s01e05 hotel portofino cecil

Hotel Portofino Series 3 Episode 6 Finale Recap

Masquerades – As the episode opens, Marco Bonacini (Giorgio Marchesi) is awakened by approaching barking dogs and voices. He hurries to dress and exits through the window before Francesco (Petar Bencic), Pietro (Mirko Soldano), and Vincenzo Danioni (Pasquale Esposito) burst into his flat. Danioni shouts out orders to the police officers. Marco can be seen on the roof.

Cecil Ainsworth (Mark Umbers) informs Bella Ainsworth (Natascha McElhone) of his plan to depart for Genoa on the morning train and reach London by Saturday. She says goodbye. Disappointed, he says after 30 years of marriage, she can’t speak civilly to him. She refuses until he pays what he owes her. He denies having the money to pay her. She leaves him alone on the patio. Lucian Ainsworth (Oliver Dench) tells Constance March (Louisa Binder) to meet him at 11pm while everyone is at the launch party. She misjudged him. He assures her that he will not change. She says he will be a cold-blooded killer and walks away. Bella samples a perfume and hopes hers is half as good. Claudine Pascal (Lily Frazer) receives a call from Monsieur Fleury (Enes Vejzovic) saying he will be there shortly. With half an hour to prepare for Fleury’s visit, Bella and Claudine rush to get everything ready for the launch.

bella ainsworth s01e03 hotel portofino

Danioni warns of what will happen if Marco isn’t found. Francesco tells him that a search warrant is needed to search Hotel Portofino. Danioni urges him to do it without delay. Cecil arrives to inform Danioni that he is going to Genoa to get his money. Danioni asks if he brought him Bella’s ring. Giving him two invitations to Bella’s launch party, Cecil says while he is there, he can fulfill his wish list. He leaves on friendly terms with Danioni.

Fleury and his daughter, Agnes (Dora Dimic Rakar), arrive at the hotel. Claudine introduces them to her business partner, Bella. Agnes tests Bella’s cosmetics. Sniffing, Fleury recognizes all the ingredients except for one. Constance tells him that it is grapefruit. Bella says women are nervous when they desire approval from a man. The next generation of more confident women like Agnes want to define beauty for themselves. She unveils her cosmetic trademark and brand, Sorelle which means Sisterhood. Agnes applauds and compliments Bella. Fleury tells Claudine that he feels pressured into making a decision. Amelia Jackson (Camilla Rutherford) says Bella did her part, now it is up to Fleury.

Lucian hurries to hide his loaded gun before letting Virat Sengupta (Gurjeet Singh) in. Virat asks how anyone could celebrate while Nish is in the woods. Lucian says Bella insists they dress for her launch party. Virat sees a bullet lying on the bed. Lucian puts it away. Alice Mays-Smith (Olivia Morris) receives a Cristofiori dress from Count Carlo Albani (Daniele Pecci). Ernesto Ballentine (Anthony Cozens) is so impressed that he insists she wear the dress for the show. Alice starts to argue but he walks away. Bella assures her that she will look fabulous. Alice questions if Carlo sent the dress. Bella informs her of his visit to Rome.

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Constance and Betty Scanlon (Elizabeth Carling) are putting the finishing touches on the pastries while Alice poses for them in her new dress. A short time later, Vito (Leonardo Pazzagli) asks Constance why she doesn’t want him to propose. He insists on giving her the engagement ring, regardless of the outcome of their relationship. Amelia and Bella insist George Livesey (David Schofield) attend the launch party. He would rather find a buyer for the hotel than waste his time meeting new customers that he will never supply. Bella claims to have a 2,000-pound bill of exchange for him. He argues that it is not nearly enough to pay off the loan. She claims to have enough money to pay her staff. Amelia urges Bella to collect lots of money from her guests while she is with George. A short time later, Marco tells Bella that he narrowly escaped arrest this morning. Danioni will kill him if he is caught. She suggests Danioni knows they found Nish’s remains. He says Lucian is in danger as well. She denies inviting Danioni to the launch party. He hides in her laboratory while she returns to the party.

