gas mask man Teacup Peacock

Teacup Season 1 Episode 2 Recap

My Little Lighthouse – Episode 2 begins with everyone rallying around Arlo Chenoweth (Caleb Dolden). Getting him medical care becomes the top priority, but with the phones and vehicles not responding, this proves much harder than imagined. After realizing they aren’t getting anywhere and whoever attacked Arlo is likely still lingering around nearby, Maggie Chenoweth (Yvonne Strahovski) will suggest going inside. James Chenoweth (Scott Speedman) and Ruben Shanley (Chaske Spencer) make plans to saddle the horses and get Valeria Shanley’s (Diany Rodriguez) car while Donald/Don Kelly (Boris McGiver) heads into the woods with his rife. James questions his approach once again but appears to agree with him this time.

By this time, Arlo has snapped out of his funk and Maggie has determined that the blood on his arms isn’t his. Other than this, he appears otherwise fine for the moment. That changes and he returns to his ranting once he and Maggie are alone and she pushes him a bit hard, trying to figure out who attacked him.

Downstairs, Claire Kelly (Holly A. Morris) attempts to busy herself while Ellen Chenoweth (Kathy Baker) tries to keep her calm with a stiff drink and a story about the time she developed Cat Scratch Fever. Claire appears unbelieving that the disease is real, despite Ellen claiming to have been diagnosed by a doctor. Either way, the encounter appears to serve its purpose.

Elsewhere, Meryl Chenoweth (Emilie Bierre) does much of the same for Nicholas Shanley (Luciano Leroux) while also tending to his head wound. Their differing views of the situation lead to a minor dispute but they both openly admit to being frightened.

While saddling the horses, James and Ruben’s brief conversation reveals that James has completely changed his mind about Don’s ‘take no prisoner’ attitude. They won’t get long to debate this because Ruben calls his attention to the taillights in the driveway. They drop everything and approach the man looking for answers, but the strange encounter only leaves them more confused than anything. The gas-masked visitor not only pulls a gun on them but he tries to communicate using a dry-erase board, beginning with the message, ‘Do not cross the line.

Things get equally weird with Arlo when he returns to his ranting and practically demands they leave. Once she gets him calm, he has enough wherewithal to apologize for acting out and claims that it isn’t him who is doing it. Although Arlo is now calm, things will become even stranger when he asks her to sing ‘the song.’ As she belts out the words to, ‘My Little Lighthouse,’ he goes over to a desk and shelf to collect a teacup and several various colored marbles. He carefully places the marbles one by one on the carpet and turns the teacup upside down, essentially trapping them inside.

Maggie Teacup Peacock

Don is now ranting himself but his rants are more of a calming mechanism than uncontrolled gibberish. He’ll go on several minutes before tripping over the ranting lady’s body, dropping both his gun and light. As he begins to regain control, he’ll notice he has a visitor in the form of a snarling dog. At the same time, the gas-masked man gives James and Ruben another message. This one is a circle with two xs inside. At one point, James becomes impatient and steps too quickly towards the man, causing him to fire a warning shot. No one has much time to react after that because Don almost instantly comes barreling out of the woods with the dog right behind him. He’ll make it to and over the fence but trips on the way down, allowing the animal to close major distance. It latches onto his arm but he eventually manages to fling it free. The animal then begins to limp and whimper before it collapses and dies. Once again, the group doesn’t get much time to digest this because the man in the gas has a new whiteboard message for them, ‘Don’t trust anyone.’

Overhearing the gunshots, Claire is now more anxious than ever to return home. Valerie and Ellen practically beg her to stay but she is adamant and promises to return with her vehicle after using her landline to call for help. James, Don, and Ruben manage to stop Claire before she crosses the line but she is ever adamant about home. This leads to a brief argument and Claire’s accidental falling over the blue line. Don’s arm, nearly up to his elbow, also crosses the line and he pays dearly for it. As he watches Claire’s insides being ripped out, the skin on his arm practically melts.

As Arlo returns to his ranting, Maggie tries to coax him downstairs. He will eventually get up and go to a large dictionary and turn to the word trap. When Maggie comes over to join him, he tells her that they need to hide because the man in his head has warned him that someone is coming, someone who will kill everything and anything in his path. This is practically where the episode ends.


Teacup Review

Now, this was a good introduction to what should be a thrilling series. I am honestly not too thrilled by the ‘Under The Dome’ feel of the series but I can overlook that thanks to the other redeeming qualities. I’m not big on all the skin melting and transformations either, but it is the mystery as a whole that really drives my interest in the series. I am actually looking forward to learning more about these characters and what type of nightmarish existence they have found themselves in. I just hope it doesn’t end up a huge disappointment. I’d give this episode a 6 out of 10.

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