The True Reader Bookstore Austin ITV

Austin Series 1 Episode 1 Recap

Episode 1 begins with Austin Hogan (Michael Theo) dispensing what is most likely considered ‘unwanted advice’ as he makes his way through what appears to be some sort of warehouse. Although Eric (Richard Davies) wishes him the best of luck tomorrow, it immediately becomes clear that Austin isn’t too fond of him. Secondly, later, Austin is wished luck again as he steps on the bus and greets the driver, Tam (Maxwell Siulangapo).

At the Canberra Hotel, Julian Hartswood (Ben Miller) learns from Heidi (Kate Elliott) that Dymocks Book Store has canceled his signing due to him inadvertently retweeting a white supremacist’s quote. Things only get worse when he relays the information to Ingrid Hartswood (Sally Phillips) and discovers her toying with a new Big Bear design. Despite the hiccup, he assures her that the incident won’t affect the remainder of their tour and Heidi’s PR people will have everything resolved first thing tomorrow.

Big Bear Julian Ingrid Austin ITV ABC Australia

Ingrid is later offered a lucrative illustration position by Monica (Zahra Newman) from Stone and Crow while Julian works over the phone with Odin (Scout Boxall) to find a replacement store to host their signing. Although Ingrid would much rather have taken the free day, she agrees to go along with him.

It only takes seeing the Germanic Font and the multiple copies of Mein Kampi to make Ingrid regret her decision. Julian, on the other hand, appears to be too preoccupied with getting everything arranged for the signing. By the time Ingrid manages to bring this to his attention, it’s nearly too late. Things are only further complicated when Austin shows up, claiming to be Julian’s son. Julian initially takes him for a crazed fan but under the advisement of Ingrid, the trio end up in a nearby café to further discuss matters.

Julian is immediately defensive and refuses to even entertain the possibility of being Austin’s father until he mentions the name, Mel Hogan (Gia Carides). There is a bit of back and forth and prodding from Ingrid but it isn’t until Austin assures him that he isn’t seeking financial restitution that Julian agrees to take a DNA test. Despite Austin having a home test, Julia never gets around to taking it because it is at this time that Ingrid learns Julian couldn’t be Austin’s father without having an affair.

Michael Theo Austin ABC Australia ITV

Although they would have only been dating for 2 months, this discovery is too much for Ingrid to bear and leads to her storming out of the cafe. Julian briefly goes after her to no avail. While Julian returns to the café and takes Austin’s contact information, Ingrid leaves Monica a voice message, confirming that she would like to discuss other potential career opportunities.

When Austin returns home to break the depressing news to Mel and Bill Hogan (Roy Billing), Julian attends a video conference call with Heidi and her PR guru, Russell (Mitchell Butel). It isn’t until Julian admits to not having any black friends and doing little charity work over the years that they realize how screwed he is. This is until Heidi mentions receiving an e-mail alert about someone potentially being Julian’s son attending the signing. The autism is all Russell needs to hear.


Austin Review

I must say that I am surprised by how the show handled some of the more delicate issues. It’s not that the show is groundbreaking or anything and Michael Theo certainly doesn’t do the role of Austin any favors, but there are some very interesting takes on things here. I probably would have been more receptive if race wasn’t such a big issue right out of the gate. That said, it did serve its purpose and the further exploitation of the autistic Austin opens the door for a whole handful of possibilities.

This episode deserves at least a 5.3 out of 10 and another opportunity. I wouldn’t feel I gave it appropriate justice if I simply gave up after one viewing.

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