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Citadel: Diana Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

War – As the episode opens, Manticore Agent Diana Cavalieri (Matilda De Angelis) shows Edo Zani (Lorenzo Cervasio) Manticoe France’s half of the weapon. She tells him a German Manticore agent, Rainer Weber (Maxim Mehmet), escaped with the other half. She says it is Citadel Technology because they have been working on it for eight years. He asks what happened to Manticore Agent Luca (Marouane Zotti). Ignoring him, she informs him of her impending meeting with Weber and warns of what would happen if France learned Germany was interested in buying its half. He suggests she wants to turn Germany and France against each other. She assures him that it won’t take much. He reminds her that betrayed Manticore Italy by talking to him. She says the French half is his chance to resurrect Manticore Italy. He asks what is in it for her. She wants her life back and to leave the agency.  Edo looks into her background to learn about her sister, Sara Cavalieri, and her husband, Giorgio Colombo, and her daughter, Adele Colombo. Diana’s parents, Francesca Cavalieri, and Luigi Cavalieri, victims of Special Operation 011, are deceased. Edo starts to download the data from the French half but she stops him. He says it can be done without leaving a trace and starts the download. He insists she go with him.

Sara watches a news report about the PM meeting with majority leaders to discuss the liberalization of weapons when Diana arrives home. She scolds Diana for keeping her out of the loop, collects her bags, and heads toward the door. A system anomaly is detected during the download. Edo has a closer look and is shocked by what he sees. Diana promises to talk to Sara later. Sara demands she not make promises that she can’t keep, accuses her of keeping secrets, and walks toward the train station. Realizing she is being pursued by a taxi, Diana speeds through a crowded intersection. A vehicle veers to keep from hitting her. She makes several turns before going back in the same direction she came from. Sara is in the backseat of the taxi. While studying the system anomaly, Edo sees Ettore Zani (Maurizio Lombardi). He hurriedly puts the French half away and switches to a test screen. Edo tells him that Cecile Martin (Julia Piaton) and Klein are rebuilding Citadel Technology behind their backs. Ettore assures him that everyone is keeping secrets. Edo says Cecile wants to merge with them, so she can wipe them out. He believes she intends to deceive the Germans as well. Ettore regrets not being more cautious because it cost him his son, Enrico, who would have married Cecile without question. He tells Edo that his marriage to Cecile would put him in absolute power. Edo receives a call from Diana asking for his answer.

9 Years Earlier – Young Diana disassembles her investigation into Francesca and Luigi’s deaths. She says Sara was right about her being obsessed and she is going to work in Milan. Sara is thrilled about Diana’s job. Diana later meets Gabriele (Filippo Nigro) in Milan. He claims the target was a Citadel agent on the same flight as her parents. She insists on knowing everything about the Zanis and Citadel. Utilizing a device, he opens a door underneath an overpass. She follows him inside to see an indoor pool. He pushes a cover back to expose a hidden compartment. He says this is the Citadel training center. She voices concern about being tortured which he assures will not happen. He explains how her job will be to find out what the Zanis are building. She must convince the Zanis that she is one of them while remaining part of Citadel.

Diana scans her surveillance system to find Sara at her apartment. She calls Sara and asks if she made it home. Sara says yes but Diana sees live footage of her searching her cabinets. Utilizing an app, Diana makes the lights flicker in her apartment. Startled, Sara claims to have thought she heard Adele. Diana assures her that she loves her and ends the call. She meets Edo who tells her that the French half has an interception system that can be reduced to microscopic size that disables the entire system. He claims the file is corrupted with a minor flaw. She suggests the French never intended to swap because they wanted it all. He already took care of the flow to keep them from tracing the device back to him. She says the German agent, Weber, believes she is working alone. He believes it’s time Manticore changed and agrees to work with her. She leaves to meet with Weber.

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Training Day 10 – While Diana holds a heavy barbell above her head, Gabriele explains how the Zanis target people with a hatred for the government. Exhausted, she asks him to help her. He says the crash of Flight OT9732 was caused by a malfunction but she knows the plane exploded in flight. She asks for his help. He places the barbell back onto the rack. Breathing deeply, she asks if he is nuts. He reminds her that they murdered her parents, not him. He says she should be mad at herself for leaving Sara alone. She curses him. He promises to teach her how to conceal her emotions, so no one can read her.

