Daedalus Kaos Netflix

Kaos Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

As the episode opens, the Temple clerk (Yasser Zadeh) is kicking back when Terry (Richard Sutton) races into the store asking for the restroom. The clerk warns him that he left his keys in his car. Ignoring him, Terry asks where is the restroom. The clerk points to the restroom. Terry hurriedly enters when The Furies – Tisi (Donna Banya), Alecto (Cathy Tyson), and Meg (Natalie Klamar) – pull up outside. They enter the store but the clerk doesn’t see them. The Furies enter the restroom to find Terry in a panic. He pulls his gun, aims it at them, puts it in his mouth, and fires the trigger. Hearing the gunshot, the clerk gradually approaches the restroom where he finds Terry dead. The Furies mark Terry off their list and set out to force their own justice on a woman. Elsewhere, Riddy (Aurora Perrineau) and Caeneus (Misia Butler) are standing in a river, staring at each other.

Back to the day that Riddy was mowed down by a vehicle, Ariadne “Ari” (Leila Farzad) is looking at a photo of her and her twin brother, Glaucus. Ari accidentally mothered Glaucus to death when they were infants. She wishes him a happy birthday and kisses the photo. Later, Gus (Cole Edwards) wishes her a happy birthday and compliments her statue idea. Pas (Shila Ommi) demands they be quiet while Daedalus (Mat Fraser) works on the monument. Daedalus assures her that he is fine. She orders everyone to leave before complaining about the monument’s nose. Once alone, Ari asks Daedalus what he remembers about Icarus. He claims to pray for Icarus’ renewal. She urges him to leave Olympus. He claims to like it there. She asks Theseus (Daniel Lawrence Taylor) if he would like to get drunk later. He refuses to respond when President Minos (Stanley Townsend) approaches and wishes Ari a happy birthday. She declines his offer of a birthday present.

At the unveiling, Minos speaks to the people. As an Olympia child (Isaac Highams) gives a speech, Pios Agatha (Susan Wooldridge) is brought forward for her human sacrifice. Pas feels the gods are intruding on Glaucus’ day.  Minos says it’s also Ari’s day. Agatha sacrifices herself for the gods. In a flashback, Theseus opens the monument for Nax (Daniel Monks) to deliver a load of poop. Back to the present, the unveiling reveals a large pile of poop dedicated to the gods. Irate, Minos demands to know who is responsible and threatens punishment. Pas laughs as Ari escorts into the castle. The guards confiscate everyone’s cameras. Pas tells Ari that she was full of rage when she was born and Glaucus was quiet.

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Troytown – a Trojan (Rui Martins) is apprehended for defying the gods. The Queen of Troy, Hecuba (Gillian Cally), and her daughter-in-law, Andromache (Amanda Douge) are brought before Minos. Hecuba and Andromache witnessed their husbands’ murders. Andromache’s only child, Astyanax was thrown from the city’s walls when the Trojans surrendered. Both women deny any knowledge of the poop. Ari scolds them for dishonoring the gods. Smirking, Hecuba complains about being segregated. Ari assures her that it is necessary for their safety. Hecuba scoffs. Minus informs them that six Trojan 7 have been taken to the Labyrinth. Andromache vows to punish Trojan 7. He demands to know where Nax is hiding. She suggests they fled the city. He threatens to let the Minotaur kill all six Trojans if Nax doesn’t turn himself in by midnight.

Zeus (Jeff Goldblum) and his younger brother, Poseidon “God of the Sea” (Cliff Curtis) are having dinner aboard a ship. Zeus tells him about what happened to their monument in Heraklion. When Poseidon laughs, Zeus gets irritated with him. Poseidon says they treat the humans poorly because it is so easy. Zeus warns of what might happen if the humans aren’t afraid of them. Poseidon assures him that the humans can’t harm them and urges him to let Minos do his job. Zeus says Dionysus (Nabhaan Rizawan) asked for a promotion. Poseidon sarcastically suggests appointing him to Captain Chlamydia. Zeus demands he bring order to his city before disappearing. Poseidon calls Hera (Janet McTeer) to complain about Zeus. She tells him that Zeus believes he has a wrinkle. She urges him to obey Zeus. Poseidon restrains his servant (Natalia Espadas) down in the water and watches her fight for to survive.