Fleury is yet to accept Claudine and Bella’s business proposal. Billy Scanlon (Louis Healy) alerts Bella of Danioni’s arrival. Bella denies inviting him to the party. Francesco and Pietro ask the guests if they have seen Marco. Danioni says Cecil invited him before showing him Marco’s handkerchief found in the woods. A short time later, Bella warns Lucian. Billy offers to lure Danioni’s men from the hotel. Virat refuses to run from his fate. Billy convinces Salvatore (Bruno Nacinovich) to help execute his scheme by saying he will feel better knowing a strong man is taking care of Betty while he is in England. In the laboratory, Bella tells Marco that Cecil invited Danioni to the party. She tries to reassure him that Billy’s plan will work. As part of Billy’s scheme, Salvatore tells Francesco that Marco paid an earlier visit to the hotel and a boat is expected to arrive at midnight. Danioni says Salvatore is Pietro’s cousin before showing him his gun. From an upstairs window, Jack and Cecil watch all but three of Danioni’s men leave. Danioni demands Pietro search the hotel. Pietro reminds him that they don’t have a search warrant. Danioni suggests pretending to go to the loo but search the hotel.

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Cecil lures Danioni away from the party. Lucian sees Danioni’s men leaving Carlo is arriving. Bella tells him about Marco hiding in the laboratory. He claims a Carabinieri brigadier general is expected to arrive in the morning. She asks if he can be trusted. He says his friend, Enzo Colonna recommended him. Cecil gives Danioni a 60,000-pound check, 40,000 in cash, and Bella’s ring. Jack watches the transaction from another room. As Danioni reaches for the payout, Cecil stops him and says he deserves to die for causing his failed marriage. Danioni laughs and pats him on the cheek. Jack grabs Danioni from behind and puts a handkerchief over his mouth. Danioni struggles against Jack’s grip until he collapses to the floor. Lucian watches from outside the door. Cecil reaches for the gun but Jack stops him and retrieves the cash and check. Cecil pleads with him to not break their agreement. Jack tosses Bella’s ring on the table, wishes Cecil good luck, and leaves. As Cecil is preparing to put an unconscious Danioni into a boat, Lucian approaches and insists on doing it.

Claudine entertains the guests. Lucian tells Cecil that Danioni killed Nish. Cecil lays Danioni on the ground. Lucian draws his gun. Claudine’s performance continues. Unable to shoot Danioni, Lucian leaves him to Cecil. At the party, Alice, wearing her new Cristofiori dress, walks around the stage with the Sorelle trademark/Brand. Carlo claps along with all the other guests. At the pier, Cecil steers the boat, carrying Danioni’s body, away from the pier. Marco is hiding in the laboratory when he sees someone approaching. At the party, Fleury gives Claudine a folded paper. George says they were stupid to think Fleury would come through. Claudine hands him a check for 10,000 pounds. Bella thanks Fleury and Agnes from across the room. George apologizes for doubting Bella and says he is proud of her. Lucian tells Constance that he didn’t kill Danioni. She says her suitcases are packed. They kiss.

Constance Hotel Portofino BBC

Danioni wakes up he hits the water. Cecil holds his head down in the water until he stops struggling. As he laughs, Danioni pulls him into the water. Danioni yells for help. Cecil is trying to drown Danioni when his men arrive. He swims away. Pietro is breaking into Bella’s laboratory when a man asks him to come quickly. Marco is relieved. Cecil reaches the pier to find Danioni and Pietro waiting on him. Danioni says he will be hung. He orders Francesco to take Cecil to the police and come back to the hotel. Lucian assures Bella that Danioni will no longer bother them but he is leaving. She tells him about the general coming to investigate Nish’s death. He promises to come back after the investigation is complete. They embrace. He goes to retrieve his things. Bella embraces Marco before he leaves. Carlo professes to love Alice. She kisses him. Tommy and Constance leave to meet Lucian. Virat waits until Lucian is gone to retrieve the gun hidden under his bed.

Alice sees Cecil being escorted away from the hotel. Seeing Virat with a gun, Bella pursues him. Lucian finds Constance and Tommy waiting for him at the gate. He hears Bella pleading with Virat to stop. Dropping his bag, he races to help. Virat shoots Danioni in the chest. Cecil and Danioni wrestle over a gun when it backfires and hits Lucian in the chest. Bella tries to stop the bleeding and screams for help. Cecil races over to Lucian. Carlo leaves to call the doctor. Bella has been hit. Cecil applies pressure to her wound. Alice and Constance arrive. Bella is distraught. Cecil holds her. The episode ends.


Hotel Portofino Review

The finale is a major disappointment, not because of Lucian’s death but its many plot holes. There are far too many coincidences, implausible moments, and scenes left unexplained to take it seriously. It deserves a 5 out of 10.

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