David the Boy That Never Was RTE

The Boy That Never Was Series 1 Episode 3 Recap

As the episode opens, Robin Lonergan (Toni O’Rourke) and Harry Lonergan (Colin Morgan) rush outside to look for Ollie (Kerr Logan) to find only his bags. While Harry collects Ollie’s luggage, she tries his phone. When someone picks up, she hears Ollie scream her name. Driss (Nasser Akabab) punches him, retrieves the phone, says they will be in touch, and warns them against contacting the police. She dials the number and gets the voicemail. Harry convinces her to not call the police. While waiting to speak with Fadoul Kadiri (Mansour Badri), Harry has a flashback of Fadoul saying there is no chance of someone being alive after 96 hours. He shoves Harry. Screaming can be heard in the background. Back in the present, Fadoul tells Robin that Ollie is with a dangerous man, Karim Toufan, in Skala. She denies any knowledge of Ollie’s connection to Karim. Samira (Fatima Ezzahra El Jaouhari) tells her that Skala is a very dangerous area. Harry believes Ollie sold drugs for Karim when they lived there. Later, Robin scolds Harry for not telling her and assumes Ollie is doing the same for him. He claims Ollie doesn’t want to hurt her. She expresses hate for Morocco. He embraces her.

robin episode 1 the boy that never was

A taxi drops Robin and Harry off in Skala. They walk down a lane into a rundown building where they find a terrified Ollie. They try to escape but Karim and his two goons demand Ollie pay his debt before he can go. Karim recognizes Robin as Dillon’s (Emily O’Neill) mother. She asks how he knew. Harry asks why Ollie owes money. Armed with a knife, Karim asks Ollie if he wants to tell them. His goons force Ollie onto a bench. Harry and Robin offer to pay what Ollie owes him. Karim says it is no longer about money but principle. Robin offers to triple what Ollie owes him. Considering the offer, he agrees to accept 250,000 dirhams (23,000 euros) but warns them against going to Samira or the police. With a three-hour deadline, Harry and Robin leave to get the money. He questions what Ollie is getting paid to do. She blames Harry for Ollie’s situation. He insists Ollie got himself into this mess. To clear Ollie’s debt, they will be forced to utilize the 20 grand meant to pay their taxes. He assures her that they will get the money and save their house. She argues it is always she who picks up the pieces and storms out. Later, they return to Skala and pay Karim the 250,000 dirham. As promised, Karim releases Ollie. Harry grabs Driss from behind, puts a knife to his throat, and demands to know what they are doing there. Karim says children fetch a good price. Distraught, Harry asks if Ollie sold Dillon to him. Karim denies buying children and claims a rival used to own the building. Driss hits Harry, grabs the knife, and threatens to stab him. Karim tells him to release him and orders them to leave.

Ollie admits to keeping Karim’s drug money when they returned to Dublin after the earthquake. Robin denies knowing them and walks out the door. Ollie questions how Harry could think he would sell Dillon. Nurse Jalila (Roaa Idali) tells Robin that Cozimo loves her and Dillon. Cozimo (Simon Callow) recognizes her even though, he seems to be confused. As she prepares to leave, he asks if she returned to the Green Monkey. He could have convinced him to fight for her but it was better for everyone that he went back to his wife. In a flashback, Robin meets Dave Garrick (Cillian O’Sullivan) during a party at Cozimo’s. They meet later and have sex. He urges her to tell Harry about their affair because he wants to be with her. She reminds him that it has been seven weeks since he and his wife separated. After denying she loves him, she assures him that their fascination for each other will fade but he disagrees. Cozimo sees them kissing. While out for a walk, Harry tells Cozimo that he and Robin have the best life there. Angry, Cozimo argues she is always working and he knows nothing. He demands to know what he last shows Robin that he loves her before calling him stupid. Later, Harry surprises Robin with a special outing. Cozimo boasts of their great relationship. Dave watches quietly as Harry and Robin kiss. Robin is devastated when she learns that she is pregnant. Harry informs her that Dave made up with his wife because she is pregnant. She collapses to the floor.

Robin wakes up to find Cozimo at her bedside. He suggests she is pregnant and insists she and Harry belong together. An elated Harry returns, embraces her, and says they will be amazing parents. Later, Robin sees a social media photo of Eva Doyle (Kelly Campbell) and Dave holding an infant. Back in the present, Robin tells Harry that she went to say goodbye to Cozimo. He asks why she readily accepted Dillon’s death. She denies wanting to think about Dillon perishing under rubble or being taken by a child trafficker. The next morning, Ollie and Robin leave for Dublin. Harry appears to stay behind.

Ollie The Boy That Never Was RTE

Harry asks Ollie for forgiveness. Ollie reminds him that he thought he sold Dillon. Harry admits to pushing the people who love him away. Ollie urges him to get help before he loses Robin and their unborn baby. Robin sends Dave an email informing him of Harry seeing Eva and Felix in Dublin and the trouble it has caused for them. She asks him to tell Eva and Felix to say away. In a flashback, Robin and Dillon on playing on the beach when Dave approaches. He claims to be there for work. She says Dillon is two. He asks if Harry knows before showing her a photo of his son, Felix. She says he went back to Eva because she was pregnant. He assures her that he would have chosen to be with her, not Eva. He promises to keep their secret safe but wants to know how Dillon is doing. Back in the present, Harry apologizes to Robin for forcing her to Morocco and not being who he needs to be for her. She tells him that she will always choose their baby and admits to missing Dillon too. He promises to see his doctor tomorrow. She thanks him. He suggests a movie night in bed. When she leaves, he tosses a USB stick in the trash and takes it outside to the bin where he sees a cat.

After delivering a tray to Robin in bed, Harry goes back to retrieve the USB stick and inserts it into a laptop. While going through the files, he calls for a doctor’s appointment. Seeing the file discarded in the recycle bin, he recovers it to the desktop. He discovers a video of Eva and Felix at the train station. He returns to their bedroom to find Robin asleep. The episode ends.


The Boy That Never Was Review

When they all lived in Morocco, Ollie transported drugs for Karim. After the earthquake, he returned to Dublin with Karim’s money. Harry and Robin utilize their tax money to save Ollie’s life. Upon returning to Dublin, Harry apologizes to Ollie and Robin. He calls for a doctor’s appointment but is distracted by a video of Eva and Felix at the train station in Dublin. He believes Felix is his son, Dillon. While having an affair with Dave, Robin gets pregnant. She knows the baby is Dave’s but soon learns that he went back to Eva because she was pregnant.

Dave sees Dillon and knows instantly that he is his son. He assures Robin that he would have stayed with her if he had known. She makes him promise not to Eva for fear she will tell Harry.


The episode is a little less confusing and more revealing than the previous two. As the finale approaches, it is no clearer as to whether Dillon is dead or alive. It all may boil down to the sightings of Felix who looks like Dillon. The episode deserves a 5.8 out of 10.

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