Ari goes to confession. She tells The Tacita (Michelle Greenidge) that she has sexual desires for Theseus. Minos goes to confession to find Poseidon in the booth. Poseidon asks what he plans to do with the Trojans. Minos says six Trojans have been arrested and will be executed if Nax doesn’t turn himself in. Poseidon refuses to be lined to the dreadful statue before ordering all Trojans killed. Later, Ari suggests showing the Trojans mercy and letting them vote would give them a reason to honor the gods. Milo insists on punishing the Trojans. He assures her that she will be a great ruler. She sees the Furies pull up beside their limo on motorcycles. He doesn’t see them. At the castle, Ari greets Orpheus (Killian Scott) as he arrives for his concert. Theseus asks if she is really an Orpheus fan. She denies knowing any of his songs. He invites her to go with him to the Munis. She accepts his offer and skips the concert. Upon arrival, Ari and Theseus dress in civilian clothes. Carl Crixus (Slavko Sobin) and Hippolyta II (Selina Jones) prepare to fight to the death. Ari watches in horror as Hippolyta II cuts Crixus’ throat. She looks over to see The Furies staring at her. Hippolyta II is declared the winner. Crixus raises up, stabs her, and collapses. Ari admits to having no memory of Glaucus. Theseus reminds her that she was a baby when he died. She warns him that The Furies are out to get her because she killed Glaucus. He asks if she would save a life. She says yes.

Riddy Kaos Netflix

Theseus takes Ari to see Nax. He tells Nax that Ari is going to save the Trojans. Nax admits it was his idea. Theseus restrained Nax to keep him from turning himself in. He urges Ari to ask for Nax as a birthday gift. Nax says his people lost their rights, millions lost their lives, and the 15k left are barely surviving. She recognizes him as Astyanax. Hecuba and Andromache enter the room. Ari accuses Theseus of setting her up. Hecuba says he is the only hope their people have left. Nax calls him the secret prince. Ari agrees to ask Minos to give her Nax for her birthday. Upon arrival at the castle, Minos is shocked by Ari’s request. She pleads with him to let her save the Trojans for killing Glaucus. He agrees. She embraces him. A short time later, Theseus thanks Ari. Elsewhere, Cassandra (Billie Piper) watches the soldiers release the Trojans. Andromache embraces Nax. Cassandra urges them to flee. Nax assures her that it is okay. When Zeus finds out, he blames Poseidon. Minos is enjoying a bath when Poseidon joins him. Poseidon sticks his big toe into Minos’ mouth and orders him to do as he is told. Gagging, Minos agrees. Later, Poseidon has sex with Hera. He tells her that he would support a prophecy that would get rid of Zeus.

Theseus and Nax are having sex as armed guards prepare to raid their flat. The guards bust in and apprehend Nax while restraining Theseus. Once the Trojans are apprehended, Minos releases the Minotaur. Ari is awakened by a distant scream. She goes outside to find what is left of the Trojans hanging in the square. Devastated, Andromache blames her family. A guard restrains her. Ari races to confront Minos. He says the gods ordered it. She returns to her room to find The Furies waiting for her. Alecto says they heard about what happened to Glaucus. The episode ends.


Kaos Review

While acting as Ari’s bodyguard, Theseus is working with the Trojans. He and the Trojan leader, Nax, are lovers. Zeus calls for the execution of all seven Trojans. Theseus lures Ari away from the castle on her birthday to meet Nax, Hecuba’s grandson, and Andromache’s son. Nax is willing to sacrifice himself to save his fellow Trojans but Theseus won’t let him. Theseus pleads with Ari to ask Minos to pardon the Trojans as her birthday gift. He reluctantly agrees. While Poseidon finds the poop funny, Zeus demands the Trojans be executed. Minos is forced to recapture and let the Minotaur kill the Trojans.

Ari accidentally killed her twin brother, Glaucus, when they were infants. The Furies are a group that enforces justice for murder and other crimes. Ari sees The Furies and knows they are coming for her. She thinks saving the Trojans will save her own life but when they are killed, The Furies come for her.

Story progression is altered by the constant introduction of new characters. Only the final 15 minutes is worthy of a rating. The rest is filled with degenerate, boring scenes that add nothing to the story. The episode deserves a 5 out of 10.

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