julia episode 5 recap sweetpea

Sweetpea Series 1 Episode 5 Recap

Someone’s Been A Naughty Girl – As this episode of Sweetpea begins, Rhiannon Lewis (Ella Purnell) talks about the people she’d like to kill including Julia (Nicole Lecky) who is still in her garage. After the intro, Julia tells Rhiannon she needs to eat because she’ll starve to death. Marina (Leah Harvey) speaks to her boss Donna (Olivia Brady) about a theory she has. Marina believes the murders are linked to the missing person, Julia. She suggests Rhiannon Lewis killed them. Her boss thinks she should look into it more. Marina is told to speak to Marcus. Julia eats and warns Rhiannon that Marcus (Dino Kelly) won’t stop looking for her. She insists Marcus isn’t as bad as she said. When someone arrives, Rhiannon warns her to be quiet. AJ (Calam Lynch) tells Rhiannon that Norman (Jeremy Swift) sent him.

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Jeff is going to cover the search party because he believes he has something good there. Rhiannon says she’ll be in tomorrow. She wants to make sure they’re good after the way they left things at the pub. AJ hears something inside. He thinks she’s with Craig. Rhiannon confronts Julia who insists she had an accident. Rhiannon doesn’t tell her about the search party. Julia begins attacking and throwing things at Rhiannon. Eventually, Rhiannon hits her with a broom. Marina tries to find out more about Rhiannon. Rory (Nitin Ganatra) calls her to say they found Julia’s car. The tires were slashed. The vehicle is outside of Tommy’s Transformations. Rhiannon lets Julia take a batch. Julia reveals Marcus put her through a glass door the last time she tried to leave him. Marina speaks to Shaun (Elliot Cable) and Andy (Alexander Bellinfantie). They say they didn’t see Julia.

They think they should ask Tommy’s daughter before letting her inside. Marina learns that Tommy’s daughter is Rhiannon Lewis. She goes inside and looks at Craig’s desk. Shaun tells her the CCTV is on a USB stick. Marina finds out that it is missing. Rhiannon asks Julia why she did that stuff to her at school. Julia says she felt bad about herself. She made Rhiannon feel bad and that made her feel better. Julia admits she feels sick and hates herself when she thinks about the stuff she did. She apologizes. Julia believes she likes being the victim so she can do whatever she likes. Craig (Jon Pointing) messages Rhiannon to say the police want to speak to him because of Julia’s car. Later, Julia helps Rhiannon put on her makeup. She tells her how Marcus wouldn’t let her leave the house without a face full of makeup. Julia talks about what it would’ve been like if they were friends in school.

Julia wishes there was a way to save them both. Rhiannon joins Craig for dinner. He doesn’t like the fact he is going to have to speak to the police. Rhiannon says no one can know she was there that night. Craig agrees not to say anything. Next, Rhiannon goes to work. Norman tells her she’s in time to make Julia’s search party. He wants an in-depth article on Julia. Rhiannon tries to find out what Jeff is working on. He says Julia’s fiancé gave him some information about Rhiannon. Marina and the team talk about the case. She tells them about the connection between Rhiannon and Tommy’s Transformations. The boss pulls Marina into her office to speak to her in private. She warns Marina who leaves upset. Rory tells her the boss doesn’t like mavericks. Regardless, Marina believes she’s right. AJ and Rhiannon go to the search party.

s01e01 sweetpea rhiannon and tink

Lucille (Lucy Heath), Anni (Jessye Romeo), and the others speak to Rhiannon. Marina and Rory arrive moments later. Marina speaks to Julia’s friends. They tell her that Rhiannon wasn’t really friends with them and she was weird. They also say that Rhiannon hated Julie. Marina Farrow approaches Rhiannon and AJ. She mentions Rhiannon going to school with Julia and bullying her. Marcus catches Rhiannon outside and complains about her vandalizing his home and damaging his chair. He warns her he and Jeff are going to get her fired for misconduct. AJ interrupts to ask what is going on. Rhiannon gets upset with AJ and leaves in a hurry. She follows Marcus. She gets ready to stab him until Jeff sees her. He immediately suspects she killed those men. Jeff flees from her and gets hit by a truck. Rhiannon cleans the knife and contemplates throwing it into the water. She gets a message from Marcus who says he’s going to find out where she lives.

Rhiannon thinks it’s stupid to threaten a woman when your fiancée is missing. She keeps the knife. Craig tells Marina about seeing Julia on the night of her disappearance. Marina learns about Rhiannon possibly selling her house to Julia. As Marina leaves, she calls to get some help. Rhiannon returns home. She tells Julia she might know a way out of this. Marina tells Rory everything she knows about Rhiannon. She suggests Julia is inside Rhiannon’s house and they should find out. Rhiannon tries to convince Julia this is the only way. She tells Julia how they should plant evidence on Marcus and bring him down. Julia suggests doing it at the new place, Sunny Homes Estate. If they trip the alarm, Marcus will come. Rhiannon hopes Julia doesn’t screw her over. Julia says she won’t because she wants out. Marina rings the doorbell. She yells for Julia.

julia episode 5 recap sweetpea

Rory tells her that’s not the way to do things. Rhiannon and Julia break into a house at Sunny Homes Estate. Then, they stage it to make it appear that Julia has been held there by Marcus. Rhiannon hides. Marcus comes in and finds Julia tied up. She tells him to get the knife and untie her before he comes back. Once he grabs the knife, Rhiannon starts calling emergency services. Rhiannon appears to sit the phone down as Marcus begins getting up. Marcus accuses Julia of having sex with the man. He ends up attacking Julia and claiming she loved it. Rhiannon has to interrupt. Julia tells Marcus that it’s over. Marcus begins crying. Julia says she didn’t mean it and she’ll come home when Marcus threatens to jump. Rhiannon tells him not to jump only to push him to his death. Julia and Rhiannon hear sirens in the distance.

Rhiannon quickly tells Julia what they’re going to say. Marina and the others enter and find Marcus’s body.


Sweetpea Review

The fifth episode of Sweetpea definitely took a massive dip in quality because the episode turned out to be so stupid. It’s obviously unbelievable that Rhiannon would hold Julia captive for so long only for them to work together in the end. However, the episode had lots of other stupid things too, including Jeff’s convenient death.

There really needed to be some sense of realism here, but any believability left in the series was tarnished in the fifth episode. It’s also a bit disappointing that Rhiannon isn’t going to kill the person she blamed for everything in the first place. Instead, she’s killed two random men who just happened to be bad guys.

In that sense, Obituary is far superior to Sweetpea. Both were obviously very silly, but Sweetpea is much dumber and the finale is likely going to be a dud as well. It also doesn’t help that there is no one to really cheer for her, especially after Rhiannon just decided to work with the very person who tormented her for years. The fifth episode scores a 4 out of 10.

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