Takemaro Sunny Apple TV

Sunny Season 1 Episode 6 Recap

Kyoto Manju, So Delicious –The episode begins with a very brief yet awkward grocery store scene where Noriko Sakamoto (Judy Ongg) steals supplies. After getting away with the deception, she returns back inside and blatantly tells the Cashier (Shusuke Wada) to keep an eye on her. The young man clearly doesn’t know what to think as she loads her hand cart with supplies and walks out.

Suzie Sakamoto (Rashida Jones) and Mixxy’s (Annie The Clumsy) meeting with Detective Okubo (Masayuki Yamada) is no less awkward not only due to the fact that Suzie is reporting a missing homebot, but the fact that Okubo is in a neck brace. Things only become more strained when Mixxy steps away to take a call. It is not long after this that Okubo discovers Suzie is talking about a missing homebot and refers her to the local lost and found.

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Outside, Suzie becomes even more frustrated after learning that Mixxy is ditching her to return to the bar, Ochiba, to help ready it for a big promotional event. As Mixxy explains this to Suzie Takemaro (Mio Narumi) continually interrupts until Suzie relents and takes the offering. After biting into the treat, she discovers a piece of Sunny (Joanna Sotomura) inside, along with the ominous threat that there will be another piece every hour that Suzie refuses to comply with the Yakuza’s instructions.

Complying with the instructions eventually leads to Suzie getting abducted from a street corner. She goes from frightened to irate the moment she realizes it is Hime (You) behind her escapade. It doesn’t take Suzie long to learn that Hime wants to use her to access Masa Sakamoto’s (Hidetoshi Nishijima) computer. This doesn’t go so well and only leads to Suzie accusing Hime of being behind the 405 flight while Hime denies it. As their conversation continues, it is revealed that Hime has been keeping a close watch on Suzie’s every movement, including watching her at home. As things become more heated, Hime begins teasing her about being so desperate to get involved with Masa without practically knowing anything about him. Things become serious when Tetsu (Shin Shimizu) shows up and draws Hime aside to tell her about the passing of her father. Although Suzie is given two opportunities to open Masa’s computer, she is much more interested in Hime’s conversation.

Rashida Jones Sunny Apple TV

Despite her lack of knowledge of the local dialect, Suzie overhears enough to know that Hime has just experienced a loss. She attempts to use that to her advantage when Hime returns. As Suzie continues to offer condolences and mentions the conversation she overheard at the sento, Hime keeps trying to turn her attention back to the laptop. Hime eventually hears enough, smacks her in the face, and orders her men to get Mixxy.

Two goons eventually show up at the bar but are immediately told by Mixxy’s boss that they are closed. Although they agree to wait outside, Mixxy is wise enough to understand their intent. Suzie inadvertently unlocks Masa’s laptop when she shoots Hime the bird and tells her to f*uck off. With the laptop unlocked, Suzie is no longer needed and returned home where she is met by Mixxy but Sunny appears to remain AWOL.

Despite Mixxy appearing extremely touched upon learning that Suzie opened the laptop to save her life, their conversation doesn’t get much further thanks to a call from Detective Okubo. The call eventually leads to Suzie learning about Noriko’s arrest. Mixxy agrees to stay at Suzie’s house while she visits Noriko in jail.

Hemis father Sunny Apple TV

While Mixxy begins cleaning Suzie’s apartment, Suzie begins to suspect that Noriko’s arrest was intentional, leading to her deciding to leave Noriko locked up. Mixxy immediately becomes frightened when there’s a knock at Suzie’s door, followed by what appears to be more Yakuza demands. After unsuccessfully reaching Suzie, Mixxy finds herself at the local temple where Sunny is waiting. By the time Suzie returns home, Sunny and Mixxy are on their way home, although Sunny does not appear to be in the best of condition.

The episode ends with Sunny crashing face-first to the ground.


Sunny Review

Although this was nothing more than a filler episode, I think I found it more enjoyable than some of the more important episodes. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that the episode was so short and straight to the point. I did get a kick out of the opening scene but I am not entirely sure why Noriko is acting out. Is she simply confused, looking for comfort, or in desperate for attention?

I am glad that the episode ended with finding Sunny. At least this will be one more problem partially solved for the next episode. That said, I’m sure the majority of that episode will likely be Sunny’s recuperation. I would like to know what is discovered on Masa’s laptop. The episode easily deserved a 5.5 out of 10 based on the mere fact that it was sweet and straight to the point.

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