests he believes the Lord family is the worst. Cindy thanks him for caring about them.

Mayor Cesar Cabrol (Marcelo Converti) tells Len that the Lords will need to earn the Gitano’s support. He agrees to support them as long as the Alabasas community is on board. Len says the development brings shops and jobs. Cabrol reminds him of Uncle Tony and other investors swindling the locals out of their homes. He suggests meeting the locals tomorrow night.

Albert informs them of a drug shipment arriving at dawn. Gene says it needs to be repackaged and out before dark before explaining their plan. Cindy asks what they’re supposed to do. Gene suggests telling everything they’re in mourning. Mint Ma complains about running puff while Anthony’s body is still warm. Len tells them that he will be meeting with the locals at a Town Hall meeting tomorrow night. She asks if Gene should attend. Albert demands Len go alone. Gene warns they’re dead if the drugs don’t reach Holland.

Mint Ma tells Eddie it was meant for him to be there before admitting to despising her family. He admits to having little memory of his father, Clarence Winters (Dwane Walcott). She promises to protect him now that he is one of them. Handing him a box, she suggests Anthony would want him to have some of his things. He has a flashback when Len demands to know what happened to Anthony. When Cindy intervenes, he assures him that they will figure it out. He assures her that Gene is in love with her. She reminds him that Gene is a Lord.

Len, Gene, Kelly, Albert, Eddie, Manuela Guitano (Ann Santos), Metin (Yassine Fadel), and Luuk (Coen Bril) load the puff into the back of a truck. Gene scolds Kelly for flirting with Lola Guitano (Melina Matthews) while the Dutch boys are waiting. Kelly complains about not being permitted to ride in the truck with the puff. Gene says no wonder.

Diego Gitano (Jose Luis Ferrer) brings Mint Ma flowers in his homemade pot. She claims to have practically raised Anthony alone. Carly is doing her hair and nails when Cindy questions if she is up to it. Carly breaks down in tears while talking about Len bottling up his emotions. Cindy assures her that she will learn to cope with the pain before offering to go with Len while she mourns.

DI Lindsay (Leanne Best) assures Detective Alfonso (Bruno Sevilla) that Cindy is actually Mercy Winters who spent 10 years in prison. She claims Gene mowed DI Russo (Luke Tumber) down while evading arrest. Alfonso informs her of the Lord’s hotel plan before saying they will be at the Town Hall tonight.

Len places the puff into sacks while Kelly sketches himself. Albert asks Luuk if their trucks have been utilized to transport drugs before. Luuk says they have brought them luck in the past. Albert warns the police will catch up with them if they continue utilizing the same trucks and route. He suggests switching up their strategy. Tariq (Bamshad Abedi-Amin) says Amira (Sarah Shahin) will be notified of any changes. Gene says it isn’t necessary this time but it should be considered for future shipments. Albert tells Gene to not expect him to help when the police nick him. Gene reminds him that the Moroccan drug suppliers are extremely dangerous. Albert grabs him by the throat. After shoving him into the pool, Gene orders him to stay out of his way. Albert promises to ruin him.

Cindy tells Gene that it’s about time he stood up to Albert. Mint Ma describes it as the funniest thing she ever saw. She suggests making amends with Albert until the money starts flowing in. Albert admits his being hard on Gene wasn’t necessary because he always had it. He believes Gene’s vision can revive the Lord’s fortune. When Gene suggests they do it together, he says it’s his time. Eddie leaves with his bag and passport. Albert intentionally breaks Diego’s flower pot.

When Gene puts Kelly on lookout, he asks to go in the truck. Gene accuses him of telling Albert the real reason why he and Len went to Morocco. He orders him to utilize the radio if there are any signs of the police. Manuela climbs into the passenger seat after Tariq and Gene leave. Len and Cindy attend the Town Hall meeting. Luuk airs up the tires when Eddie sneaks into the back of the truck with the drugs. Len and Cindy greet Lindsay and the other guests. Luuk, Tariq, and Gene depart for the border at 7pm.

Kelly and Manuela smoke hash when Gene radios in to request a heads-up when he spots the cargo. Len speaks to the locals about their plan to build a resort in Alabasas. He says a local man named Emilio Suarez (Ernesto Collado) is the architect for their project. An attendee asks if they can profit as much as the Lords. He assures them that they aren’t going anywhere before saying his son is buried there. He promises they will honor their loved ones. Diego asks how will the people profit from their resort. When Len says they will hire local talent, the crowd claps.  Mayor Cabrol and Len kiss.

Kelly invites Manuela to Club Parasido for dinner. She claims her family isn’t allowed to visit the club. He assures her that they won’t have a problem if she is with him. He switches off the radio when Gene orders him to pick up. Cindy removes a set of keys from someone’s jacket when Lindsay calls her by name. She questions why she hasn’t seen her before. Lindsay admits to only coming for the wine before promising to see her again sometime. When Gene tries to warn Metin and Luuk, their radio is nothing but static. Manuela admits to liking Gene, not him. He physically attacks her when several police cruisers with their sirens pass. Her body goes limp.

Albert orders Mint Ma to bring him another whiskey and clean up the mess in the front room. Metin radios Gene to inform him of the police roadblock. Tariq says there is a snitch among them before heading in their direction. Cindy tells Len that she will get a taxi home but leaves shortly after him. She runs him off the road. Luuk and Metin flee while the police check the other vehicles. Cindy approaches Len who is slumped over in the driver’s seat. Gene and Tariq watch as the police pull Eddie from the truck. Tariq threatens to kill his entire family. Albert dances in the pool as the episode ends.


A Town Called Malice Review

The Lords send Anthony’s ashes out to sea. Gene, Tariq, Metin, and Luuk repackage the puff while Kelly sketches himself. Kelly asks to ride in the truck with the drugs but Gene orders him to be on lookout. Only Kelly knows Lola is in the back of the van. Eddie sneaks into the truck while no one is looking.

Gene tries to get an update but Kelly switches off the radio. Kelly becomes irate when Lola admits to being into Gene, not him. While suffocating or strangling her, multiple police cruisers pass by. Metin and Luuk run into the police barricade but flee to safety. By the time, Tariq and Gene reach the scene, the police apprehend Eddie.

Mayor Cabrol invites Len to speak at the Town Hall about their development plan. The locals get behind Len. Cabrol and Len passionately kiss in private. Cindy has no idea who DI Lindsay is when she approaches her after the meeting. She takes an attendee’s car keys and runs Len off the road on his way home. Tariq warns Gene that his entire family is dead.

The episode deserves a 6.5. Get more A Town Called Malice recaps here. Support Reel Mockery by clicking the link. We offer custom onsite advertising packages to fit your budget.

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By ReelMockery

Jay Skelton is a fan of all television shows and movies. He tries his best to keep up with the latest foreign television shows and movies. Jay loves skinny dipping in the dark too.

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