300 Kilometers From Milan – Retrieving her gun, Diana emerges from her vehicle, places the French device in a trash bin, and gradually makes her way through the abandoned park. She comes under fire and a shootout ensues. Weber warns her that she is being monitored closely. She notifies Edo that Weber took the bait and ends the call. He calls Cecile in Paris. He is tired of taking orders and if he married her, she would be giving the orders. He declines her marriage proposal.

Manticore Agent Matteo (Daniele Paoloni) informs Ettore that there have been no sightings of Luca. Matteo is unable to access the computer system which has been hacked. Ettore says Cecile has blocked them from accessing the Manticore database because she knows they were in Lugano. Julia Zani (Thekla Reuten) sees them talking. Edo suggests telling Cecile that Klein. Ettore warns against provoking the Germans. Edo urges him to say Luca proposed a deal with a German agent to sell the weapon and the system hack destroyed their evidence. Ettore leaves to meet with Cecile. Edo warns Diana that Manticore France is attacking their agents because they know about Lugano. While racing home, Diana tries to call Sara to no avail. She has a flashback of her 47th day of training. Gabriele teaches Diana how to contain her emotions.

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2030 Swiss Alps – Ettore admits to spying on Cecile and accuses her of not telling them about the weapon. He claims one of their agents betrayed them. She vows to keep killing their agents until he returns the French half. She receives an alert that eight agents have been killed. She orders him to bring her Diana and Luca.

Upon returning home, Diana comes under fire. A shootout pursues. She hits one of the agents. She sees Sara’s clothes on the floor and has a Meniere attack. In a flashback, Diana has an attack while training. Gabriele tells her that she has incurable Meniere’s disease and gives her a bottle of medicine. Back in the present, Diana takes the medicine. In the Alps, Ettore denies having the French half of the weapon. Agent Abattus informs Cecile that Diana is currently under attack and another eight have been killed. Ettore insists Luca can only sell the French half to Weber who already has the German half. He repeats what Edo told him to tell her before he left home. Diana finds herself alone after the agents leave. She receives a phone call. Later, she meets Edo and Sara at a restaurant. When she didn’t answer her phone, he went to her apartment and invited Sara out to dinner. Diana and Edo pretend to be dating.

Training Day 98 – Diana maintains full control of her emotions. Back in the present, Edo receives a call from Ettore. Diana demands to know why Sara was at her apartment. Sara changes the subject to Edo who she really likes. She insists he has feelings for Diana because of how he looks at her.

8 Years Earlier – Gabriele explains how Citadel was created by a group of idealists who wanted to make the world safer. He insists Sara is ready to move forward as an agent. A short time later, he gives her an untraceable communication device and another device for emergencies. He urges her to never forget that they are the good guys before boarding a bus.

Edo says goodbye to Sara. He tells Diana that 12 agents were killed today. They kiss because Sara is watching. Julia and Ettore replay Diana’s previous interrogation. Matteo asks why Luca would take something without knowing what it is. She claims he met someone and wanted to start over outside the agency. Julia says Matteo believes her. Ettore insists she is lying as the episode ends.


Citadel: Diana Review

Episode two is much more informative than the pilot. It explains how Citadel got its start, Gabriele’s involvement, and Diana’s training. Eight years ago, Manticore brought down Citadel and killed as many of its agents as it could find. Manticore France and Manticore Germany want an end to Manticore Italy. They worked together to rebuild the Citadel technology and a weapon with an interception system. When fully operational, it can decrease to microscopic form but for now, it is flawed.

Diana convinces Edo to join her effort in restructuring Manticore Italy. To do this, they will need to pin Germany and France against each other. Edo declines Cecile’s marriage proposal. She hacks Italy’s computer system and orders all its agents killed. Ettore takes Edo’s device and tells her that Luca took the French half of the weapon and tried to sell it to Germany (Weber). She must believe him because she calls off her agents.

Edo saves Sara by taking her out to dinner. Diana has no idea but is relieved to see Sara is alive. They pretend to be dating to keep Sara from asking questions.

The episode deserves a 5.4 out of 10. Get more Citadel: Diana recaps here. Join our newly established forum to see what others are saying. Support our site by donating. Learn about our advertising packages here.

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